Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Church Mother Jab!

Have you ever been to a church or out in public, and have a woman stick and move on you? The exception being that she did the sticking, and your head and neck did the moving? 

While in Jamaica, The imperfect Christian developed a stomach disorder. Mama T (the deaconess) chalked it up as running stomach. Her husband, Deacon Thomas, with her diagnosis, anointed the imperfect Christian with oil. He slathered it on the imperfect ones'  head, neck, and body. The deacon smacked the imperfect Christians skin like a good corner man does a fighter. The deacon prayed over the imperfect one, that day and gave the instructuon that everyone was to rise each morning at sunrise for Son rise at 5:30am to have devotion. After much prayer, The imperfect one examined Mama T's ingredients, and discovered that Mama T was putting milk (a lot of milk), in his breakfast drink. From then on out, it was only fruits and veg-Jah-tables  (veg-Jah-tables="vegetables" in the imperfect ones best Jamaican accent), an "I could've had a sweeter V-8," smack to the forehead, and healed! This was the cause of his running stomach, because the imperfect Christian is lactose intolerant... No more milk, no more running stomach, Go, and be blessed! 

One of the imperfect Christians favorite church leaders "Ms. Alice Swepson Ray," once prayed over him after noticing that he was hurting spiritually. Then with a Holy Ghost, pungent swat to the forehead, and a mild case of temporal whiplash, that lasted all of approximately two seconds, he was healed. In fact the imperfect Christian laughed after he realized that she had just knocked some sense into him. 

Then there was Mrs. Freeman. Mrs. Freeman used to do the same thing, and tell you that she loved you, but she would tag you with that flat open hand, to the forehead, quicker than a young Ali, and sharper than a seasoned, and oh so, crafty Larry Holmes could have. 

The imperfect one loves the late Ms. Marilee, and Ms. Alice, and he loves the Thomas'! Above all the imperfect Cristian loves The Lord, for introducing and allowing him to meet and know such great people.The imperfect one thanks Him, and praises Him for allowing him to go, and be blessed!

Deuteronomy 28:6 
Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out. 

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... That real PB&J

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Justification Through Abdication

How do you justify hurting someone? How do you justify loving someone that hurts you? Sometimes doing the right thing is like being punched in the stomach. Remember "Harry and the Hendersons?" Remember the scene where George Henderson (John Lithgow) punched Harry (the late Kevin Peter Hall) in the stomach to get him to leave? George didn't want Harry to go, but he felt it was best for Harry, so even in what seemed like a putrid act of sheer evil to Harry, it was an act of love on the behalf of George.

It's like your best friend moving to the beach, you give them a hug because the ask for it, then they come by your house to say good-bye, but you can't muster the strength to go to the door, you just lie in you room on the bed and cry.

It's like the disciples and all of the followers , thinking that Jesus would free them physically, and that the Romans would die, while all along it was Jesus that would die, and go.

Jesus gone? The throne abdicated? Certainly not! But the King did let go. Rather than punch us in the stomach, He took the pain. The He let go of the pain, He released all the sins of man, and cast them into a devil's hell, into a sea of forgetfulness, when we repent. Today perhaps you too, feel like you are living in hell, and don't want to die and go to hell. Call on Jesus (Romans 10:10-13), and He will release your sin as well. Are we sin free from then on? No. So is there a sinner preaching to you? Possibly. Is it a hypocrite preaching at you? Possibly. But what is impossible is saying that God doesn't love you. If He can use a wretch like the imperfect Christian to touch one soul, then imagine what He can do with a loyal soul, that is on fire for Him!

Letting go isn't always easy, not even if it's letting go of something for the right reason. Sometimes we have to let go of things that we love because it's best for the loved one, it may not feel like it's best for you, but it is, and sometimes we have to let go of things that we wish we could, and most likely should do without. At times letting go is necessary. Be blessed and know that He is GOD, and that you are LOVED!

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J