Monday, March 29, 2010

My Visitor

I am a culture fanatic, and I was blown away by what had to be a random search. So for the record, here's my heart about culture...

I am an imperfect person, that is an imperfect Christian, striving to serve and be more obedient to Christ, to better serve His people. I love all people, from every walk of life! I have friends that are more affluent, and some like myself that are so poor that they cannot afford to pay attention. Even the imperfect Christian knows that no two people are the same. I had a visitor from Russia this month! Even if it was random, and they never stop by again I am blessed with their presence. I would have loved to have met them on my blog even if it was just the one time!

Some folks hear Russia mentioned and think first and only about Communism. Well I am certain that Communist or not, not all Russian's are bad people, and would pray that all, nor any Russian for that matter would see any American, as self righteous, or holier than thou, just based on one person's action, or belief. Don't get me wrong, I am an American and very proud of it, but do not want anyone to think that I am a snobbish American. I have imperfect friends that are not imperfect Christians, but I still love them. I would like to say that they dig me, and love me back too. I have friends that I cannot talk to about Patriotism, or spirituality, or at least not without having a misunderstanding. I have an open mind, but not so open that my little brain would fall out of it, and not so closed that it can't take in sound advice, and love. Holier than thou, better than you Christian, nope, just the imperfect one that will share the love of Christ with you, until you run from it. Force it on you? No more than you force me to listen to the profanities of the world. So to my families blessed with diversity, this blog is for you!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Foreign or Domestic?

We believe in using everything to it's full potential. We have a 98 Toyota Pick-up that has 275,000+ miles on it, and has run like a charm! We have a Chevy that is 5 years old this fall that has 200K + miles.

The Yota has never had any nickel and dime problems. I have neglected it, and literally driven it like I have stolen it! The leaf springs are shot, and it's like riding in your child's bouncy seat if the road is rough, but it will burn the tires off the rear end, when you dump the clutch! The experts told me that a four banger (in-line 4 cylinder) couldn't make it to a quarter million miles without an overhaul. Well what do the experts know!

The Chevy has had to have a few replacement parts, and things wear out when you constantly use it. However, the one thing that really bugs me is the stinking security system. Here's how it works:
Chevy puts a theft deterrent system in the ignition. You go to your car, and the car does not start. You think at first... hmmm the battery is dead! Wrong! You try to jump the car off, and nothing! Then someone will ask you if it's the starter. Wrong again! Finally you ask an honest mechanic, and Mr. Honestwrench tells you about the security system. Here's how it works:
You put the key in the ignition switch, then you try to turn it over. The switch clicks, and you get nothing. So you turn the key all the way over to the "OFF" position. You then remove the key from the switch. After that reinsert the key, and turn it to the "ON" position. Leave it there for a few two or three minutes and eat up some battery, to give your four wheeled PC enough time to think about when it will end your frustration by starting again, then turn the key back to the "OFF" position again and leave it fully in the switch. Prepare to sit for 10-15 minutes, or walk off the desire to set your car on fire, and go book shopping. When you return you should be good to go. If not don't call me! I am going to ride nothing but Yamaha's one day, and have not one worry about vehicles, health care, medical worries, financial worries, economic worries, political worries, or a worriers worries! Until that day I have to ask myself, do I buy another car that will not run in 5 years, or one that won't stop running for 5 seconds after I push the brake pedal, and the accelerator has stuck and is pushing you toward 90 mph? Hmmmm.... will have to pray on that one!

Here's to the Christians that ride two wheels!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Three Strikes, You're Out!

"How many times should I forgive my brother Lord?"

How many times in life do you want God to forgive you?

I have wondered how two (2) guys can square off in the ring, and then hug afterwards. I mean at least I feel that way about the ones that talk smack for 90 days, and then try to literally kill one another. Then after it's over see it as just business as usual, and hug and make up after the fight. Some folks may have had a fight in third grade, grow up, and still be so immature that they can't find a way to shake the hate.

Well here's what God says...
Pete, you pitched a good game, you managed to strike out friend number one on three pitches, but being a good sport, you doubled his chances, plus one and gave him four more strikes, but nonetheless you still struck him out! Why not give him 70 times 7 in his chances, and better your odds at keeping a few friends? I am the only friend you have that homers at every at bat, and pitches a perfect game every outting..." (Matthew 18:22)

Father if I have one friend that I have offended, or hurt, I pray for that 7-70 rule. If I have a friend that feels that they are in need of the 7-70 rule, then I pray that You, our Sovereign Arranger, would bless me with seeing that, and having the time that I need to make it right. I give You the praise Lord God, and ask for Your forgiveness in all of my sin, and give thanks for Your taking my place at the Cross. Blessed be Your name Lord Jesus. Amen.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

The Map (Review)

Image used with permission via The Thomas Nelson Publishing Company (For review purposes only)

The Map is written by David Murrow. Mr. Murrow takes you on a personal, but fictional journey in the first half of his book. It is a thriller that keeps you thinking with every turn. His journey spans across the oceans, and involves a mountain that all men should make their personal endeavor to climb. It is a fictional story that could easily be turned into an awesome screen play one day.

The Map is split into two parts. The first as I mentioned above is a fictional narrative. The second half of the book a survey, and study of the book of Matthew. Mr. Murrow uses simple illustrations and modern parables on how each path, trail, and trial should be navigated. Mr. Murrow explores the Hebrew culture to explain his Map, and how three phases/journey's (submission, strength, and sacrifice) based on the writing of Matthew can lead men to their mountain tops, and fulfill their life long quest to be Christ-like. Mr. Murrow challenges his readers (specifically his male readers) not to abandon one for the other, but to embrace each one, in their maturing.

I would pray that anyone that I encounter would see without question that I am a Christian by my testimony and lifestyle. However, to know me as a reader you will come to find that I am a thrill seeker. The first ten (10) chapters had my full attention. I couldn't wait to finish reading The Map, so I could rush out and buy Mr. Murrow's first book, "Why Men Hate Going to Church." The thrill seeker in me was a bit disappointed. If I wanted a study guide I would look into a book designed for study. To end such a thrilling fiction novel and then transition into a study or a survey, was a bit of a let down. My overall thoughts would have me conclude that this great fictional novel turned into a mediocre two part book.

The imperfect Christian received a complimentary copy of this book via the Thomas Nelson Publishing Company. The imperfect Christian received no funds for expressing his thoughts at will in his blog.

Glass Houses...

Jesus said to the Scribes, and Pharisee's when they were prepared to stone an adulterous woman to death, "He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone." (John 8:3)

Then there was the Samaritan woman that John spoke of in chapter 4... Jesus asked her for water, and she questioned Him relentlessly about her relationship to Him (Her being recognized as a Samaritan, and Jesus being recognized as a Jew). She brought up the point that Jews and Samaritans did not associate with one another. He explained Himself, and told her of the "Living Water," and how anyone that would partake in it, would never being thirsty again. Then Jesus instructed the woman to get her husband. She said that she did not have a husband. Amazing as to how we try to lie our way out of things huh? Even more amazing as to how we react when we get caught in a lie! In case you are wondering I am not throwing any rocks! Jesus said to her that she was true in saying that she did not have "a" husband, because she had taken five, and that the one that she was staying with at that time was not her husband. She then saw Jesus as a prophet, and not as God in the flesh, and He had to reveal the truth to her, so even a five year old could understand it.

I have looked at those who chose to be victims, and I did not see my own choosing. I have looked at those addicted, and did not see my own addiction. I have been truly sorry, and then again I have been sorry only to get caught. Which woman was worse, the woman that had five husbands, and was staying with a sixth man (not a husband), or the one that they caught with only one? Before you answer that ask yourself in a serious sense, "What would Jesus (say) Do?" Do you have an addiction? Is it alcohol, drugs, sex, or something else? Why do you serve the addiction, and not Christ? Let's go even deeper, let's say you don't know Christ yet like you should. Why do you serve the addiction, the sin, instead of your family? Oh you're single, so why serve the addiction and the sin, rather than serve yourself? Why is the sin good to you? I can't answer for anyone else, but for me, to escape reality for a milli-second, and to feel like I was free, seemed to make things better. It's easy to be a Barney Christian! "Let's pretend that immorality is OK for a day boys and girls!" Sorry I couldn't stand that purple dinosaur! I had to come to realize that the truth is, the further you allow yourself to be swept into the fantasy world, the further away you fall from the real world. From true life, from eternal life.

Don't dream of a happy family, don't say one day my house will be a home, create it now! Drop your rocks, and stand on The ROCK!

Father God in the name of Jesus, forgive me as I look down my nose at others. Forgive me as I wallow in self pity. Forgive me for the times that I do not put You first. Lord let me focus on You, and not the crimes of others, nor the sins in my own house, that they would over shadow Your mercy and grace in my life. Let me pray in thanksgiving, giving You all the glory. Thank You Lord, for loving me. Amen.

Prayer requests, comments, discussions can be made here, or on the website in the upmost of confidence:

Or you can just ask Christ into your heart right now, and give Him everything. If you listen for His call in your life, get into a good Bible based church, and surround yourself with loving brother's and sister's I can assure you of three things:

1.) You will still be imperfect, however, 2.) Your life will be better, because you will see the perfection of Christ through the imperfections of self, and others. 3.) He will see you through! No matter what the situation, He can handle it, when we can't, He will deliver you!

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Go-Rillin' In The Mist

Well it was warm enough, and even dry enough with a light mist, to have the Koop Troop Monthly BBQ! Daddy usually doesn't boast about his grill skill, but when all the kids say that it was so good that they ate too fast, and mama asks for seconds, daddy feels pretty darn good about it! But the kicker was baby girl saying that she was full, and couldn't eat anymore, but doing the opposite. She passed on the beef, potatoes, and carrots, but then got a whiff of the smokey grilled hamburger, and said daddy can I have a burger! And then after eating her main course, she ate half of my burger! I was needless to say, very, very, puffed! Go daddy had a whole new meaning! He cooked something that baby girl enjoyed and wasn't to full to get more of. That is a very high ranking accomplishment! Tops the list for now that's for sure!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

We Are The World...

OK people have spotted Elvis in ham slices, and Jesus in pancakes, so why not Michael Jackson on a flyer from a hotel? He had the Moonwalk, Moonraker vids, talked about the Man on the Moon, and the Man In The Mirror, well now I give you the Guy on the Globe!
The Arctic Ocean, spilling into the Atlantic Ocean is his hair. Just below Greenland (which isn't very green at all) and its Southern Island friend is his brow, and the inlet is his eye closed. The large bay just north of Quebec, and Ontario would be his nose (pre last nose job), and the Great Lakes his withering wrinkled lips.
So there you have it, my MJ sighting. I wonder if the hotel is privy to this?

Monday, March 8, 2010

All Things Bloggable...

Ok we finally had an official winter... Snow on the ground since Christmas! It was great to see a true winter season.

It is just as great and blessed to have Spring in the air! Even the deer in my field (look to the upper middle portion of the picture) are a little more playful! Just a bit of snow left, but look at the sunshine!

Now if the summer is as fair, and we have a few showers to keep things in order, and keep water levels up nice, that would be awesome! Did someone mention the beach? That pic to be added later this summer. (Smile)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Get A Little Closer?

Remember that slogan from the Arid deodorant ads?

They would say, "Get a little closer, now don't be shy..."

I have to wonder sometimes if people don't get a little too close. You know? You tell someone something and you think to yourself, what was I thinking in telling him/her that!?

Ms. Joyce a wonderful minister used to say, "I don't keep secrets, if you tell me something I will tell everybody I know about it!" She did this because she didn't want to lose a friend over being wrongly accused. The Dean of Academics at my Bible College would say, "I keep things in confidence, but I do not keep secrets." His reasoning was that if you asked him to pray for you, that he might ask others to pray also, but not reveal who you were. In any case, God knows the need.

I saw families break up, and friendships end over the 2008 Presidential Elections. I have witnessed people make requests, not necessarily tell someone a secret, but just ask someone to pray, and miscommunication would lead to a break. What caused the miscommunication? In the majority if not all cases, haste! We are a rushed and hurried society. Time is money! Just what you want to hear right? I grew up in the microwave society, and now I am raising my kids in the igeneration. Instant, immediately, anyway how, me, mine, do it now! Does this sound familiar?

"Hey pal we've been friends since grade school can I burden you with something?"

"Sure thing, but it will cost you..." "I don't have much time, so..." (deaf ear turned)

Wow, thank you! Everything comes at a price now. What are you willing to pay, or sacrifice?

Pastor doesn't have time to listen, your best friend doesn't have time to listen, no one has time to listen, or talk until their spouse passes away, or a divorce takes place, then who needs an ear? Is that you? I don't want it to be me!

Christ already felt all of the pain, and anxiety. He knows how it feels, He took it all in one day, on one Cross, for one people, His people, all of humanity! Do you have favor, sure as a Christian you have favor, but God is no respecter of persons. God loves us all, even the sinner who chooses to turn his back on Him.

So if you are looking to draw closer to your spouse, your friends, or even that stranger, then don't be shy. If you draw closer to God, He will draw closer to you, and those that are closer to Him "truly closer" will also be closer to you! Don't force a closeness. Jordan would say, don't force the game, let the game come to you. You don't force closeness to friends, family, or a total stranger, you just get that closeness when you allow God to sovereignly arrange those steps. Prayer for today based on James 4:8

The devils roam is only for a season, don't let it ruin one of yours!

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J