Sunday, November 28, 2010

What I Hear and See On My Way To Work...

Driving to work Wednesday morning before work, I surfed the airwaves, and heard these things. I did voice dictation, so my eyes were on the road. So any friends in law enforcement or to my beautiful bride, don't look for me in a ditch, or punch me when I get home please! Plus, the dictation was necessary, because I could only wish my memory was this good. I didn't know all of the lyrics to each song, or the titles to them all, so here is what you get..."Wanna Talk About Me" (Me..EE...EEE) - yodeling, while riding on a "Roller Coaster Of Love," "I Went Down To Ohio," and then "I went from Phoenix, Arizona, all the way to Tacoma, Philadelphia, Atlanta, L.A., Northern California, where the girls are warm so I could be with my sweet baby, yeah! Keep On Rockin' Me Baby!" Because, "I Won't Back Down," but I will leave "Adios and Vaya Con Dios." 'Meka leki hi meka hiney ho is how you say Merry Christmas in Pee Wee Herman, HI to you.' "Do They Know It's Christmas Time At All?" Christian "Kade" Warriner was the 15th person from our region to die in Afghanistan, he was from Mills River. He signed on right after high school in 2009, married his high school sweetheart this past March and now she is widowed. "Jesus Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes..." "Dear Lord God Almighty From Above Please Look Down and See My People Through."

A self righteous song to start off with, thinking about getting through the day so I can get back home to my baby midway through the songs, and then the painful news of war, and concluding with trusting in Jesus! I don't think you could ask for a better stopping place before work...

Physically I see the picture to the first picture below on my way to work, but visually (mentally) I see the second picture below all day. Lord let me better serve You to be a better servant to You, better serve You to be a better husband, a better father, and overall a better man:


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Thursday, November 25, 2010

What I Am Thankful For (Parental Discretion Advised)

Some folks will be traveling throughout this weekend. Some going to see family, some just to get away. The imperfect Christian is thankful for safe travel. he is also thankful for roads so liberated, they call some of them freeways! Oh and the imperfect Christian loves to fly! He hears Lee Greenwood singing when he thinks of walking through the airport terminal, heading down the corridor nearing the TSA Scanners. Sing it Brother Lee...

Well I'm glad that I'm a flying man, cause as least I fly securely...
And I'm glad that I have a government that thinks so much of me...
so I gladly stand up, and give thanks for each flight each day...
i am glad to be a flying man God bless the TSA!!!

OK the imperfect Christian is certain that if any comments are made those of you with small children, but old enough to read, may want shield their little eyes to some of what "could" be said about the TSA song, and what is to follow. Henceforth the warning label in the title. :)

Let the imperfect one begin by giving thanks to God for everyday, every season, and everything. Yes even the bad. Without the bad we would not truly know the good. Christmas is not the only season Jesus is the reason for the season.

Some have a hard time expressing their thankfulness. Like some that are uptight, and in the church and out bash the "happy people." What other stereotype is there? Oh yes, those with an "alternative lifestyle," that's one less abrasive. Well let me -the imperfect Christian- say that I am thankful for forgiveness. Forgiveness for ever using a term, that was hateful, or called anyone out of name. For those who have forgiven me for using any wrongful terms, I am thankful.

Some are uptight because a couple, or a person decided to terminate an unborn life. The imperfect Christian is once again thankful for forgiveness. Walk in the shoes, before you throw out the Blues. The imperfect one is thankful for those that heard him say under "NO" circumstances should the hideous act ever take place. To my friend that weeps at night because of her tubal pregnancy that had to be terminated, but found it in her heart to forgive me, thank you. The "imperfect" Christian is thankful that you forgive him for not being more supportive of young women, and helping educators, in and out of the home teach young women to take care of themselves, to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and for not being more supportive of those who dealt with a tragedy in their pregnancy that had to be terminated. The imperfect one wants to protect his Baby Girl from feeling alone, or lonely enough to do things recreationally, or otherwise that could change her life forever. Imperfect, but thankful is this father.

To my brother who struggled with addiction. The imperfect one doesn't have to list them, but has felt a lot of them. Imperfect but grateful, that the addiction can be overcome! Imperfect but thankful, that living in this nation is not the greatest thing in life, but what is greatest in the imperfect life is the memories of those housed in his heart from all the years before, and all the ones to come. The men, and women who sacrificed their lives, so the imperfect one could enjoy his. From those who fought at home and abroad, armed and unarmed, the front line of the Calvary in the Civil War in 1860, to the front counter with the Civil Rights Activist at Montgomery Ward in 1960, for them all the imperfect one is thankful. I am thankful for a God and Savior who resides in my heart, and ultimately gave His life. He rose again with all power, so we could live through new birth, and have that life more abundatly. Now bring on the Yardbird, football, and family! Happy Thanksgiving from the imperfect Christian to every house, and every family.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy in Christ... that real PB&J!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sikh with it...

The Link above is from the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Coming from the Associated Press, it's a story that covers a soldier (singular) being granted the permission to wear his turban, and his beard, based on his faith walk. Is he receiving special privileges, or is this his Constitutional Right as an American soldier?

Is it OK to sue an organization, or a group for singling a person out, when that person has asked to be singled out and received special privileges?

Is there somewhere in the US Army dress code, or in any manual, or law anywhere that states that a turban is or is not basic attire for a soldier? If so, is there also an exception for ball caps, or substitutes other than berets for the US Army?

The above picture is what a non-uniformed, unwilling to adhere to the Geneva Conventions guide lines terrorist "could" look like. They could also go under the alias of soldier, but not technically or factually be called anything above a coward if they serve the Taliban. 

She's not old enough to sign a document yet, but she is old enough to know love, and understand what that uniform represents when her daddy and other men like him wears it! I think an adult willing to sign a contract to wear, and serve in one of these uniforms should understand how it is to be worn, what it represents as well.