Friday, January 24, 2014

Words with Meaning, or Meaning with Words?

The Fixx performed a song called, "One Thing Leads to Another," and in their song they pose the question: "Why don't they do what they say, say what they mean?" Then explain that, "one thing leads to another."

The imperfect Christian hears the term, "I'm sorry, and asks himself what is this besides uniformity? Does it truly ameliorate the issue at hand? Is it comforting or true? In most cases, no, it is not. It's a cop out that says, "Ok, you got me!" It is not a sincere, "How may I amend this, what may I do to right the wrong?"  

"I'd do ANYTHING to make it right again!" 

Would you really? If you would should the offended party be willing to forgive you, and if so, how many times?

How many times should I forgive my brother Lord? (Reference St. Matthew 18:21) Peter was gracious enough to ask the Lord if 7 times would be a sufficient amount of times to forgive someone, and Jesus said (paraphrasing in a modern voice); Homeboy if you can double the California penal code ruling and baseballs 3 strikes you're out rules, then you should be able to forgive 70 times 70!

Therefore, if you can forgive 490 times, then what's 491?!

Perhaps someone has promised you something? Perhaps they promised that they would be somewhere, or provide some sort of service, but failed to deliver? Perhaps they promised to love you? Have you completely forgiven that person? Are things like they were before the incident? If you answered, "no" then you haven't forgiven that person or yourself.

Sivart Pooknyw said, "I want my life to have meaning, not wording. When I say I love you, I love you, I not only speak it, I live it!"

How many times has someone told you that they loved you, but wouldn't take 30 seconds out of their day to pick up the phone just to check on you. How many times has someone told you that they'd do anything for you, but when you're down on your luck they will not pay your power bill, in fact they are likely not to give you a dollar toward your utility bills, or any other bills, let alone pay a total payment for you?

When a lover tells his/her partner that they love them, they don't just use words of uniformity. They live that, and make that word a work, and it's supposed to be an ongoing work.

There is one that paid it forward, once, and for ALL. Yes, er'body, even the imperfect Christian.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... That real PB&J