Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What Do You Think Of When...?

What do you think of when someone mentions the way they want to look? What have you thought of when people say they wish that they felt better? Well the imperfect Christian thinks of the Fernando Lamas Ministry...

Yes dahling I am about fifty-five miles outside of a city called resume speed."

Billy Crystal is one of the imperfect Christians all time favorite comedians. The imperfect Christian loved City Slickers, and Throw Mama From The Train, they are classic comedies! However, the imperfect Christian favors the Saturday Night Live Comedy of Mr. Crystal the most. Fernando Lamas was a character that was famous for his line, "Yooou looouk mahvelas dahling!" So today's blog is a tribute to looking and feeling your best. The body is a temple...

"Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own, you were bought with a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid for, made His own]. So then, honor God and bring glory to Him in your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19 & 20 (AMP)

The imperfect Christian doesn't suggest cult like actions or events. He also doesn't limit this to physical imorality, but definitely does not exclude it, just broadens the spectrum a bit. With that said the imperfect one would ask :

Is the everyday "Average Joe/Josephina going to die from heart disease because he/she has a steak from time to time? Is he/she going to have cirrhosis of the liver because he/she has an occasional drink of an alcoholic beverage? Don't even get the imperfect one started on sweets, if that is something that defiles the temple so badly that it sends one to satan's house for eternal dinner, then the imperfect one is doomed for sure! Y'all pray for your imperfect Christian brotha hard on that one!

Well the imperfect one is not a vegetarian, and doesn't have the perfect dietary plan, but the imperfect one feels mahvelous even if it doesn't appear that way! Say nothing all you haters! Lol! Well back to life... anyone in the mood for "Pigs In A Pancho?" That's the Mexican version of "Pigs In A Blanket..." Hey, desperate times, calls for desperate measures! When the imperfect Christian has no hotdog buns, then it's Taco Bread (as Baby Girl calls soft tortilla shells) to the rescue!

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Moving On Up...

The imperfect Christian was reminded that it is Ascension Day, or 39 days after Easter Sunday. Churches and individuals celebrate in different ways. I witnessed the "church crawl", in Mexico City, where people would go to the Cathedral and crawl for hundreds of feet all the way to the altar. Over a hundred meters or more on there knees on concrete. It is a very humbling experience!
To the understanding of the imperfect one, some Lutheran churches organize and worship with a special service where the Paschal (Easter) candle is extinguished and removed after the reading of the gospel on Ascension Day. Communion is not uncommon either. "Do this in remembrance," is written on a ton of AME church communion tables.

Ascension Day can be referenced back as far as circa 68 AD. It is one of the earliest known celebrations or Christian festivals after Christs' crucifixion, and resurrection. Jesus met with His disciples on occasion during the 40 days after His resurrection. It still blows the imperfect Christians mind to read about how the disciples had scattered in fear of their own lives, and Jesus showed up in the upper room where the door was locked! Can you imagine!? Scholars believe according to scripture that on the 40th day Jesus took them to the Mount of Olives, where they stood to bear witness of His ascending into heaven. "And He led them out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them. Now it came to pass, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and carried up into heaven. And they worshipped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple praising and blessing God. Amen." (Luke 24:50-53) NKJV

Ascension Day ends the Easter season and takes place ten days before Pentecost, which in case this year would be on June 12th. So with that said, Happy Day of Ascension, or Day or Hope, and Promise. He has gone to prepare a place for us. Until we meet in that place, and at that appointed time (that only He knows!) blessings to you all. I really want to go to Corcovado, and have my picture taken by the Redeemer statue! Oh yeah and hang out with Ronaldinho! LOL!

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J
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