Saturday, January 14, 2012

Where Can I Find The Right One?

OK the human in the imperfect one says, now he is in favor of the death penalty. Forgive Your imperfect child (me) Lord for allowing the hate in others fuel such an evil thought in Your imperfect child.

Mindless people taunted this little girl, they placed horrible images on various social networks of her. What could a child possibly do to encourage someone to such hatred. You know the imperfect one has seen some kids that are well deserving of correction, but to torment a little girl with an illness and especially a critical one, warrants a critical punishment in this imperfect mind. Lord again forgive Your imperfect child...

In Gods' care rests little Kathleen now, but her family may not rest well for sometime. Please lift them in prayer. Please lift your imperfect brother in prayer. He is in dire need of it.

Tim Allen has a new sitcom called "Last Man Standing." On the show he had a conversation with his (on show) daughter. She said something to the affect of his acts needing to be more loving, and kind, like Gods'. Tim's character said whatever happened to the acts of God that involved the lightning strikes, and the earthquakes to take care of worthless people? Well those were like thoughts of the imperfect one concerning the matter involving little Kathleen!

Abram asked God if he could find enough men that were righteous in the city, if He would spare the city, and GOD could not find one outside of Abram (Abraham)! Only Abram, and his family were spared. Unfortunately everyone in Abram's family, but his nephews wife was spared. Lot's wife looked back and was not spared. Note to self, don't look back when you ask GOD to spare your city (house), and when He says press forward do so, and remember that the one He spares just might be you!

Peace, Blessings, and Joy in Christ... that real PB & J

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Do You Remember The Best Part?

Do you remember what the best part of the cake was? Did you savor it, and enjoy every morsel, or just remember that it was good?

The imperfect Christian stood by his great-great grandmother's bed side and held her hand as she died. After that day, he was fearful of death! The imperfect Christian thought about it as a youngster on a daily basis. As an adult that fearful memory was refreshed, but this time in fear for his children. The imperfect one as a young newly crowned father, had a dream that his infant son (oldest son and no longer an infant) walked out of a skyscraper window, and fell several stories. The imperfect one scrambled in the dream and forced himself to sleep, and to continue the dream, until he could catch his son before he fell to his death.One of the imperfect ones most frightening events for sure!

Then later in his adult life, and being blessed with a girl, the imperfect Christian was sent a message from an angel to give to his little angel. She woke up one night, screaming, and daddy flew to her rescue! She told her imperfect daddy something that tormented him. She spoke of a horrific death that she dreamed about... her own! The imperfect Christian fought back tears until after he talked with her. He thought about the times he dreamed of himself drowning as a child. By the grace of God he swims very well now, and survived childhood by that same grace. So we speak no such curses about death, when it is our time, it is our time. The Word that the angel gave to this imperfect father, and imperfect Christian was... "baby you don't dream of dying, you live, and dream of living!"

Life vs. Death, Heaven and hell, an eternal living God vs. a lying deceitful devil... Who wins, which do we seek most? You see we give in and let evil take way too much from us. We think about the doctor saying, "You are going to die in six months." We don't hear him say, "You have six months or longer to live!" We don't hear GOD saying, "I have prepared a place for you," or "I am the God of the living." We hear that we are going to die. It numbs you doesn't it? It made the imperfect Christian numb to think about hearing those words, he can't lie. How would we face those words? This is how the imperfect Christian chose to face them... See that pound cake above? The imperfect Christian can normally down a piece of cake like that in a breath! Not today, however! Today it took almost 35 - 40 minutes. He tasted the goodness of God through butter, sugar, flour, milk, eggs, and took his time with it. He felt that cake dissolve around his teeth, melt on his tongue, and hit every taste bud on the way down! It was a wonderful piece of cake, and the best part of that cake, was every part, not just the sweet, but the satisfying of sweet, and hunger, and the joy of having something to enjoy. To think someone cared enough to bake it, and share it with others. Thank You God for sharing first of all Yourself, but also the loved ones I get to appreciate on a daily basis, You are too good to an undeserving wretch like me!

Today the imperfect one wants to strive not just to see his children as good, but see the spirit (Spirit) within them, the full vibrant glow in those brown eyes, on each member. The perfect pink lips, and the wonderful white toothy smiles! The active little and not so little fingers with the dirty nails that show the indoor and outdoor activities. All the way down to those long finger toes with complimenting nails. Today the imperfect one challenges you, to savor each moment, and LIVE!!!

Peace, Blessings, and Joy in Christ... that real PB&J!!!