Monday, December 20, 2010

Hybernation or Hypernation?

The imperfect Christian has prayed, and asked God to move for him in a mighty way. Then the imperfect one over thinks, and wonders if God will honor his prayer. OK is it in line with His Word? Is it for His glory? God says don't limit Me, but somehow the imperfect Christian manages to (at times, not always) think of what he can or cannot do in his limited being rather than what God can do through him. Hello remember Philippians 4:13? He can do "all things" by Himself or even through an imperfect Christian like myself! We as Chrsitians may ask for Gods' provision, and ask Him to show us things in His omniscience, then look for it with carnal eyes. Yes, I believe in a science, an omni-science called The Almighty, and no not Bruce.

In order to hear the inaudible, to see the invisible, and do the impossible, we must have faith. The imperfect one is not saying to act a fool or temp God. He is saying to believe that God rewards those that diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) He is ominscient, all knowing, He is omnipresent, everywhere at once, and He is omnipotent, Almighty! He is also eternal, so you don't have to worry about Him cutting out on you like a so-called friend when the money is all gone. No "good time," no time at all. The imperfect one believes that there is time for hybernation, a time to be still and know that He is God. However, the imperfect one also believes that there is time to go into hyper drive as well. God does not want to do for us, what He expects to do through us. The imperfect Christian wanted a new guitar, a Parker Fly to be exact, so he started saving. He had a few hundred dollars and bam!... something comes up. He starts the savings over. The guitar changed to a motorcycle fund. The motorcycle fund seemed like an unintelligible/unobtainable goal so the imperfect one went for another goal. Let's go for a new bike. We start with a 1 series then a 2 series. Then decide if you're gonna be a bear, be a Grizzly! With that said we jump to the 4 series, yeah you know the one with the black matte finish, stealthy like the SR-71 Blackbird! Then another change, what if we could go to a 5 series?! All in the name of health right? Bicycle = better health, and not as costly as a motorcycle. You already have more guitars than you have hands to play them with, so... Lord let the imperfect one have a new 5.2 Trek. Then God says, "Keep working, keep saving, and use it to glorfy Me, I think you the imperfect Christian can get the perfect imperfect bike. But I will not do for you what I expect to do through you. Use this to honor Me, and raise awareness levels in health, self discipline, and work ethic in everyone that you care for, and I will bless you." The perfect reply from the imperfect guy, "Thank you Lord." From the frozen tundra to all of those who take the time to be encouraged as I am encouraged. The imperfect dedication goes to the man that encouraged the imperfect Christian to Livestrong by living Godstrong! Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J!
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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Frosty's Last Stand... A Christmas Dietary Blog...

Well it is that time of year again...
Packages with tins, and tightly packed goods inside arrive in the mail. People prepare for family visits, and out of town friends, or host parties for in and out of town friends and family. I, for one, am blessed with a very high metabolism, so this time of year has not bothered me to this point in life. I love it when artists send chocolates, and sweet breads to the studio! I eat at work, and then at home because my lovely girls are after it in the kitchen big time at home too! They even had one of my son's excited about helping to decorate cookies this year. He knows that helping gets him perks like licking the bowl! Yes, he has watched the sweet tooth master very well all of these years. Now I have to watch him!

The picture above is dedicated to my baby girl, for helping her mama in baking up a hot batch of Frosty, and assorted Christmas Cookies for the imperfect Christian household. The following picture is for her mother, to show how good they were!

Yes I got Frosty, and he is only half the man he used to be, or at least in this picture anyway. But God bless his soul, Frosty was really done in while jaywalking in Illinois! I tried to get my youngest son to talk to the people of Illinois about pedestrian crossings and traffic safety up there, but nooooooo.....!!! Now maybe after the most noted snowman in history was killed he will rethink his efforts, and try to help out with public safety issues... thanks for the nightmares of children world wide pal! The video below says it all.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Prayer For Emeral

The imperfect Christian was driving home last evening with his pal Emeral. The imperfect Christian and Emeral ride to work together everyday. Last night was a shocking experience. Emeral was smoking so bad I had to get out of the car, and let the smoke clear. I drove almost an hour to the house, and Emeral gave out on me at Burger King. I was nearly in tears when we drove off separately. I am awaiting the news about Emerals state now. I have posted a picture of my dear friend below...

What's That You Say?

I used to go to this old tower at least once a week to pray. I was crushed when I received the news about the National Park Service (NPS) taking it down. I met a good friend up there, he and I actually prayed for one another up there, and he paid for one of my missions trips after prayer in this old tower. I have had some great family memories up there as well. That old tower was my get away. I felt closer to God on that mountain top, and in that tower! Secluded and away from it all, just the hawk, God, and yours truly the imperfect Christian. Now the tower is much lower, and easier to access for those in wheelchairs, or unable to walk well. It is a good thing the new tower, I just wish that they could have built it around the old one. I miss the winters we used to have when I was a kid. This past one in 2009/2010 was great, we got a great deal of snow, and had an opportunity to sled, and play out in Gods goodness! This year we have had a couple of light snow falls, and it was a joy to see. Thinking of snow has so many things running through my mind... The fun playing in it. The newness it brings. Words like... "You don't know what you've lost until it's gone..." However, sometimes you're glad it's gone, and pray hard that it doesn't come back. You want your Florida oranges to come back, but not your busted pipes! "You can't unring a bell..." but you can sho' nuff rering one! For some strange reason I hear the woman singing now... "You can ring my beeeeeellllllll, ring my bell!"
James 3:10-12 says this:
10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
11 Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?
12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.

In other words a true Christian can't have a potty mouth, or a deceitful mouth. Yes we would like to take back some of the things we say, or have said, and there are times when we just wish we could have changed the way we say or have said things. The wonderful thing about having a Savior is that like the beautiful snow covered lands, and snow capped mountains God gave us a Savior that can blanket, cover, and wash away all of our sins, and allow us a rebirth just like new life in a new Spring season. "Rejoice, and a-gain (both a's with the long a sound please) I say rejoice." Today is the day to renew your spirit, and you can do just that in Christ. I am getting used to the new tower, and getting used to the memories of the old one. From this imperfect well, the water is sweet for both... sweet new journeys, and grand old memories. I hope yours will be.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

Friday, December 3, 2010

DADT... How Bout DIRM?

To be politically correct let me say that the message on the mirror would be about his military career and not his life...

Should the military repeal, unpeel, or appeal to: DON'T ASK DON'T TELL (DADT)? Or should it be the Does It Really Matter law? Rumor has it that some men (80% of those discharged due to DADT according to one reader) aren't gay but are saying that they are just saying that they are to avoid being deployed to Afghanistan. Rumor has it that some women get pregnant just to be discharged and avoid going to Afghanistan. So does the whole DADT really matter?

One reader (Reader A) says that we get along in society daily working side by side with those that have chosen an alternate lifestyle. 

Another reader (Reader B) replied, that Reader A went to work, worked with the person that had chosen the alternative lifestyle, and then Reader A was allowed to go home. Reader B said that Reader A didn't have to have to bunk with the person in question, shower with them, or live in the same dorm with them.

So is Reader A correct in the comeback in saying that Reader B is insecure?

OK here's a quote on a DADT Blog from MSNBC just for the fun of things... the link is below for the blog.

"12:32PM: Johnson says he does agree with McCain that matters of sexual orientation and race are "fundamentally different" but notes that leading military officials -- at the time -- also predicted negative consequences for racial integration of the Arned Forces."

The imperfect one says: Fundamentally different... ya think? Oh and is it just me or do the last two words remind you of two old timers from the country talking about a dry cleaning shop!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Sweet Innocence

"Daddy will you stay in the room with me," asks my Baby Girl. Mamas iPod Touch is playing a soft ballad from a Contemporary Christian group called, Casting Crowns titled, "Who Am I," in the near pitch black room. Then a little more progressive Christian with Francesca Battistelli, "It's Your Life Whatcha Gonna Do, The World Is Watching You!" Forgive me if I butchered the spelling on the last name. Then on comes Toby Mac. My Baby Girl sighs and sits up in her bed and says, "I told mama I wanted sad music! How am I supposed to go to sleep with this rap on!" Needless to say I nearly had to bite my thumb off in the dark room to keep her from seeing me laugh.

After she's sound asleep the song that starts off "Hey eh, hey eh eh eh eh, hey eh eh eh eh, hey, hey soul sister..." or something close to that comes on, and she sings it word for word in her sleep! What are the odds I can play that again tomorrow, and have her do it again so I can record it. I'm guessing about 0% since I want it to happen. Premeditated funnies are hard to come by if a little one is involved. Their gift of using that candid craft is always best!

To my cousin RCN2, and good night...
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Sunday, November 28, 2010

What I Hear and See On My Way To Work...

Driving to work Wednesday morning before work, I surfed the airwaves, and heard these things. I did voice dictation, so my eyes were on the road. So any friends in law enforcement or to my beautiful bride, don't look for me in a ditch, or punch me when I get home please! Plus, the dictation was necessary, because I could only wish my memory was this good. I didn't know all of the lyrics to each song, or the titles to them all, so here is what you get..."Wanna Talk About Me" (Me..EE...EEE) - yodeling, while riding on a "Roller Coaster Of Love," "I Went Down To Ohio," and then "I went from Phoenix, Arizona, all the way to Tacoma, Philadelphia, Atlanta, L.A., Northern California, where the girls are warm so I could be with my sweet baby, yeah! Keep On Rockin' Me Baby!" Because, "I Won't Back Down," but I will leave "Adios and Vaya Con Dios." 'Meka leki hi meka hiney ho is how you say Merry Christmas in Pee Wee Herman, HI to you.' "Do They Know It's Christmas Time At All?" Christian "Kade" Warriner was the 15th person from our region to die in Afghanistan, he was from Mills River. He signed on right after high school in 2009, married his high school sweetheart this past March and now she is widowed. "Jesus Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes..." "Dear Lord God Almighty From Above Please Look Down and See My People Through."

A self righteous song to start off with, thinking about getting through the day so I can get back home to my baby midway through the songs, and then the painful news of war, and concluding with trusting in Jesus! I don't think you could ask for a better stopping place before work...

Physically I see the picture to the first picture below on my way to work, but visually (mentally) I see the second picture below all day. Lord let me better serve You to be a better servant to You, better serve You to be a better husband, a better father, and overall a better man:


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Thursday, November 25, 2010

What I Am Thankful For (Parental Discretion Advised)

Some folks will be traveling throughout this weekend. Some going to see family, some just to get away. The imperfect Christian is thankful for safe travel. he is also thankful for roads so liberated, they call some of them freeways! Oh and the imperfect Christian loves to fly! He hears Lee Greenwood singing when he thinks of walking through the airport terminal, heading down the corridor nearing the TSA Scanners. Sing it Brother Lee...

Well I'm glad that I'm a flying man, cause as least I fly securely...
And I'm glad that I have a government that thinks so much of me...
so I gladly stand up, and give thanks for each flight each day...
i am glad to be a flying man God bless the TSA!!!

OK the imperfect Christian is certain that if any comments are made those of you with small children, but old enough to read, may want shield their little eyes to some of what "could" be said about the TSA song, and what is to follow. Henceforth the warning label in the title. :)

Let the imperfect one begin by giving thanks to God for everyday, every season, and everything. Yes even the bad. Without the bad we would not truly know the good. Christmas is not the only season Jesus is the reason for the season.

Some have a hard time expressing their thankfulness. Like some that are uptight, and in the church and out bash the "happy people." What other stereotype is there? Oh yes, those with an "alternative lifestyle," that's one less abrasive. Well let me -the imperfect Christian- say that I am thankful for forgiveness. Forgiveness for ever using a term, that was hateful, or called anyone out of name. For those who have forgiven me for using any wrongful terms, I am thankful.

Some are uptight because a couple, or a person decided to terminate an unborn life. The imperfect Christian is once again thankful for forgiveness. Walk in the shoes, before you throw out the Blues. The imperfect one is thankful for those that heard him say under "NO" circumstances should the hideous act ever take place. To my friend that weeps at night because of her tubal pregnancy that had to be terminated, but found it in her heart to forgive me, thank you. The "imperfect" Christian is thankful that you forgive him for not being more supportive of young women, and helping educators, in and out of the home teach young women to take care of themselves, to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and for not being more supportive of those who dealt with a tragedy in their pregnancy that had to be terminated. The imperfect one wants to protect his Baby Girl from feeling alone, or lonely enough to do things recreationally, or otherwise that could change her life forever. Imperfect, but thankful is this father.

To my brother who struggled with addiction. The imperfect one doesn't have to list them, but has felt a lot of them. Imperfect but grateful, that the addiction can be overcome! Imperfect but thankful, that living in this nation is not the greatest thing in life, but what is greatest in the imperfect life is the memories of those housed in his heart from all the years before, and all the ones to come. The men, and women who sacrificed their lives, so the imperfect one could enjoy his. From those who fought at home and abroad, armed and unarmed, the front line of the Calvary in the Civil War in 1860, to the front counter with the Civil Rights Activist at Montgomery Ward in 1960, for them all the imperfect one is thankful. I am thankful for a God and Savior who resides in my heart, and ultimately gave His life. He rose again with all power, so we could live through new birth, and have that life more abundatly. Now bring on the Yardbird, football, and family! Happy Thanksgiving from the imperfect Christian to every house, and every family.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy in Christ... that real PB&J!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sikh with it...

The Link above is from the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Coming from the Associated Press, it's a story that covers a soldier (singular) being granted the permission to wear his turban, and his beard, based on his faith walk. Is he receiving special privileges, or is this his Constitutional Right as an American soldier?

Is it OK to sue an organization, or a group for singling a person out, when that person has asked to be singled out and received special privileges?

Is there somewhere in the US Army dress code, or in any manual, or law anywhere that states that a turban is or is not basic attire for a soldier? If so, is there also an exception for ball caps, or substitutes other than berets for the US Army?

The above picture is what a non-uniformed, unwilling to adhere to the Geneva Conventions guide lines terrorist "could" look like. They could also go under the alias of soldier, but not technically or factually be called anything above a coward if they serve the Taliban. 

She's not old enough to sign a document yet, but she is old enough to know love, and understand what that uniform represents when her daddy and other men like him wears it! I think an adult willing to sign a contract to wear, and serve in one of these uniforms should understand how it is to be worn, what it represents as well.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

ICRS and Friendly Faces

Some of the friendly faces at ICRS, and the new booth. You have to smile around these guys! Ones part owner of this fine establishment, and the other keeps things straight in the warehouse, plus they have contagious joy!

The last fella, well he was always behind the camera, and he's at every show, "The Official Photograhper," so why not put him on film somewhere! Say, "Cheese!" in your B-Boy stance! Lol.

Friday, July 23, 2010

ICRS Trip Lee

I know that it was not a conspiracy, or was it? Notice the hat on Trip Lee's head... His rep is a fan of the bad guys (Yankees fan), and they beat the Dodgers in a comeback on Monday night! Dag! The imperfect Christian has been had! I am going to do a review on the CD hopefully this weekend, it is brilliant! If you like Holy Hip Hop, then you will appreciate this CD... He had 200 plus come by to get an autograph. Of course the imperfect Christian was blessed to get a signed copy for his youngest son,"Smiley" and not a bad flowist in his own right! Until the next time...
Peace, blessings, and joy... that real PB&J

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Seven Dust The New Perfume NOT

Holy smoke! The imperfect Christian has experienced, and shared some experiences that most would not want to partake in, but here's another one that I just had to share. You ever been walking through Wal-Mart, hmmm mmmm, excuse me Baby Girl and Sunshine, I mean Target, and pass a mature woman in her, let's say, 70's that smells different. I wanted to say funky, but that is a harsh term, so I will go with different. Then it hits you, that smell is the same kinda different you smell in the garden! Holy smoke it's Seven Dust perfume!!! Ladies I know some of you like a rough head. You like the dirt under the nails, and the whole "he smells like a working man grease pit smell," but please don't counter that with Seven Dust! Country boy or not, that stuff kills men as well as bugs, leave it alone! How 'bout I talk your fella into getting you some "Happy" by Clinique? Or some Honeysuckle lotion from Bath and Body Works? Don't have a man, hmmmm... let's try a different perfume besides SEVEN DUST! Leave the farm dust on the farm, or at least wear just enough of it, so he has to hug you real tight, or get as close as the ladies in the picture above to smell it. Look at where you are... you have just walked out of the store, and there are a group of smokers. A few others walk out swatting at bugs join in with them and light up. The bugs fly away from the smoke. Now here comes Ms. Seven Dust, and bam, the bugs don't bother her either. She's not picking knats out of her hair, or rubbing them out of her eyes, she's walking with a smile, and her hair doesn't move. Seven Dust the bug repelent is on the Surgeon Generals list, and the perfume should be too.

Lord I pray that I do not offend the Seven Dust District of Parfumers, but I am also praying that You will help them to tone that down just a tad. If they do not tone it down, Lord please send the rain for that crop, and let the under arm hairs, and odors be quickly harvested so the need to feel over perfuming is necessary is relinquished. I pray that whatever company makes that perfume has a change of heart, and sets guidelines for its application. Let them, Lord God, make a different fragrance, a much more pleasant aroma. Thank You Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

ICRS Booth (Lauren Talley)

Ladies and gentlemen, the imperfect Christian presents Ms. Lauren Talley. What a songbird! She blesses me with a Madea "How ur youre?" when she passes my little portion of the Southern Gospel World in our studio. That's Tyrone McGillacuddy in the background to the right. He is the worlds second fastest Bluegrass yodler. OK maybe that's not Tyrone, but that is Lauren... so please go to your favorite Christian Retailer and bug them to no end to get her CD in if it is not on a shelf or sold out!

(ICRS) The Walk The Night Before...

The New Busch Staium is a good looking facility. I used to be big on the the Card's when I was a kid, so this was a treat for me. I was a huge fan of Ozzie Smith's, and Willie McGee. Darrell Porter was there too when I saw them play the Dodgers as a kid. Good stuff! This was a pre-ICRS stroll...

There's Ozzie on the left of Enos Slaughter. Ozzie was a switch hitter, and one of the best shortstops of all time! The new stadium is really nice...

Even if you're not a Follower, who likes baseball, you have to admit, this is pretty cool!

Now if they can get the space around the stadium as fresh as the stadium, they will have something!

I remember Lou's twilight years, and films on Gibson. That man was a pitching machine!!!

The walk back as the sun sets...

My postcard shot of the old courthouse, and the gateway to the West!

The Old Courthouse by the Arch, and back a few blocks the Old Post Office! The only thing new in town was me! Haha... These pictures are dedicated to the postmaster, and his missus. Thank you for a wonderful time in Sun City... Hope grandma is recovering nicely.

Monday, July 19, 2010

NCIS of Christian Retail ICRS

The imperfect Christian took to the streets upon his arrival in St. Louis. The imperfect Christian witnessed very few folks that appeared to be homeless, and the streets were much cleaner than my last visit. Now he didn't hit the hood, just the immediate downtown area, but still nowhere near the depression that he had experienced in Denver last year at ICRS. The imperfect one would have to say that St. Louis was not as active as most major cities, but all and all, the culture was somewhat diverse, and the people not too bad either. Not an abundance of people begging, not a sleeping bottle clinger at every corner, but one man that was pleading to the open air for some clean water. The imperfect Christian didn't encounter the comedic, or hostile non-believer this year either. Overall the streets of St. Louie, not too bad. Not as lively as he had anticipated, and oh man, did he just walked 10 blocks in the wrong direction!? Where can a body find a quick, yet tasty meal, that won't break the bank...? Ummmm nowhere after 7pm in St. Louis on Sunday night, hey wait a second is that a Hardee's? Yes, praise the Lord it is, and a woman waiting at the door for donations for homeless children. OK slide her some funds, and walk briskly back to that room with the help you stay awake drink maker sitting by the idiot box that puts you to sleep!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

ICRS the Room

OK... so one other person asked the imperfect Christian why in the world would someone put the coffee maker in the entertainment center/armoire with your TV? The imperfect one didn't have to share a room so no one was put out by the angle of the TV, and the room was super clean, so he couldn't complain. What he could complain about was the flopping going on in the World Cup. The imperfect one is still trying to figure out how it is that a perfectly healthy 150 to 200lb man can run for 90 minutes, push a whole host of players around during that time, suddenly gets knocked down my the wind from another players kick? Amazing!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

ICRS The Official Welcome

OK the pictures are inverted again! Therefore, starting at the bottom, and working my way up, here goes...

The gateway to the West, you can just see the Arch in the upper portion of the picture. You know the St. Louis Arch where Moses came over on according to Madea?

Then the Missouri Air National Guard, they guard MO airspace!!!

Air Wisconsin for Sunshine...

and it's official, even the ICRS display illuminates the airport. On to the Renaissance Grand...

ICRS Flight into St. Louis

A few more shots from Air Wiscansin... In reverse order here we go...

Aerial shots of the arenas. I was not too far from the St. Louis Rams home, the Edward Jones Dome.

I was even closer to Busch Stadium, home of the St. Louis Cardinals, which at one time was also the name of the football team, that moved to Arizona, and was replaced by the Rams formerly of Los Angeles.

The last window shot is the first shot that I took of the Mississippi River. You really get a greater appreciation for how big it is from he ground, but it is jaw dropping from 5,000 feet as well.

To wrap up. Even the smaller planes have WiFi, and all the luxuries now! My flight lasted long enough for me to boot up my laptop, and then have to shut it down again. Would you like a drink with that? Oh and the airlines should get their peanuts at Target, I think they could save their clientele a bundle! I think people would be much happier to have the $4 price of the peanuts hidden in the ticket price. From the most financially favored, to those less favored, everyone loves to hear the words, "free," or "complimentary." Would you fly for peanuts, will the airlines work for peanuts? Probably not, but would you listen when someone says, "free?" I know you would...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

ICRS in the Clouds... Word of the Day... "Surreal."

The pictures were not that bad, but there is nothing like flying through, or over the clouds. OK I grew up in the country so here's my Preacher Foxworthy Imperfect Christian word of the Day... "Surreal."
"I wanted to take the best picture that I could so they looked surreal, you'd think you was there."

ICRS @ 30,000+

More cloud pics, one more run, and then to the airport...