Friday, November 11, 2011


On Eleven-Eleven not so long ago,
was born a baby girl w/ eyes all aglow.
The angels rejoiced as God planned,
Knowing God blessed us creating you with His hands.

The "Fingerprints of God" are all over you.
To know that is to understand DW.
So on your big day, I wish you heaven,
Here's to your day 11/11/11

A prize like you should not be ignored,
To precious to be put away, hidden, or stored.
Not to be kept like a trophy left sitting on a shelf,
I am so thankful God did not keep you to Himself!

Happy Birthday DW

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When Is Your Due Season?

Is there a time and place for every season...

According to the Bible there is.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" Ecclesiastes III:1 (KJV)

Author of best selling literature, pastor of Saddleback Church, and multi talented Rick Warren says that we are here with a purpose driven life on this earth.

We go thru seasons, good ones, and bad ones. How can we determine how to make those transitions work in our favor? How do the good ones glorify God, and how can we find a way to glorify God in good and the bad?

Friday, October 28, 2011

Cleanliness Is Next To...

The old cliche` says that cleanliness is next to godliness right? Kind of like the Gospel wouldn't you think? We keep our minds, and bodies free from worldly garbage.

The Drive Thru light is out, because the imperfect Christian did a drive by... not a shooting, but a drive by scooting. Cause he was cruising along in fine fashion.

The imperfect Christian read a story about a woman in Arizona that warned other parents at her local McDonald's about bodily fluid, and other bacteria that could be harmful to other children in the play area, and she was sent a legal notice stating that they (Mickey D's) had banned her from the area McDonald's! Yes plural "McDonald's." They wouldn't have to worry about sending a notice banning the imperfect Christians' crew! If the imperfect one walks into a restaurant, and their sanitation grade is below 95, then the imperfect Christian bans them!

So for all of you parents that just turn your kids loose, please watch the video in the link below, and watch what you put your kids through. If a restaurant or establishment does not match up spiritually and gets below a 100 in spirit (100 being good wholesome service), then that establishment is banned from the imperfect Christians "to do business with" list. Don't get the imperfect Christian wrong, but if an establishment does not treat his family right, or if that establishment exposes their clientele to a hell on earth, then they are banned. The imperfect Christians' family is not so heavenly minded, that they are of no earthly good, they are not a "holier-than-thou" family, but they are not demons in the wait either!

Do not dwell in the counsel of the wicked, but instead dwell among the wicked and counsel!
Proverbs XII:5

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Neil Diamond made a song about me... Reverend Bluejeans & The Wise Woman

For Reverend Bluejeans... Neil Diamond was a great song writer! Do you remember the Levi's commercial with Travis? Travis comes riding in, and the lady stands on the porch, and says... "Travis you're a year too late!" Well the Fourth Wiseman, was a tad late too, or he would have been included in the story of the birth of Jesus. The Fourth Wiseman missed the birth of Jesus, but understood what was going on. His peers called him, "Reverend Bluejeans." He referred to himself as the "imperfect priest." Well the imperfect preacher would have been there, but he was waiting on his sister to pick him up. Her name was Nay. She was two hours late getting to the imperfect preachers house to pick him up. This is where the term "Slower than Christmas" comes from. The imperfect preacher called her Re-Nay, cause every time he asked her if he could drive she'd say, "nay, nay!" She wouldn't let anyone hold the reigns to the XJSpitz...That's where Jaguar got there XJ series from. Nay was smart like that. That's why she was known as the Wise WOman. They were supposed to go to a funeral just before Christ was born, but Nay was late getting there for that as well. Why Nay even came to the imperfect preachers wedding late, no wait, that was the imperfect preachers fault, he didn't get the formal invitations out in time. CPT (colored people time) runs deep in this family, even in the non-colored section. Nay called an informal church service on the mountain to pray over this family curse, and you know she was late for that, and still hasn't shown up! Oops, meant to read, "She was even later for that event." This was the first week of the quest of the imperfect preacher finding the Messiah Child.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Just Simply Grateful... 11/11/11

Some would not credit President Lincoln with the abolishment of slavery. Some may not give credit to President Obama for signing an end to the war in Iraq. The imperfect one is simply grateful, that God allowed this, and that, to finally come to an end, regardless of whom, signed what. Hopefully below are the words that will put into action, the reuniting of our troops with their families, our family, the American family. GOD Bless America. Remembering all that served, in every branch of service!



James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

12:49 P.M. EDT

     THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  As a candidate for President, I pledged to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible end -- for the sake of our national security and to strengthen American leadership around the world.  After taking office, I announced a new strategy that would end our combat mission in Iraq and remove all of our troops by the end of 2011.

As Commander-in-Chief, ensuring the success of this strategy has been one of my highest national security priorities.  Last year, I announced the end to our combat mission in Iraq.  And to date, we’ve removed more than 100,000 troops.  Iraqis have taken full responsibility for their country’s security.

A few hours ago I spoke with Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki.  I reaffirmed that the United States keeps its commitments.  He spoke of the determination of the Iraqi people to forge their own future.  We are in full agreement about how to move forward.

So today, I can report that, as promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year.  After nearly nine years, America’s war in Iraq will be over.

Over the next two months, our troops in Iraq -- tens of thousands of them -- will pack up their gear and board convoys for the journey home.  The last American soldier[s] will cross the border out of Iraq with their heads held high, proud of their success, and knowing that the American people stand united in our support for our troops.  That is how America’s military efforts in Iraq will end.

But even as we mark this important milestone, we’re also moving into a new phase in the relationship between the United States and Iraq.  As of January 1st, and in keeping with our Strategic Framework Agreement with Iraq, it will be a normal relationship between sovereign nations, an equal partnership based on mutual interests and mutual respect.

In today’s conversation, Prime Minister Maliki and I agreed that a meeting of the Higher Coordinating Committee of the Strategic Framework Agreement will convene in the coming weeks.  And I invited the Prime Minister to come to the White House in December, as we plan for all the important work that we have to do together.  This will be a strong and enduring partnership.  With our diplomats and civilian advisors in the lead, we’ll help Iraqis strengthen institutions that are just, representative and accountable.  We’ll build new ties of trade and of commerce, culture and education, that unleash the potential of the Iraqi people.  We’ll partner with an Iraq that contributes to regional security and peace, just as we insist that other nations respect Iraq’s sovereignty.

     As I told Prime Minister Maliki, we will continue discussions on how we might help Iraq train and equip its forces -- again, just as we offer training and assistance to countries around the world.  After all, there will be some difficult days ahead for Iraq, and the United States will continue to have an interest in an Iraq that is stable, secure and self-reliant.  Just as Iraqis have persevered through war, I’m confident that they can build a future worthy of their history as a cradle of civilization.

     Here at home, the coming months will be another season of homecomings.  Across America, our servicemen and women will be reunited with their families.  Today, I can say that our troops in Iraq will definitely be home for the holidays. 

This December will be a time to reflect on all that we’ve been though in this war.  I’ll join the American people in paying tribute to the more than 1 million Americans who have served in Iraq.  We’ll honor our many wounded warriors and the nearly 4,500 American patriots -- and their Iraqi and coalition partners -- who gave their lives to this effort.

And finally, I would note that the end of war in Iraq reflects a larger transition.  The tide of war is receding.  The drawdown in Iraq allowed us to refocus our fight against al Qaeda and achieve major victories against its leadership -- including Osama bin Laden.  Now, even as we remove our last troops from Iraq, we’re beginning to bring our troops home from Afghanistan, where we’ve begun a transition to Afghan security and leadership.  When I took office, roughly 180,000 troops were deployed in both these wars.  And by the end of this year that number will be cut in half, and make no mistake:  It will continue to go down. 

Meanwhile, yesterday marked the definitive end of the Qaddafi regime in Libya.  And there, too, our military played a critical role in shaping a situation on the ground in which the Libyan people can build their own future.  Today, NATO is working to bring this successful mission to a close.

So to sum up, the United States is moving forward from a position of strength.  The long war in Iraq will come to an end by the end of this year.  The transition in Afghanistan is moving forward, and our troops are finally coming home.  As they do, fewer deployments and more time training will help keep our military the very best in the world.  And as we welcome home our newest veterans, we’ll never stop working to give them and their families the care, the benefits and the opportunities that they have earned. 

This includes enlisting our veterans in the greatest challenge that we now face as a nation -- creating opportunity and jobs in this country.  Because after a decade of war, the nation that we need to build -- and the nation that we will build -- is our own; an America that sees its economic strength restored just as we’ve restored our leadership around the globe.

Thank you very much.

                             END           12:55 P.M. EDT

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How Gay Is It Now!?

Some of you may not remember the movie "Philadelphia," with Tom Hanks, Antonio Banderas, and Denzel Washington. Dizzell's (Washington's) character was the attorney for the life partnered characters portrayed by Hanks, and Banderas. It is a very touching movie, and also a very educational movie. The scene that I think changed Washington's character most, however, was the scene where the tall, athletic football player from Penn State walked into the corner drug store, and recognized Washington's character as the famed attorney. The football player with mild conversation, asks the attorney out on a date. The attorney somewhat offended, told the football player to get out of his face, before he stuck foot to him. The football player explained calmly, to the attorney but with a high level of intensity, that he was a collegiate receiver that could bench press over 400lbs, ran a 4.3 in the 40, and took hits from other collegiate athletes that hit a lot harder than the everyday average Joe, and as the football player walked out he brushed the attorney as he walked past on his way out, and said, "I like to see you try!" Referring to the whole kick your butt attitude from the attorney. The attorney, stood in silence, and had a Jack Handy moment... he thought deeply on what had just taken place. Now that's not everyday, but that was an awesome lesson taught in a lenient way that could have been dealt out with a much more harsh reality. On the other hand, the imperfect Christian knows an attorney that is very athletic in his own right, knows Isshinryu Karate, and had earned a Black Belt if the old memory serves the imperfect one correctly, so even a big gay receiver could possibly meet his match.

This is not everyday either, but a loud mouth kid standing 5 foot nothing, and about 150lbs kept bad mouthing gay people at a gas station one morning, and a much taller, stronger looking 6 footer, walked by him at the gas station, and said something to the affect of, "Keep running that pretty yap, you are the perfect height to talk about a being gay like that!"

Again, for the record, the imperfect Christian is not a belligerent person, and does not condone sin, not even his own, but people should just be more considerate. The imperfect Christian has not been so insecure to ask another person about their preferences before allowing them to be his friend, co-worker, or hired hand. As the old cliche goes, "what you do behind closed doors is yours." What you do on the open floor, regardless of preference can get you fired, cause you to lose a friend, or possibly get you jailed if it belongs behind closed doors! Just some food for thought.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

Sunday, October 9, 2011


This title could be a Twitter trend right? The trend starts with, "Have you ever...? then ask your question, and send your tweet. Well here's the imperfect Christians, "Have you ever..." trend:

Have you ever wondered if everyone is just a bit mental, and that even the people that seem the most sane to you, have moments of insanity?

Have you ever had someone send you a private message on a social network, then after you reply, they ask you not to text them?

Have you ever had to explain, that you didn't text them, you replied to their private message?

Have you ever sat near a group of people that was so messed up, that they felt that their crowd of 5 was as big as 55, & that qualifies them for celebrity status?

Have you ever laughed to yourself and thought, not only does no one know who you are, but no one (including the 5 you're with) cares?

Have you ever wondered what makes some people feel like they are important enough to be so inconsiderate to others, when you and they both know that no one is worth that?

Have you ever had a little girl that you do not even know, remind you of the love of Christ, by saying, "Thank you" after she allows you to help her?

Have you ever had one act of kindness override an entire days worth of foolishness?

Well have you ever?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Healing An Extreme Relationship

You ever do something really bad, then think... "What the heck was I thinking, or better yet, why wasn't I thinking!" Well the imperfect Christian has been right there with you. Friends, careers, family (home and church), are all based on relationships.

So why is it that relationships hold no value at all anymore?

Family value...
Adam loved Eve so much, that he sinned against God. He listened to his wife, rather than God, and we all see where that got him right? God not only introduced Adam to Eve, He gave her to him. From his own being: flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone, God blessed him, and Adam lost his mind, and more or less said, "Ok Lord, I have it from here." This wasn't the old, "My homeboy just hooked me up, dawg I owe you big!" introduction, this was ordained by God almighty. So why is it we do not value "our" relationships that way?

Career value...
We work for/with others, and/or others work for or with us. But we will treat people in our own companies like our enemies. Saul had David, and could have used his talent to make himself look (better than) good. Instead he tried to have David killed, and was the one that ended up losing it all.

Value of Friendship...
Friends are a dime a dozen right? If someone treats you well, oh well, so what, there is a world filled with people just itching to be your friend right? Why be committed to being kind to anyone that is not paying bills in your honor, or feeding every lustful desire you have?

The imperfect Christian believes a few kids need a bit more home training. Don't misinterpret now, the imperfect Christian did not say that children need abuse, but bless the Lord o' my poor soul, some kids just need a good wearing out before they get too old and hard headed to care, and end up incarcerated, or worse... dead! Don't spare the rod, spare the rubber, and if you need some new rubber, and wear a size 11 or 12 the imperfect Christian has probably got a shoe that you can wear and put to somebodies backside! Now again don't get the imperfect one wrong. Some kids have great parents. You know who you are. You are the parent that doesn't give in, the parent that can't be bribed. You are the parent that does not have the main goal of making your child(ren) your best friend, and allows your child(ren) to get by with murder. Some kids have all the upbringing in the world, and still end up rotten to the core. They are the kids that are like the "I'm good I've been water baptized bunch, so now I have a ticket to sin." Again don't misinterpret, not saying that water baptism is bad, what the imperfect one is saying, is that he learned from his Grandmama that some people go in a dry devil, and come out a wet one. (Via Pastor Baker Baptism 101)... People only lookout for #1, and don't care about anything, or anybody else.

So what do you value? What do relationships at home, at church, at work, or in public mean to you? Love thy enemy, and love thy neighbor as thyself? Or as a whole are we becoming the society that embraces the love of hate over everything? And again America, and all it's wonderful Christians wonder why the world hates us so. Hmm... nation full of hypocrites, Jesus would call us all lying, thieving vipers, and start turning tables over right now if He were still in flesh on this planet. It is a sad, sad thing! Yes, the imperfect one sees those three fingers pointing back at him (thanks Brotha Bamm Bamm for point that out, no pun intended), and only one at the accused. However, if the shoe fits... walk it out baby, walk it out!

You know the deal...

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Detroit and Georgia now have bans on saggy bottoms. Who's singing "Pants On The Ground," right now? But a better question is, who are the authorities picking on? Are they gaining $4,000 in fines and losing $40,000 in other crimes, or in man power to enforce this law? A warning because you drawers are exposed? "Wear a belt young man/lady!" Isn't that unconstitutional somewhere?

The imperfect Christian read a blog that his immediate supervisor turned him onto. The blog is written by James Altucher. Mr. Altucher says, "If I stand in the center of Times Square New York City and said something like 'Moses didn’t part the Red Sea' or 'Jesus never existed' everyone would just keep walking around me, ignoring what I said, etc. Whatever, they would be thinking, I have things to do, very important things that have to get done. And this guy is clearly crazy so not worth my time.

But if I stood there and said, “going to college is the worst sin you can force your kids to commit”, or “you should never vote again” or “World War II was not a holy war” or “never own a home again”, I would probably be lynched on the spot."

Christians claim to be Christians, and tell you that they put God before everything, yet they will cling to a man made law over His. More people in the past three years have used the term, "It's unconstitutional," than they have used, "It's a sin, and unpleasing to God."

What are you saying? Now the imperfect Christian truly believes that God would be better pleased, if we were being modern day good Samaritan's, versus arguing over the law, both man made, and Biblical. The imperfect Christian summoning Mr. Barkley... "Charles!"

Charles replies, "I may be wrong, but I doubt it!"

So where do we go with baggy hanging off your backside pants, foul language, disrespect, and inappropriate acts altogether? When it comes to our children, the Bible says... "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)

As an adult we have choices. Our home training is done, so, "Saggin, or Non-saggin?" Nuff said.

The twisting of the law to get personal gain is so pathetic, that it is sickening. The imperfect Christian doesn't agree with the saggy pants, but he does not believe that extremes will create anything but hate, heartache, and horrible heinous crimes that benefit the already wealthy and not the city.

Until the next time, you know the deal.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

Thursday, September 29, 2011

News From the World of Siv P

The latest news on where I've been or would like to be.

Where the imperfect Christian has been in his life:
LA is my old stomping ground, and there are times when the imperfect Christian misses it. The imperfect one was one of Sly's everyday people, he enjoyed Larry Graham's music as well, and was well impressed that Mr. Graham, and Prince hooked up to talk Christianity at one time. The imperfect Christian thinks Prince is a little more different in his being an imperfect Christian, but a searching Christian nonetheless, and prays for him each day. Like him or not, Prince is one of the most talented performers on the planet. Sly is a great performer in his own right, and it troubles the imperfect Christian to see him living out of a van, although, he claims to be happy in doing so.

Where the imperfect Christian has been today:
The DQ to get his Peanut Butter, and sugar fix! Five bucks, five minutes, five reasons to eat slower!

The 60% chance of sunshine is outweighing the 30% chance of rain for now... opppp, wait overcast, nope, suns back.

College Football... good guys 2, bad guys 1. From a reliable source the UNC game could have been a lot worse, but a whole lot better!
NFL... good guys 3 bad guys 0. Yes the One Eyed Bandits to down the Jets! Monday Night Cowboys & Indians... Go Skins!!!
NASCAR... good guys in the chase, and holding their own, but the bad guy (Tony Stewart) has won two straight!
Baseball... good guys... 3 bad guys 3, but only one of the good guys have a shot at winning it all now. Come on Brew Crew! You all should know by now, that the Yankees threw the game against Tampa, so they could avoid the Red Sox... and the Braves choked... again!
Soccer... My guys on the road tonight. Git it did Mounties!

Inmates and Intimates (Does That Bother You? IV)

Isn't it funny how one or two letters can make such a huge difference? Abortion, Capital Punishment, Taxes, the economy... how about education!? Religiously not everyone is on the same page. Nowhere is everyone on the same page completely, or at least not in the same book. Some have books, others have blood given covenants. So morally can't we find that common ground? Men and women argue everyday about what needs to happen, rather that make it happen. Did you watch the GOP Presidential debates last week? Did you observe or think about President Obama's hitting the campaign trail, to try and bid for his second term? You say you support the death penalty, one group of friends labels you as a diehard conservative. You say you somewhat support it, and they call you a hypocrite. If you do not support it, you are a yuppie scum liberal, and if you are uncertain, do not totally support it, then again you are a hypocrite!

The imperfect Christian passed a fellow cyclist on the road side and thought about Jesus' parable of the "Good" Samaritan. The imperfect one turned and went back to check on him, and you know, he didn't ask the imperfect one what had taken him so long! Amazing huh? In my grandparents generation, and generations before, society "learned" to be patient. Patience was a discipline, that served us well. Then along came my mothers generation, and we learned to pressure patience, and wanted an answer, or delivery in just a few minutes. Well good people, we now live in the iGeneration, and no longer the Microwave, or Last of the Good-ones Society! So cheer on your favorite liar, and blame anyone you can except for self, in what's wrong with our society today. Abortion, Capital Punishment, the economy, and taxes would not be an issue, nor would education if we followed two rules...
Not my two rules, but Jesus':
1. "Love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind,"
2. "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Luke 10:25-37

And behold, a certain lawyer (an expert in the law) stood up and tested Him, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”
He (Jesus) said to him, “What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?
So he answered and said, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’
And He (Jesus) said to him, “You have answered rightly; do this and you will live (eternally).”
But he (the expert in the law), wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
Then Jesus answered and said: “A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
Now by chance a certain priest came down that road. And when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
Likewise a Levite, when he arrived at the place, came and looked, and passed by on the other side.
But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion. So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal (most likely a donkey), brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii (enough loot to foot the bill in most cases, he was not worried about having to come back and give more, he had my man covered!), gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend (any extra expense the man costs), when I come again, I will repay (reimburse) you.’
So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?”
And he (the expert in the law) said, “He who showed mercy on him.”
Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” 

Prevention is better than cure! If we loved one another and taught love instead of hate, we would not have to worry about prisons, and rest homes! Here's a nicety little scenario for ya:

Place the elderly in prisons. They will get a shower a day video surveillance in case of problems, three meals a day, access to a library, computer, TV, gym ... Put criminals in nursing homes. They have cold meals lights off at 8pm, one bath a week, live in a smaller room and pay 4,000 a month !!!!! It's Pretty damn sad that we treat prisoners better than the elderly!!!!

Where are the real Christians!? All that say lord, lord, are not saved, but those that know the Lord, are. Some politicians say that they are Christians. Some people you meet everyday say they are Christians, but when they are after something for themselves, they will show you the devil. So again my Christian brothers and sisters, have you treated one another and nonbelievers as well as yourself? Where are you Christians?

Signing off, the imperfect Christian.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Do You Have Annoying Facebook Friends? And Does That Bother You? 4

Do you have a friend on Facebook that everyone says that you should delete? You contemplate deleting them, then you decide not to? Why would you keep a person on your friends lists that annoys you to no end? Well one such on friend on the imperfect Christians list said, "All Black women should be banned from driving, simply because no Black woman can't drive!" He also said, "To all my Black friends, admit you only voted for Obama because he was Black, and to my White friends admit that you were just wrong, and made a huge mistake!" Does That Bother You? It bothered the imperfect Christian to the point of praying for that person, and posting positive notes about everything, and about how Gods' will is more important than any of our won't's. For the record, "won't's" is very slang and will not score you positive points in your English classes boys and girls, but goes nicely as an "opposites attract" with "the will." The imperfect Christian (obeying God) prayed as hard as possible for this person, and even told this person directly, that he would not reply on his wall, or anywhere else about him, or his ideals, regardless of how negative he became, that he (the imperfect Christian) would just pray for him, and you know what? That person deleted the imperfect Christian! It's easy to pray for those that encourage you, those you love, but how about those that don't encourage you, or give you much reason to love them? Matthew 5:44, says hallelujah anyhow! Pray anyway! The imperfect one gets a great joy in being rejected for the sake of Christ! Beaten spiritually for the sake of Christ in a sense. Let the Holy Ghost Party begin! We rejoice at suffering disgrace for the name of Jesus Christ! (Acts 5:41) The imperfect one has said it once and will say it again, "the imperfect Christian may not be the life of the party (Christ is), but man he sure knows how to get one started! Rejection, being popular, or gaining favor is not for the imperfect one. The imperfect Christian does not need to be lifted up, take any credit, or receive any glory in the matter, but because the Holy One placed a conviction upon that persons heart that made him delete the imperfect Christian, yeah that felt pretty good, and the imperfect Christian left the online Sanhedrin rejoicing on his imperfect way. Not because this man was upset enough to delete the imperfect Christian, but because he was convicted enough to delete him, and have to start his Facebook a new. Now it is up to him to use that conviction in a manner such as Paul did, and take the gospel to the world, or to let it grow calloused and go the route of Pharaoh, and be a part of the gospel that was worldly. Facebook Etiquette Rule 7section 21B... "Don't post without the Holy Ghost, cause what you post is seen by most..."

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... That real PB&J

Friday, September 23, 2011

Teach Our Daughters Well...

We need to teach them well, so they may live well...

We need to teach our daughters to distinguish between a man who flatters her, and a man who compliments her... a man who spends money on her, and a man who invests in her... a man who views her as property, and a man who views her properly... a man who lusts after her, and a man who loves her... a man who believes he is God's gift to women, and a man who remembers a woman was God's gift to man!

Words to remember and live and die by, if you are blessed with having a daughter! Thank you for sharing the above bold print Dr. Stephers!

After watching the updates of an unarmed man being slain, and the prosecution having very inconclusive evidence, the imperfect Christian couldn't help but to be motivated to be a better father. After getting updates on a, "your word against mine, no wait a minute, I'd like to change my story trial and execution," you can't help but want to be a little better father. God forbid any of you reading this, including the writer will have to suffer with seeing, or hearing about any of our child(ren) being placed, or placing themselves in such a horrible situation. Father God, in the name of Jesus, may Your will for me be one that is blessed with longevity, love, and seeing my children blessed after me in the same manner, because I have helped lead them to You... Proverbs 20:7

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

In The News! (Does That Bother You? 3)

What motivates people more than bad news? Really good news should, right?

Zig Ziglar said, “People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.”

The imperfect Christian prays that those we inspire and motivate, are so inspired and motivated in a positive way.

The imperfect Christian was motivated to do a little research about Capital Punishment when he received the news about the Troy Davis case. You see in January of 2009 the imperfect Christian was voluntold he had jury duty. One thing that still rings out in the mind of the imperfect one, is that the defense attorney asked one really great question. He said, "Is it better to allow one guilty soul to pass freely, or to imprison an innocent one." Either way is horrible. Put yourself in that position. Would you want to be punished if you had done something as heinous as kill someone? You know you were deserving of a harsh punishment, but you would not want to have to be punished. In most cases a decent person would not sleep well even if it was an accidental death, let alone a murder. So there is at least that punishment. So how would you feel if you were completely innocent? Be a pretty hard pill to swallow wouldn't it?

Bill Ball covers Capital Punishment in a very classy way! He is a great Christian man, a Theological scholar that backs his blog with scripture, and I am fast becoming a student of his. He wrote about his viewing the CBS Sunday Morning Show, and about the blood lust epidemic. The link to his blog is:
This man has a more than compassionate heart for Christ, and His people, and his blog is a great read... Look at his September 20th post about the blood lusting. Amazing how gore, and morbid concentrations excite us so. The blog is not long, and well worth the 2 and a half minutes you would have to put into it.

Proverbs 18:17
"The first to plead his case seems right, Until another comes and examines him."

It is your word against theirs... who will believe who? The courts have turned into a game of "Survivor" The tribe has spoken, it's time to bring me your life, I mean torch, because fire on the show represent your "life!" You just got snuffed out! How could you sleep at night, eat during the day, look at yourself in the mirror or face society not knowing if you helped execute an innocent man? Well I will say it again, unless I absolutely have to, I will not even drive through Georgia or South Carolina! It is terrible to think that it's true, but it is in a lot of cases, that popularity, and socially being accepted could be the deal breaker. A Survivor contestant could be sent home because he/she wasn't sexy enough. An inmate could be put to death for very similar reasons. What do you have to offer? Bad news if your answer is: Not much.

NY TIMES: Debate over the execution of Troy Davis

This day in history President Lincoln signed the order to bring an end to slavery. This day in history sees a family and a nation struggle with more heated ethnic discussions about race being involved in a wrongful imprisonment and execution. Did Georgia's government have prejudice, and malice in their decision? The imperfect one can tell you that in NC 33% of the men and one woman put to death since 1994 were all males and branched forth from African ancestry. What is the ratio ethnically in the state you ask? The imperfect Christian will have to do a little more diligent research to give you an answer to that one. The imperfect one does not know the ratio of ethnic groups incarcerated either, but numbers do not always manifest prejudice, propaganda, and racists do.

The LA TIMES reports that the convicted killer that dragged James Byrd to death says he deserves to die for racist slaying of James Byrd. Is he now truly remorseful, and honestly giving his statement? Or is this an attempt at reverse psychology in order to save his own life?
The AP reports: Last Meal A Done Deal In TX! Governor Perry says no more! Should there be a last meal? Is the governor right in putting an end to the last meal, and saying that every inmate should eat the same? Answer as though it was self sitting on the short end please...

To conclude, the imperfect one says this: From the looks of the wiki charts concerning the death penalty, he will not be driving through, flying over, walking or riding his bike in the states of GA, SC, or TX. In fact as much as he hates to admit it, if you want to feel at least safe enough to know that you want wrongfully be executed, it looks like we will all have to move to Illinois. But as many of you know the anti-christ hails from Illinois right? They to the imperfect Christians understanding are the only state in this grand union, that does not enforce the death penalty. Not to say you can't be wrongfully jailed, but at least you can rest assure, that the judge and jury are not going to condemn you to death by means of the state. Here is a map of the States that enforce Capital Punishment, and the methods they use or do not use...

Tomorrow will be a sweeter blog... or so we hope. As for now, please forgive the typos.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Capital Punishment (Does That Bother You? 2)

This started out with the second part of, "Does That Bother You," then a tweet changed all of that. So here goes...

Does it bother you to see a mother curse out her kids in public, and then does it bother you more to think about what more they are exposed to at home? Not just verbally, but in every manner? Does it bother you to see a younger person sit in a seat, be it a bus, a restaurant, or wherever, when an elderly person is struggling to remain standing, and not offer their seat to that elderly person? Does it bother you to hear people complain about the economy, taxes, health and moral issues, government, church, and everything else under the sun, but never - ever willing to do anything about what it is they're complaining about? It's not just the imperfect Christian, right?

The imperfect Christian had no intentions of writing about capital punishment, but now that there is death in the air he thought he would touch on some news. Nothing like the morbid thoughts of watching someone executed to start a discussion, eh? The imperfect Christian received a notice about a tweet from the NY Times. It was concerning the Troy Davis execution. Kim Severson is the Atlanta Bureau Chief for the New York Times. She currently at the prison awaiting the news of Troy Davis' stay, or execution. One Twitterpation Nation Member asked: How is it that Casey Anthony kills her child, gets a million dollar book deal, and get zero time in prison, and they can execute Troy Davis with no evidence? Well my friend, the imperfect one thinks that's a dandy question. If indeed that is the case, then imperfect Christian would to have a rational explanation, but if it is indeed the case then we all know that there is no rational explanation!

Another man in Jerry Buck Inman confessed to raping and killing a Clemson student. He was convicted and sentenced to death. This Monday the court heard his appeal. It is likely according to another former judge, Judge Watson, that his appeal will be overturned. Judge Watson said at this level, nearly 50% were overturned. Amazing how the law works, or doesn't perhaps would be a better way of phrasing it?

Killing of a relationship, after three different lead singers, or now possibly four, and thirty-five years with their label, Van Halen, is leaving Warner Bros., and moving on. What other news, is there, oh yes... the weather, nothing like perking up your day after hearing about murder, and execution, than to hear it's going to rain all weekend long. Well the imperfect one hates to be the bearer of bad news so he will close with some optimistic rays of hope... The rain should subside on Friday in his area, so the ride will be a dry one on Saturday morn, and there is still no word as to whether or not Troy Davis has been put to death. It has been rumored that he turned down his last meal. Said to believe that it is a sign of good luck, because it has worked at his last two appeals. No news is usually good gu-news! Also if there is no evidence to put this man to death, and he truly is not guilty of slaying the two people that he is accused of murdering, then perhaps this will give the Georgia Law Enforcement incentive to find the person(s) that are responsible... God bless the mothers of the victims, and the accused, and God help the soul of the truly guilty, because their just due may not come now, but if they do not confess, and turn from their wicked ways it will come later anyway, and that time will more than likely be too late.

For those interested, you can get up to the hour, and often up to the minute detailing on this case on Twitter, by keeping an eye on, or by following Kim Severson. A fellow by the name of Big Boi of the "Outkast" is tweeting as well, and getting retweets from the Bureau Chief herself! He (Big Boi) tweets, "Man, I wonder how much all that helicopter gas cost...your hard earned tax dollars at work!" Again great question fella! ;)

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

Does That Bother You?

Does it bother you as much as it does the imperfect Christian to know that some people would die for the well being of all humanity, while others are dying to kill you, for the sake of self?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dude I Want That...

The imperfect one loves two wheeled machines, of any kind. Bicycles, motorcycles, road or dirt in either category. As the imperfect one was looking at some of the advanced technologies online one night, he discovered that the floating wheeled, no spoked, magnetized beauty (pictured above) is back! The floating bike has been given a light kit, to give it a Tron-like feel to it on a site called, "Dude I Want That!" No guys the model is not included, you have to find your own... As a kid the imperfect Christian said that (I want that!) a lot, dude was added later during his days in the San Fernando Valley. At Christmas and on birthdays as a kid, and he says it today even... New 2012 R1, "Dude I want that!" New Trek 2012 Mtn Bike w/ disc brakes... again, "Dude I want that!?" But then the imperfect Christian had a flash back, and remembered a time when he was the only member on a missions trip to Jamaica with African ancestry. His roommate a pastor (Caucasian) from the county adjacent to him helped through his first missions work. The imperfect Christian and the pastor were given time to speak with the children at the local school. The children ranged from kindergarten to fourth grade. The older children worked, or went to different academies. The pastor looked at all of the children and asked them if they knew, and liked Michael Jordan. The children then looked at their teachers, then the other minister (the brown faced non-Jamaican/imperfect Christian), and smiled after he smiled at them, and then they shook their heads as if to say, "Yes." The pastor then said, "Wouldn't it be great to have his autograph on a ball, or a jersey?" They all looked at the imperfect Christian again and smiled and shook there heads again as if to signify saying, ""Dude I want that!" Or as the Jamaican's would say, "Yeah Mahn I'm Feelin' Dat,... Respect!" Pastor followed up with asking them if they thought he (MJ) would remember them in a crowd of ten thousand or more? They all shook their heads (but still smiling) as if to answer, "no." What came next was the "Dude I want that," of all time! Pastor said, something along the lines of:

You know who is even more important than MJ and would remember you? They all shook their attentive little heads again, to say no, and pastor said, "Jesus." The looks on their faces were priceless.

Pastor said:
I love Michael Jordan, but he cashed his check from Nike, and never called to thank me, or see how I was doing once.

To have that kind of ministry, and excite children that much about Jesus, Yes indeed, "Dude I Want That!"

We sang, and talked more, and the children wanted to know if the imperfect Christian liked America. He was puzzled at that question until they explained their inquiry. They were under the impression that most of America is Caucasian, and hated any people of African Ancestry, which they (from youngest to the oldest) were well aware of, included them. The imperfect one read from Ecclesiastes 3, and told them that there was a time and place for everything. Then the imperfect one told them a story about Abraham Lincoln, the president on the penny, that helped to abolish slavery. President Lincoln was a "White" man that saw that other good "White" men and Brown to Black men hated slavery so much that they gave their lives to end it. Therefore, President Lincoln looked to do his part and help end it as well. He didn't hate the people, he hated the hate in his country, the hate that people had toward one another. So he signed the Emancipation Proclaimation Act into order. The kids were amazed as the imperfect Christian passed out pennies to over 400 hundred children. The last question, and greatest question was asked by the youngest member of the group, and their star business major pupil. The little fellow couldn't have been more than about five or six years of age, and he asked the imperfect Christian after receiving his penny, "Is dis real money sir, cahn I get cahndy wid it?" The imperfect one told him that it was indeed real money, but probably not near enough to get candy with, but if he would come to the service that night, he would make certain that he got some candy. That kind of innocence, determination, and love... "Dude I Want That!"

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

Monday, September 12, 2011

From Beneath The Ashes To The Top Of The World!

My looking back over a very memorable day... Ten years seems like ten weeks. The brevity of life amazes me. The thought of death and advancing makes me more appreciative on a daily basis. My 9/11 was not spent in a metropolitan area. My view was not from a skyscraper. My view was from the top of the world today. I washed bikes with my sweetie today. Her little pink bike sparkled, but not nearly as bright as those beautiful little chocolate diamonds that she looks up at her daddy with. I spent a little over an hour on top of the world with a great riding partner, my middle son. We were in top of the world thinking about those atop the World Trade Center Towers ten years ago. We were on top pf the world thinking about how God is the maker of it all, and this is His footstool. (Isaiah 66:1) So even when terrorist try to pull us down, and our problems seem to be out of this world and over our heads, they are just under His feet! I am on top of the world tonight, and sorry for those that are not, because the view from here is lovely! Gods' view is breath taking. That light on the mountain is not just the sun calling my name. But when I see it and get to it, there is an indescribable peace there called home, and from there I hear the voice of Almighty God. You see it's not just my mountain that makes the view captivating, but the Spirit that is within me. Now I will finish the day on top of the world by resting high on that mountain with the woman God ordained me to be with. Good night brothers and sisters, may God bless America, make his face to shine upon you all, and may He grant you all memories of perseverance, love, and true hope that stem from this day that outshine all of the rest!
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Psalm 1:1&2
"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,nor stands in the way of sinners,nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 2 but his delight is in the law of the Lord,and on his law he meditates day and night."

We as Christians should not dwell in the counsel of the wicked, we should dwell among the wicked and counsel. ~ Sivart Pooknyw

Tenth year since the attack on our nation, and still it stings. The imperfect Christian is not old enough to have been around during the attack on Pear Harbor, but can only imagine how the hearts of the men and women of Pearl Harbor feel every year that December 7th rolls around. Some of us have grandparents, or, perhaps even older grandparents depending on our age, that remember Pearl Harbor, and other events that are a sad part of our nations history. We as a nation persevere, and even in our differences come together as a people even if not completely to make a stand for one another. That troubles, and confuses a lot of other people. But it's as simple as comparing our nation to our family. Dad loves ice-cream, but is lactose intolerant. He loves football, racing, and competitive sports. Mom loves milk drinks it everyday, only loves Packer football, watched racing when the 3 car was driven by a man named Dale, and is not much on competitive sports unless her kids are playing and she's at the game. Just for grins and giggles, let's say that none of the other family members from either side care about any of that! What matters is that they are still a family, and they will still dish out or take a thumpin' for family! So if your ancestry dates back to whatever continent, the imperfect Christian says as an American, not as a shade or belonging to any department or sect, to his American family, have a beautiful "In Remembrance Sunday."

The NYT Remembering:
NYT: The 9/11 Decade: The Price of

The imperfect Christian may not agree with your religious views, choice of teams, or schools even, but he will not dwell in the counsels of those that encourage such behavior that disrespects leadership, love, or life. Hitlers propaganda had to start somewhere. Someone had to inspire Bin Laden. The way some people talk in this country I fear that the next leader of terror could very well be readying himself right here in our country. So rather than bad mouth our parents youth, rather than bad mouth our government working class America, I think we should dwell among the wicked that we talk about, and consider talking to them in love and with great discernment rather than about them... Then bust their tails if they don't listen. Hahaha! My apologies for the warped but heartfelt humor, you know the score...

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stupid News

The imperfect Christians Great-Great Grandfather Chief Laughsatfools once said, "Man that knows not how to use belt properly covers much ground," or was it "covers ground much?" That's where one usually ends up (the ground) after his/her pants end up around their ankles. At any rate does this mean that Green Day will cover do a cover of General Larry Platt's song, "Pants On The Ground?"
Tonya you have another prayer answered... someone (in the form of "Southwest Airlines") is with you about teaching people how to wear their pants! Lol!!! Bags fly free, but saggy britches ain't flyin' period! Lol!!! So is anyone else wondering if the cabby made him comb his hair before he got in? Just sayin...

French Men vs. American Men...

If this man was American, his wife would be suing him for wanting to much, and in way to wild a way! Pardon moi, kinque le stinque... which translates to, "Excuse me, but your wild behavior stinks!"

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What Is Love: Stormy Weather & Brighter Days

Tropical Storm Lee hits Louisiana coast | Reuters

A.B.C.D E F.G... H. Irene! First Irene, then the letter "J," JustA (Tropical Storm), then "K," Katia, and then in comes "L," with Lee... Well good people the imperfect Christian had some crazy dreams during the night when Irene came to visit his humble mountain abode. Oh top of that the imperfect one awakened his wife with his tossing and turning and in turn his wife woke him up, to check on him. The imperfect Christian is not a storm chaser, but has grown to enjoy them in some cases, not all. The storms seem to remind the imperfect Christian of Gods' glory when he finds himself in the midst of one. As Kirk Franklin would say, "The storm don't last no way." The imperfect one can hear Jesus saying to the storm for him, "Peace be still." The imperfect Christian has learned some valuable life lessons after the natural, and supernatural storms in his life.

The storm was amazing! Like a scene right out of a movie... the sound of the pines cracking in the pitch dark as the wind roared. The imperfect curtains rushing away from the window seals, and racing to the ceiling, like banners on stubborn flagpoles, ready to see their cohorts ripped away, rather than bend. Then a change of direction in the wind vacuums the drapes back in against the screen tightly, until the wind calms, and they fall back into place. This reminds the imperfect one of the crucifixion. Rather than be bent, or show any signs of flexibility, compromise, or just plainly admit that they were wrong, the disciples stayed firm in their thinking. Peter didn't think he would deny Christ, but he did, and did so three times. (Matthew 26:35) Then Judas Iscariot after asking whether it would be him that would betray Christ, led the soldiers straight to Him. Jesus called Judas friend, moments before the soldiers whisked him away! (Matthew 26:50) Thomas continued to doubt, until Christ showed up passing through a locked door drawing close to each one of them as they were in a panic, fearing that they like Jesus would also be crucified. Jesus calmed that storm to, and after the veil was rent into, there was a settling that had to take place, and then with understanding there was peace.

Some will say that God tempted the disciples, or that God tempted Pharaoh. That it was their destiny which was predestined by God, Himself... The Word says: "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts He any man: (James 1:13-14 AKJV)

So although, you have a storm that you are having to endure, understand that sunny days always seem much brighter after a storm has passed.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J!

Monday, September 5, 2011

What Are U Looking 4, & What U R Hearing

The imperfect Christian asked in the last blog, what it was that people were looking for. Well in this blog the imperfect one drops a little knowledge for you. When you look for Christ in that person that you are dealing with understand a few things. God is not living in, or Lord over a persons life that says to you with his/her inner person, "I only want you for my own well being."

For example, where at in the Word, or when have you ever felt the Spirit say to you, "Give me all of your money," or "I only want you for lustful purposes!"? Ladies do you honestly think that God is Lord over a mans life that only wants to be with you because he is tired of his escapades alone with satan? When that man's convinced in his own mind to do lustful things, whether it be in his mind, or in any part of his being, with or without anyone but self, then he is having physical and mental relations involving satan. So do you want satan to play a roll in your helping procreate a child, or making financial decisions for you? If not then when you see that man that only introduces his best of interests and it involves flesh, you should know that's not God talking to you!

Fella's a one liner might do it for us again... If she only has interests in the three widths, then you better, "Run Forrest, run!" Fella's if you hear, or see her interested in:
How thick the rims are on your Camaro, how think your biceps and feet are, or how thick your wallet is, you need to do like Joseph and book it! (Genesis 39:9)

See again it's just that complicated, and just that simple! The ladies paragraph is double the fellas!

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... That real PB&J

Friday, September 2, 2011

What Are You Lookin' For?

So what are you looking for? What do you see in the picture? A marble slab, a heart, or a marble heart? The imperfect Christian sees all of those and then some. The imperfect Christian sees his wife, a select friend, his uncle, cousin, and auntie. The latter three mainly because auntie installed that slab top on their kitchen island. She and my wife are so crafty! So on to the question, "what are we looking for," what do we see in people? The imperfect one can assure you that known of the above mentioned have hearts of stone, or marble, but that is an awesome top, wouldn't you agree?

The imperfect Christian worked at a factory once upon a time believe it or not, and in this factory he placed a newsletter on one of the notice boards. The newsletter asked a simple question: "Ladies Looking For Mr. Right?" It was the most popular piece on that board for at least that night. The women, married and unmarried did a double take, and turned back after nearly walking past just to see how they could find Mr. RIGHT!

The imperfect Christian did not find it fitting to exclude the gentlemen in this blog, therefore, he asks instead... "What are you (men and women) looking for in a person?"

If he/she smiles does that mean they are interested in you? Do they want more than conversation? If he/she looks at you in a way that is not so nice, are they looking for a fight? What are you looking for?

Women leave home and go to clubs every weekend talking about how much fun they're gonna have! Then they leave the club, go home drunk, or let down (if not both), and talk about how much fun they didn't have. Instead of a romantic ending with Josh Groban singing, "You Raise Me Up," she gets an ending with Josh Gropin making her sing, "You Messed Me Up!"

Then there's the fella's... God help us. The fella's hit the strip looking for action, and come back singing a different tune, yeah the Stones work here... "I Can't Get No Satisfaction." Simple minds, simple fact, easier to explain, one line for the men, and a I could add a few more for the ladies. Yes, it is that complicated, and yet just that simple.

So what are you looking for? The imperfect Christian has never met a stranger, and talks with everyone. Something he needs to practice on, however, is what he is looking for. Here's a few scenarios:

She's 5'4" 100lbs, or she's 5'4" 300lbs, makes no difference in her weight, it's all in what I am looking for.

He's wearing a bow tie and carrying his laptop like his first child, or he's wearing jeans and t-shirt carrying his Harley jacket like it's hit first love, makes no difference, it's all in what I am looking for.

In all of these people if you plan on making a true friend, a life long friend, or even a mate, you have to look for the same person in each one of them! That Person (Being/Spirit) is whom we are all patterned after, and made in His image. If we seek that Person (Christ), and not the enemy, then we will do just fine. People are crazy enough now days, we don't need to give them anymore reason to cut up even more. They don't need a reason to be crazy/crazier, they just are! Just as much as we can say that, "they are crazy," we can say (leaving out the crazy) that "God is." Shortest, most effective use of syntax in my repertoire. He exists... God is. He is everything to me... God is. You can't use that with anyone else rightfully. There is just no way to justify it, only with God. So the next time you see that rough head at the bar, or the next time you see that cutie in the grocery store, ask yourself, am I looking for God in him/her, or just looking for trouble in the flesh?

"And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is (GOD is!) and that He is The Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Heb 11:6)

So again, let the imperfect one say,"If you are seeking God in the rough head on the Harley, God may grant you a lifelong friend, that helps you grow stronger. A man might find a new motorcycle riding partner that he's been hoping for. A woman might find that protective loyal husband she seeks. Vice versa with the little cutie. You men may find a sweet loyal wife, or as Biz Markie said, "Just A Friend," but it's better than the opposite (a foe). Ladies, this young woman could be the best friend you have desired when you need a shoulder to cry on, or someone to laugh with. If you seek God, diligently He will reward you, He said so in His Word. On that note and verse, I am the imperfect Christian and I'm out!

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Storms Expose`

The imperfect Christian remembers a bright sun filled September morning, leaving home, and going to obtain a background check, from the Sheriffs Department for a new job. On the way back home he stopped to visit a friend. The friend was a very heavy sleeper so the imperfect Christian continued on his way home. When he arrived he was once again totally shocked! His wife in sheer utter shock as well, said a plane had just crashed into one of the Twin Towers in New York! Not long after that we heard people yelling in the background, and a second plane hit the second tower. The imperfect Christians wife said, "They thought that it could be terrorist, and I think that just confirmed it!" The imperfect Christian fell to his knees and cried. One tragedy per year should be more than enough right? The imperfect Christian's best friend and uncle was killed while working on July 4th. July 4th was always a huge family gathering, and on this one the family would mourn. September 11th was much the same.

Storms come in a variety of ways. They can be natural like Irene, that just hit mostly the entire Eastern Seaboard, or they can come in the fashion of a terrorist attack. They can even come in the form of a spiritual attack as well. We do not wrestle flesh, nor blood, but principalities of the dark. Regardless of the storm, the imprefect one tries to remember a few key things:

1. If we allow the storm to expose our dirt, we may go through a cleansing.
If we confess our faults one to another, and pray, then we may be healed, the fervent, effectual prayer of the righteous avails much! James spoke of of Elijah praying for the rain to cease, and then for the rain to once again fall and end the three and a half years of drought, and God honored his request. (James 5:16-18)

2. If we allow the storm to expose our hurt, then we may find strength to heal. Anyone who builds on that foundation may use a variety of materials-gold, silver, jewels, wood, hay, or straw. But on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done. The fire will show if a person’s work has any value. If the work survives, that builder will receive a reward. But if the work is burned up, the builder will suffer great loss. The builder will be saved, but like someone barely escaping through a wall of flames. (I Corinthians 3:12-15) Healing comes at a price sometimes. In order to heal, you have to have something that hurts. So is reaching Salvation, and being in Christ, like a house on fire? We are judged by the kind of "work" we do. Can you imagine as one preacher illustrated so eloquently... can you imagine your house being on fire while you're in it asleep? You wake up coughing, and on fire. Your spouse is engulfed in flames and the smell of smoke and her buring flesh sickens you instantaneously. You do not have time to go for any valuables, no pets, your kids are upstairs and the roof just caved in, and you heart broken and scared for your life go for broke, and jump through the huge bare spot in what used to be your bedroom wall, and the fire fighter standing outside says to you, "Thank GOD, at least you made it!" How devastating would it be to live a life that would only be self preserving? Can you imagine getting to Heaven and getting the news that your wife/husband and children didn't make it? Please Lord God, let the imperfect losses stop today.

3. If we allow it the storm will expose that work.
James 1:22 says not to be just hearers of the Word, but doers also. Let our work be like the precious metals mentioned in Paul's writing to Corinth, that the imperfect one mentioned in the afore paragraph. Let the fire refine, but not consume. Let us suffer no loss.

4. Finally if we allow ourselves the discipline to praise Him in the storm, the storm will expose His worth.
He that has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. (Proverbs 25:28)
Even in the toughest of times, we must remember to give Him the praise, and not allow our spirit to fell us. We must have discipline and control. The imperfect one would love to watch the Vuelta A Spain, but baby girl in the first grade y'all (still amazed at this!) has homework. So weakened spirit, tighten up, we have work to do. We have things that need to be taken care of with house and auto maintenance, but we so desperately want to go splurge and buy a new cell phone, or latest trinket! Better yet let's play the lotto until there are not any funds left! Even in the storm be angry and sin not. Keep your mind clear, and praise Him, because just like 9/11, and Irene, that storm doesn't last always! The imperfect one's, uncle may not be present in body, but his spirit is present with the Lord, he is now in his glorified body. The imperfect one prays that along with many other family members and extended family members too see him again in his/their own glorified bodies. The storms expose` could be the greatest manifestation of a miracle that you experience, so hold tight, stay focused, and let the storm bless you, because you have a Savior mighty enough to calm it, and see you through!

Well past the imperfect bed time again! So until next time...
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Things You See...

On the first part of today's ride, the imperfect Christian witnessed a sleeping young passenger, and bright lights. Then the imperfect one witnessed the oddest couple of the day, and being a less than perfect Christian, almost took a picture just so no one could call him the "imperfect liar!" The couple consisted of a man that was approximately 5'5" and a leggy gal around 6'3"! Better looking than Popeye, and Olive Oil, but not by a landslide vote from the two judges, one of them being the imperfect Christian, the other being his son. Then we witnessed a colorful Themla and Louise, cause as the Wayan's Brothers would say it, "They were colored, and happy, and you know it!" Or something to that affect. Then the top site other than the picture at the top of the blog, was Buddy the English Bulldog! Buddy waited for his buddy to climb out of the truck so he could show him who the boss really was! When his owner climbed out of the drivers seat, Buddy jumped in it and took his turn at the wheel (literally) the dog went alpha on the steering wheel! If you don't understand the whole alpha thing, the ask someone else besides the imperfect one to explain. I have said enough already. The imperfect Christian hopes this is not how NASCAR's Humpy got his nickname... The imperfect one really wishes that he could think of a clever Biblical verse, or pericope to place here, but he can't! He is road weary, and the only thing he can think of is praising God and counting his blessings. So to conclude, the imperfect one thanks God for ordering his steps today (Psalm 37:23), dropping his son off safely, perfect views (the one above especially. It is beautiful atop Clinch Mtn), and returning home safely after the drop off, in His perfect time. So until the next time...

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Do You Have A Choice?

The imperfect Christian asked himself in the last blog, just how prepared he was. Preparation is a daily thing, therefore, the imperfect one tries to keep the necessities nearby. So what did he pack? The imperfect Christian has his helmet, yes including the ones in the picture above, because one never knows when the opportunity to ride and share may present itself. The imperfect shoes, are clean and ready to go (pedal, or settle) peacefully. But peacefully doesn't always mean quietly. The imperfect Christian had a co-worker tell him not too long ago (not in the exact same words, but humor the imperfect one for just a second please), that "We The People" needed to speak out, and vote to make a change. The imperfect one believes this friend is right, and the imperfect one believes in voting for sure, he just don't fully believe in the officials that are running for office. As one Mr. Prince Rogers Nelson would say: It's a two party system, the illusion of choice.

Dr. King boycotted in Alabama, marched in Washington, and was slain in Memphis. How many of us are willing to be heard in a non-violent, lower decibel? How many are willing to give up their lives so others may have a voice. How many of us are willing to accept that if we do not have anything worth dying for, then we do not have anything worth living for? Really, would you put yourself in harms way just so future generations could vote? Is that worth dying for? The imperfect one says, "Yes!" What if Dr. King had not made a stand. What if late President JFK had remained silent, and had not asked what he country could do for his country? Would a good Christian nation be just that? A nation still segregated and filled with hate, and barriers? Would we still be a "good" nation that allowed slavery, rather than a great nation? The imperfect one hears daily about how this nation is in the worst debt that its ever be in, and still people are willing to risk life and limb just to be a part of it. What happens next? Who will we blame next? If a Republican takes office next will a Four Trillion Dollar Deficit be alright? Will we take back America rather than take her forward? Will we continue to mistreat the elderly to death, and kill unborn babies? Instead of using African descendants for slaves, will we raise up an American Hitler, one that just wants to do away with all African, and Jewish descendants? Will we put in place a leader to rid the world of its problem, one that will seek and destroy anyone in its path that is not like us (them)? We as people get so blinded by the fight that we forget who the enemy is. It's a shame.

We as a family (with an imperfect Christian dad leading the way), went to view the new Captain America movie. It is the story of Steve Rogers, a young ruddy lad, that would do anything to serve his country. Steve had horrible genes, and illnesses in his bloodline that would shame an unhealthy kid from a third world nation. Steve wanted so desperately to serve his country, that he was willing to die on the spot to do so. He fell on what he believed to be a live grenade to save his company, and was willing to go through whatever it took, to finally get on board. If the imperfect Christian, and more like him, could have a heart like Dr. King, or a heart like the fictional character (Steve Rogers) inspired by true life characters, that were willing to serve their country, to serve God with, then our nation would be a much stronger one for sure. So how do we develop this heart? How do we go through this change, or desire to be on fire for God? Are you prepared?

Titus 3:5
Regeneration... renewing... It is not by our own doing according to Paul in his letter to Titus, so how true was Calvins theory? How untrue is it. Some people use, "The Common Sense" excuse, when it comes to their faith, or to doctrine, and do so to dodge the Spirit. They do so to dodge studying the Word. You here people say all the time, "Well I believe..." You know really it doesn't matter what you believe if it doesn't line up with the truth, which happens to be Gods' Word. Do you honestly believe that most people that sin, or do bad things, don't believe that what they were doing is acceptable or satisfactory to self so much so that they just excluded God? So let's look at the Word and see if we have any say at all, or if the choice really isn't ours, even in the least way. Gods' Word through His servant Joshua said, "And if it seem evil to you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.(JOSHUA 24:15)

Now some of your law biding perfect Christians are going to argue with you regardless. Your Calvinist brothers are going to be displeased with me for sure, and it's fine by me to agree to disagree. We have the same Savior, just believe differently on how He calls us.

Where does the renewing come from. If we have no say, or no part, then why are we here? How does the renewing take place if we have no say? Why do we have a need to change if we have no say? You can't grow if you have no say. You are just a puppet, and I do not see anywhere, in any portion of scripture that says we are puppets. A mother feeds her child when the child can't feed itself, but that child has a choice in what it eats as it matures into an adult. So how do you feel the change, and embrace the Spirit, and why is it now that people run from it. Don't pay tithes, don't sing praises. Where is the link, where is the connection? So is free will a joke? How do you feel about free will? The imperfect one feels that based on scripture, we have a choice this day as Christians and non-believers to a choice. Choose this day... whom you will serve. Jesus never begged, and he never forced anyone to go one way or the other. Let the imperfect one say again that just as Joshua instructed the Israelites he instructs us today, with Gods' Holy guidance, to choose "this" day whom we (YOU) would serve. That is a free will. So what choice will be made? Joshua said: But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! Make a bold stand, and be prepared to preach the Gospel in and out of season. Be armed and ready...

Monday, August 22, 2011

How Prepared Are We?

Things amaze the imperfect Christian on a daily basis. People divorce over the least of things, they cheat their own flesh and blood out of a penny. They will ditch a lifelong friend over a complete stranger. Amazing right? Those stories make a biography, a tragic-comedy that is in the making, and on going. It is a book inspired by another book. Success and failure, abandonment, and complete involvement. But the question remains. Are you ready?

Have you been tried by fire(1Peter 1:7; Revelations 3:18), and come through the flood (Genesis 6)? If so did you pack? He has prepared a place for you, and said if it was not so, He would not have told us so. Therefore, if you have new residence, a new dwelling, a new domicile, my question is are you packed and ready?

What did you pack, if anything? Why did you pack it? If you haven't are you planning to? If not why? What exactly are you doing to prepare? Are you prepared for the next step in this life, and the life to come. Jesus said, that He had prepared a way for us(John 14:3). But I believe there is a place of preparation here on earth for us as well. (2 Corinthian 8:11) Are you ready? Are you prepared? Read Paul's writings and let the imperfect one know what you get. That way you can help the imperfect Christian get ready too.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J