Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The imperfect Christian Band!

I was the seven year old phenom that was in "Sly and The Family Stone." Sylvester "Sly" Stone kicked me out because they had to meet a quota! They hired a white drummer, and sang...Ooooh Sha, Sha,...Ieyeyeyeyeye am everyday people!!! and had a number one hit! Larry Graham went out on his own, and started Graham Central Station. Sly got into trouble, and went to prison. I the imperfect Christian joined the band, HAIT W pronounced Hate W which means, "Hair Am I To Worship." See the picture below featuring "Myny Koop."

We had a radio release called, "Fro The Love of God!" I was told later if I had fired my son and hired a white drummer we would have had a number one hit!

You look for that one place to find refuge. You ask God to remove you from it all. If you are like the imperfect Christian then you have been to the place that only leads back to you. We get Matthew 8:21 Disciple Syndrome, "Lord let me first..." or you just get imperfect Christian Syndrome. "Lord I want..." The Lord is my Shepherd, and I shall not want. We always want something and that something is usually our way, even when God is saying, "Nope!" And where does that put us? Away from God still wanting when we have no need of want. It puts us back at selfishness. I am trying to find the place of conviction that first led me back to a re dedication to Christ. Lord again I believe, but help Thou my unbelief. The imperfect Christian was on lonely street last evening. Let me tell you how it all went down. Well not all but mostly.

The imperfect one got in a bad way. He went down to the dungeon to vent. He being imperfect thought he would hit the 80 lb heavy bag with out taping up, or at least putting gloves on. Here's the results:

Rough knuckles won't kill you, but stupidity can get you killed! After hitting and kicking the doo doo out of the heavy, the imperfect one stormed out of the house and decided to go for a run. The run saw a pretty steady two miler for the first time in over a year! Yessur in over a year! The imperfect Christian needs to get his run on. After letting the imperfect Christian dog loose, the imperfect Christian took his cool down walk. Then we (the imperfect Christian dog and Christian) went for a ride in the truck. We rode to town and back. That dog sure loves to ride! It was then that the imperfect Christian went into his bedroom and began to text the man that he sees as the most perfect of imperfect Christians, and his music mentor, and would like for him to be his ministry mentor as well. Oh wait the imperfect Christian relinquished his duties in the music last night! He will official turn loose of his church duties on Sunday also, and just deal with his situation the best he knows how, and hopefully above what a pagan would. So, he's still the mentor, just minus an active student. After several series of texting, the imperfect one had a misunderstanding with an imperfect Christian. So what does he do next? Gets back in a very unstable vehicle and goes back out. Well the venture led to a very remote area. He watched the stars manifest their beauty, and watched a beautiful crescent moon hide behind a row of oaks and pines. It was gorgeous! A cool mountain breeze made the trees sway, and cooled my stinging raw knuckles. I was content with staying where I was at until I thought about getting up in time for work!!! Well what to do. Drive back a little closer to home. Why is the truck lugging so hard! The imperfect one gets out and sees that the drivers side tires are still very worn, but intact and with air, however, as for the right rear, it was as Jesus said about His call..."It is finished!" I rode that puppy for over twenty-two and a half miles on a flat tire! When I pulled into the Wal Mart parking lot my little truck sounded like "River Dance" meets "Bringin' Da Funk, Bringin' Da Noise!" I have never heard such a clamour! This would be my home for the next few hours. I am now dead in my chair at work finishing out the imperfect day.

Peace, blessings, and joy...

Monday, June 29, 2009

And yet again...

Yet again a super weekend!!! This crew of youngsters make my day, and complete my life. I am the imperfect Christian so God is above all even when I do not act like it, but these guys are my joy!

God blesses me with so much, and I do not deserve any of it. I do not deserve to be saved from a devils hell, but He made the way so that I could. So that all could. I want to be on track for my little ones.

My simple prayer Lord God save my kids from a generational curse! Allow them even in my flaws learn how to cope, and deal with lifes most difficult situations, and how to smile and glorify You in everything. Amen.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Last of the Fro-hicans!

To and fro, there the hair goes. I have a big event coming up pretty soon, and I want to be stylin' when I go. So today the fro had to go. It was like parting with an old friend. A gray strand here, a gray strand there, Lord just don't let me lose all of my hair. I had to throw that rhyme in there. Well Dawn bought some clippers and gave her first haircut today. She actually did a great job! Got a pretty smooth fade out of the deal that will make my Grandmama happy. She doesn't like it when I shave my head, so today was for her. We are coming up on the 8th Anniversary of my Uncle Flips death, and each year at this time my grandmother feels a renewed pain. You would think that time eventually heals it all, but not all. You just have to figure out a new way to deal with what's hurting. Well the imperfect Christian is one of the Last Fro-hicans branchin' out from the Blackfoot, Cherokee, and Afro tribes. I will have to see how the smooth fade goes tomorrow. Going to a little ladies pool party!

You ever been caught in one of those waves that was beautiful but knew that it was gonna hurt!? Well if you haven't thank God! This picture has a wave that is probably an 18-20 footer curling off a nasty sandbar, and preparing to spray ocean mist 30-35 feet in the air above, and then dump about 50,000 gallons and 5,000 lbs of pressure per square foot on whomever gets in it's path! I pray that all find the path and the lip that will allow the ride to be a smooth one to the shoreline, and not a burial in the sands of life! That is all... : )

Mitch You Have Lost Your Mind!!!

I get home, and rest my eyes for a bit, my boys are making a camp fire, and baby girl comes running over from my mother's house to greet me with my daily fix of sugah. I go in the house, and wash my hands and get ready to put burgers on the grill. The NBA Draft i$ now $tarting. The Clippers nab Blake Griffin as the first pick just as everyone predicted. It was the later picks that became more interesting. A few teams passed over Mr. Run and Gun Curry, Tyler Hansbrough went to the Pacers, and then the T-Wolves gave the rights to Ty Lawson to Denver! Wayne Ellington went to the Timberwolves one spot ahead of the Lakers 29th Pick! But the Lakers had a chance to bring in Danny Green and what did they do? They pick up a kid named Beverly. Mickey Gamble was right...Mitch Kupchak has been in Southern California for too long! Well my burgers are done, and they were gone in a matter of minutes and the missus put together a mean batch of taters, and the night was pretty calm. Ty Boog and I had a chance to watch Brazil face a pretty tough integrated South African team, and it was a blessing in more than one way. One I had some quiet time with Tyg, and I was able to watch a nation unite on a playing field and overcome apartheid! So as the world makes changes for the better I pray that the Los Angeles and California sports organization's do too! Here are my requests:
Remove Al Davis from his position. Yes I know he has done a lot for football, and that he owns my favorite football team! I love Al, but you need to go! Second thought get Manny healthy and trade him for money that will bring in new young roid free players in for the future, and Third I a would pray that somebody commit Mitch Kupchak to Bellvue! He is insane! God was gracious enough to spare me a third heart break. Mitch wouldn't have picked Wayne Ellington, and I would have screamed imbecile all through my house! He would then look over Danny Green not once, but twice! Yes he got a fist full of dollars on the first pick, but really Mitch not getting Green on the early second round pick!? Come on! Mitch really, have you lost your mind?!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The picture says it all! 3:51 am! "What in the world," as my cousin June Bug used to say! One friend recommends Ambien. I tell this friend that I do not think Ambueno will help me. Another friend says that they have some old nursing books that will put me to sleep. Well unless someone is going to crown me over the head with them, I do not think they will work either. I don't need a nurse, and I think that I am even past the doctors help now. I need to find an imperfect Island where people don't drive by and blow there horn at elderly people for turning off of the highway to slow. I need a mountain retreat where tourist are unwilling to travel to. I need a vacant lakeside cabin with an endless supply of fishing gear...oh wait! On the fourth of July you can fish anywhere in the state witout license! Well Mr. Wheat... and Mr. Wheat said, "Es?" What say you to joing me on my first fishing trip in ages? The Wheat could not help but want to go I am certain, and the imperfect Christian is looking for his gear tomorrow, or should I say today?! On to study more, and then who knows...

How Do You?

Want is as deep as the ocean. Where does one wave start and where does it end? When does the surf shift, and how does the bar move the wave? With time changes take place and even the ocean does not have control. Love is like two drops of ocean mist, they may mesh, and become a part of a bigger love, or one may evaporate, and go to naught. So, where does the wave return to, and where does the wave end? Perhaps it never ends and that is the enigma we know as the ocean and an enigma that only God knows the answer to. Ocean breakers, ocean curls, gentle waves made by the salt water that knows only glistening sandy shores as it's retainer. Where is that mysterious drop that calls upon even the dew to join her? It is the destiny of even the dew from the morning air to get lost in this vast body. Drawn in, and captivated only to lose itself, as the ocean continues on her way. The shore line holds her but she is not always bound. She has escaped the shore line if only momentary, to venture a little farther, collecting and gathering as she will. But the destiny of the sea will see is to quench until she herself is quenched.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I Must Have Jumped...

The above link is a wonderful skit about how God removes the dead weight in our lives. One line in this skit says:
God I let you down so many times!
God replies, No you didn't, you couldn't, you never held Me up, it was I that held you up!
Wow! That was deep. I have never let Him down, but I have run, I have even tried to hide, and asked for death. I must have jumped, jumped like a fish trying to find his way back to water, only to find himself dying in the boat. But I like the little lamb above jumped in fear, and God planted my feet on solid ground time and time again. What's the worst thing you've ever done? What is the most cruel thing you've ever said? Well let me tell you that to someone it matter's, but if they truly love you they will forgive you. God is that someone, He forgives, and thankfully He is the only Soul equipped to totally forget! I mess up and in all of those events where I do falter God keeps calling my name, and telling me how much He loves me! It is better than I deserve, better than any of us deserve, but He does it regardless! A friend of mine asked me what the transformation was like. You know going from sinner to saint, and then wondered what it was like to go from earthly figure to heavenly? I thought for a second and God hit me like a ton of bricks.
God said to me, "Where did you come from imperfect one that I am perfecting for eternity?"
I said, "My mothers womb."
God had to be shaking His head when He said, "Go back to the beginning!"
I said, "From the dust Lord."
He said, "Exactly, and where do I cast sin?"
Uh the sea of forgetfulness? I asked.
He said, "And what would happen to dust in the sea?"
It is pretty much done breaks up and becomes nothi...oh Wow! is all that I could say. So we receive the glorified body like Christ did when He just showed up in the upper room... The dusty sin factory is no more, and we take on a newness and become like Christ! That's awesome!!! (1 John 3) read the whole chapter it's short and good for you.
I have lived willingly in sin and God has still used me. I have been guilty of every transgression against God, and He has still been just to forgive me when I repent. Come quickly Lord Jesus, come quickly.
Coracao, the heart forgives, and knows only to love when it is loved...but love has no boundaries when it is agape (unconditional) love. Love goes beyond sight, goes beyond the dust, it goes with you always. Even if someone doesn't love you back true love continues. That is agape, and that is GOD! God is in the heart, and filled it with His spirit. Coracao that heart which is my heart knows the boundless love of God, that heart loves even when it is hurting. I pray for the comfort of every heart that aches, and I pray for the staying power of love. Until my next thoughts...
Peace, Blessings, and Joy...The real PB&J!


Some people go to therapist to sort out their problems. Some have good pastors and good friends that will listen and give sound advice. Well good people I used to talk to Nikki. Nikki would speak to me, and ask me to touch her and reach deep to feel myself in her. Each tone would ring out, and I would feel as though with her potential I had let her down. Nikki is my escape. She is beautiful, natural, and created wonderfully! She was born in Scottsdale and I met her in 1995. She came to my house, and I knew instantly that I was not good enough for her. How could a man with $25 fingers deserve a $2500 guitar? Yes Nikki is my Custom Shop '54 reissue Fender Stratocaster. I still do not do her justice, but look to get more time in with her, so that she can teach me to love again, and to learn to express myself when nobody cares, and when nobody else is listening. BB had Lucille, Stevie had Lenny, and if I can ever perform well enough to turn loose in public, you good people can say that the imperfect Christian had Nikki! Just another drop in the bucket from your imperfect Brother.
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... The real PB&J

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This not an official report or in any way anything other than my own thoughts, I do not speak officially, nor are my views direct reflections for Crossroads Music, or the EmPower Your Ministry Group.
With that said, the imperfect one is in class! I am working under the tutelage of Mickey Gamble and Kevin Ward. Just got off of a conference call and looking to do some really big things! I am the least experienced in this group, and looking to learn as much as I possibly can to better myself for Christ, my family, my company, and my brother's and sister's, both believers and non.
Philippians 4:6-7 "Be careful (anxoius) for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God."
I do not want to go in anxious, but I am excited! Mickey Gamble has a blog called "The Gospeleer." His teachings are phenomenal! Kevin is a blast as well. He has quite a sense of humor to boot, so this should be interesting. People popping in and out of the conference call, it was great. But to hear all Christian voices on the same page, wanting to learn more about how to better themselves for the sake of Christ was pretty awesome! I do not deserve to be among a great as faithful as the one that I am now a part of.
I also work with a faithful group of singers called Voices of Inspiration. 20+ singers and musicians that are on fire for God, and I am finding myself trying to reinvent myself to be what I need to be for everyone. Then it dawned on me, I told a young man almost 10 years ago that he could not be anything for anyone else until he knew what he needed to be for himself. So, here the imperfect one goes again! Until next time...Peace, Blessings, & Joy... The real PB&J

Women & Men on Foreign Policy

Number six (6) on the poster is quite a statement! I used to be that guy. Now it takes 5 to make him! Wow, can we say do the right thing? What changes in a persons life from second to second, minute to minute, day to day, you get the picture. What changes in a persons life period? "Time." During this time, other things change, and we have to adapt to those changes, and sometimes that includes making our own changes that others will have to adapt to as well. With time comes a new era. Ladies, men are not like my great grandfather anymore! They're not like my grandfather anymore. This new era of men, sees a new era of women. A different way to treat them, and most of you delicate creatures look to be treated differently. During the era of true gentlemen it was the gentleman that paid for every meal, held every door, and smiled at the end of every sentence. Well now every is not as often. It's seldom, and almost unheardof.

I am the honest and imperfect Christian. I do not study like I used to. I have not prepared daily sermons. I do not preach in front of the mirror watching my little girl walk by thinking that her daddy has lost his marbles. The boys are glad because I used to preach directly at them, and not the mirror, baby girl got off easy! Well perhaps she shouldn't? Perhaps she needs to see that? Her mother doesn't like me to open doors for her. I love it when she waits for me, and shows me that I am worth the wait. I love it when she will allow me to run out in a pouring rain and bring the car around for her. But you know what (speaking to the fellas now)? The women are not my great-great grandmother, they are not my grandmother either. They are a whole new era and they see things in a whole new independent way! I hated cats because they were so independant! Then we got a female manx and she was unbelievable! She killed every rodent, and sometimes other unwanted critters. She jumped a crow and killed it one day! I thought to myself, and said, "Self" and self said, "Huh?" Then I said, "That is one more bad...," and self said, "Watch yo mouth!" And I said, "Just talking bout Keys y'all!" Keys taught me that independence wasn't always a bad quality. She was a worker, and she could serve it up to. That's just who she was. She wasn't a lap cat. Now I didn't know that when bringing her home, but that was alright, we grew on each other. That's how couples should get down too. You grow on each other, because sometimes things just change. It may seem a little foreign to you at first, but if you follow the SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures) you can make it happen. Practice your Foreign Policies, admend them as often as necessary, and enjoy!

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... The Real PB&J!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Colonized Minds, Brainwashed Minds, Free Minds

(Genesis 4:8 KJV)

8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.

So, is it so that this was the first murder? If so what significance does that have?

(1 John 3:11-15 KJV)

11This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. 12Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother's were righteous. 13Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you. 14We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death. 15Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.

Delphus is the word for brother in the ancient Greek. Delphi, delphia, where we get the name for our great Pennsylvania city "Philadelphia" or also known as "The City of Brotherly Love." If I hate my brother, or wish him away then I am the same as a murderer according to the word right? So who is my brother? Was God really a chauvinist, and a racist? Could God have meant brothers meaning mankind, and include women too!? He did say after all, "ANYONE who does NOT LOVE remains in DEATH." Let's go further even. Did it say just Christians? It's OK to wish away all other people, but not Christians? We are inspectors and not the Righteous Judge! Some say that the Arabs and or Muslims are descendants of Ishmael. The Word of God says that Ishmael was circumcised, and this signified Jewish tradition. However, the Bible also says that Ishmael and his descendants would war against their brothers. Brothers in Christ, or brothers of the womb? In any case God told Abram that would be Abraham that whatever race, ethnicity, or cultures branched from him, he (Ishmael) still had Gods blessing, just not the covenant established through him.

So where am I getting to? Well I am getting to a world view now. Why did we invade Iraq? Do we really view Iraqi's as brother's or just a group that we should hate and war with? Were the Jews all Messianic that we warred for during the Second World War? Was Hitler justifiable in his killing all Jews? Should we have sat by and done nothing? What would happen if we withdrew from Afghanistan? How many children would perish at the hands of the Taliban? What will happen if North Korea builds nuclear weapons? What will happen if Iran arms itself with Nuclear weaponry? What happens if we get more false reports should we rush in and start a war with any nation just because? Are there really more abortions than murders created by war? Famine, disease, and inhumanity, is there really more murder created by abortion? Is that the one reason that allowed me to vote for one man over another? I can say yes to that. Do I agree with recreational abortion? NO. What I mean by recreational abortion is two people fool around, pro-create and then when the female is late two months straight she decides to have an abortion. No I do not agree. However, I do not agree with a man, or a government telling a woman with a second, third, and fourth opinion that says she nor her child will survive should be forced to try.

Murder or self defense? It would be very difficult for any woman to give up a child. Even for adoption it would be hard for a loving soul to turn loose of their own flesh and blood! How many women would try to terminate the pregnancy on their own? How many elected officials would send the homeless back to the streets and turn them away from government assistance. I agree with my boss, and my President, if we had the church doing what it needed to, we would not need as much government assistance. A Christian shouldn't have to ask for government assistance at all if the church is really and truly doing what needs to be done! If we as community leaders educate our children then no need to worry with unwanted pregnancy, so yes to a certain degree I agree. But isn't it impossible to agree with everyone on every subject? If you answered no, please write and correct me, I would love to hear that one! As a Christian we have to accept God's infallible word as true and completely agree, and as a Christian we must agree that there is but one way to eternal life, outside of that, holla at ya boy if you find any two humans totally agree on everything, and I will humble myself and follow you! I can already tell you to save your breathe, keying or any other form of communication to explain yourself, cause it will not happen! I have however, grown more mature over the years and have learned to research and keep an open mind. I do this research as if it were as urgent as a matter in my own personal life. I do not know that I have immediate Jewish descendants, but I know the Abrahamic bloodline is in my blood somewhere along the way. The Holocaust was not a myth. Genocide is not a myth. Warring against powers of the dark is not a myth. These are just a few issues that I ponder over from day to day, as I pray for a safe environment for my children to grow up in. I wonder what issues other folks look at in everyday decision making? Free your mind!

Peace, Blessings, and Joy...

The Colonized Mind vs Brainwashing

I took this picture from my cell going home one day while driving. A cloud filled Carolina Blue sky, and just a gorgeous day! I drove from work on a highway that I was completely confident in. No roadside bombs, no heavy artillery to concern myself with, just lovely scenic curvy mountain roads.

I thought about my freedom, and what it meant to me. I thought you know even if I were physically held captive I am still a free man! My soul is free, my spirit is free, so why am I so worked up? I thought about how people read their Bibles, and I got totally fired up! People read every book with a different view. I love John Grisham novels and the partner is my all time favorites. I loved the action, and have looked for a sequel! I want to play the roll of Danilo Silva! I also want the sequel having Silva finding the things that he missed in the first novel/movie. That would mean a two movie deal for me. : ) I have the look Mr. Grisham, and I am more than available! I can assure you that there is someone else out there that has a similar view, but not an exact one. We are all individuals that have our own minds, even if some unfortunately have been brainwashed!

Brainwashing troubles me. We go to school, or to church, and there is someone there in that prestigious institution with what they feel is the only way. Every facility has a person in that frame of mind, and more and more institutions are geared to make their establishment a cult rather than a free thinking tribe. Well good people the only time I can say for certain that there is only one way, is when we talk about salvation. I am a firm believer as an "imperfect Christian" that Christ is the "only way" to eternal life. With that said please allow me to get onto my political soapbox for just a moment. No I dare not mix politics and religion, because I am a spiritual man not a religious one. Religion is man made, and us men folk have a way of slap messin' things up! And Politics please! Tim Lovelace sums it up best with a saying that was passed down to him...Poly means many, and Ticks are little blood sucking creatures! So, how is it that I could vote for a man like President Obama, or for that matter in the past a man like George W. Bush? Let me just tell you how. I was raised in a home that was built by "imperfect Christians." I went to a Union Church, and a public school. I am a part of the Bible Belt, and a Southern Gentleman for the most part. So, I know a little about brainwashing! Not that the South is bad, or public school, or my little imperfect Union church is bad. But you will see more and more that no matter where you go, there is a brainwasher in your community, or one trying to move into it. I was brainwashed at one time myself. I thought for myself, but only after listening to the brainwashers, and being exposed to some truths that hit directly to home! I decided that I would research and do as Paul had instructed the Bereans. I didn't just take anyone's word on anything, but placed my trust in Christ. (Psalm 118:8)

I voted for former President Bush because of one issue... abortion! Both candidates claimed to be Christians, but Bush was said to be Pro-Life. I went with Mr. Bush based on one issue. I thought he did an excellent job when dealing with 9-11 right after it occurred, however, I witnessed things go down hill from there.

I loved Bill Clinton, although a Monica helped damage his status toward some, and to others well... a hero for all the wrong Larry Flint reasons! Bubba after a very near impeachment sent a flight over to Kosovo that in my opinion was done for all the wrong reasons. It helped spark world attention, but it was intially done to create a distraction. One to take the public and world eye off of him just long enough to get him through his last term. There were no more legal battles, and he has been placed on the political back burner, and is now taking a backseat to the missus. Not much talk about Bill's famous cigar, or Ms. Lewinsky's not so smokin' backside! Sure someone will say something, but it's not of the magnitude that it once was. I do not hear mention of Bush or Clinton when people mention great past U.S. Presidents. Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and hopefully with no mishaps Obama, but no Bush's, and no Clinton just yet... See you in 2016 Hill?

I would like to touch on my humanitarian views on the next blog and use some Old and New Testament survey to bring it home with. See you on the next one.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy...The real PB&J

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What It Do 2

Communication is a must in any relationship. From the beginning of time communication has been make or break for every culture, and home!

Compromise is also a key factor! Without rational compromise your relationship cannot survive!

Yes you are talking to a man that knows from experience! Let's look Biblically at Communication, and compromise. Start from the beginning: Adam.

Genesis 2:21 - 25 (First break down in communication)

Adam communicated with God and prioritized right up until the time God blessed him with Eve. What did Adam do first thing? That's right he put God on the back burner! How did I come to that conclusion? Let's look at Adam's actions. God used a spiritual anesthetic on him and put him to sleep. Urban dictionary please..."Now that's DOPE!" When Adam awoke he truly acted as if he were on (Grannies dictionary please) "the DOPE!" What did he do and what did he (Adam) not do? Adam was blessed by God to feel no physical pain, and from Adam a rib was taken. Ladies men gave birth first, and it was pain free, one more reason to hate men besides being able to stand for potty, and leave the seat up, or not lift it at all. Yeah I know...eeewwwww!!! I try to never let the ladies down by leaving the seat down when it's supposed to be up but onto the point at hand. Adam was blessed with a pain free birth, and birthing. Adam was given the perfect mate, and what did he do? He more or less said, "OK Lord I can take it from here. You will be flesh of my flesh, and bone of my bones." Of course that is not a Biblical quote by my paraphrasing in case a baby "imperfect Christian" should stumble upon this one. He took it into his own hands, that's what Adam did do! What didn't Adam do? He didn't take time to bless God! Adam has never, ever, never, ever, never, ever, never been quoted to say, "Thank you." He did just like the rest of us goofy men, and said, "Wow what a hottie! Yeah I think she needs to spend the rest of her life with me!" Adam had a communication break down first of all with God.

Gensis 3 (The Second break down in communication)

Eve with a sparkle in her pretty hazel eyes (not a Biblical fact just one revealed to me... don't hate lol) said, "Adam sweetheart do you know how bad I want that passion fruit? I can taste the juicy succulent flavor in it now!" Then she starts feeling weird like she's now on the dope! Adam the original dope is standing there like wow isn't she amazing! Eve calls out to him, her head spinning like she's drunk on cheap wine, and says, "Taste it baby." Then the goof ball, "Mr. Not-over-the-anesthesia-yet" snaps out of his Lalaville experience and comes to. "Uh... didn't God tell us not to eat the fruit off of that tree?" Eve responds with "Mr. Lowwalker here says that we won't die it's ok, I actually feel really good!" So, rather than thinking rationally what does poor old Adam do? He takes the bite! Secondly Adam allowed miscommunication with his missus.

Does this sound like your house? How have we bitten into the old passion fruit of life and death, and of good and evil, and of knowledge?

Honey I want that new SUV that BMW has! Baby we just talked to God about finances, and you know we can't afford that. But snookems I really like it! She drives to the dealership, and you stand from a distance looking over other things rather than communicating, and the sales guy "Mr. Lowcrawler" hands her the keys. She drives over and says get in, and rather than your show disapproval what do you do? You get in! Now you like it too, and the paper work is done, financing available, and sign your clothes away! We're naked, we've sinned, and it's time away from God. You can't pay your tithes, you can't pay your mortgage, your bills, and you are exposed to your irrational behavior and your marriage is struggling!

Compromise is not throwing a justification at her, by saying, "Yes the Beemer would make a fine addition, and the family would be very comfy in it, but we would save much more on fuel if you would commute with me on this new R1.

Compromise says, lets pray, and wait for God to reveal in HIS perfect time, just what it is we should do, and how to save for the things we want. After all the Psalmist says it best, "The Lord is my Shepherd, and I shall not want." Stay tuned for a Genesis survey kiddies after another word from our sponsors...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What It DO?

Whaditdoo Beby? Urban slang for What's the deal, or What's up? I have asked myself that question for the past 48 hours! What it do!?

I have subscribed to a blog on MySpace called, "God is imaginary," just to see what the atheist are up to from time to time. I had stopped looking because I felt that I was contributing to the cause, rather than helping someone in the cause/cult. But one title caught my eye. It asked a question, and said, "Why is the divorce rate so high in Christianity?"

So, I had to wonder, what it do!?

I have a few friends that are actually past school mates, and one friend that I met in business that have either divorced, or are "heading right on into heartache!" Thank you Lonesome River Band for a great title! Bluegrass and Country the most optimistic, pessimistic message on the airwaves! So what it do? Why are Christians divorcing at an all time high!? For the same reason that the non-believer is divorcing, lack of communication and compromise. Does the new really wear off of the tires on the vehicle of love? Hear more on this after a word from our sponsor!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Basketball Prophecy

It is Sunday morning at approximately 2:30 am EST, and I have prayed that the Lakers would take down the Orlando Magic in five games just like I predicted on Facebook at the beginning of the series. I am now hearing an angel tell me that the Lakers will win this game due to a panicked Magic squad, that knows that they are doomed. Kobe will be the Finals MVP for the last time in his storied NBA career, and he will finish the game with 42 points, 6 assists, 4 rebounds, and 2 steals. He will finish with the Finals highest scoring average, and the playoffs second highest average with 30.8 points a game for the playoffs. The final score will be 103 to 98 Lakers win another NBA Championship and allow Phil Jackson to surpass Red Auerbach on the Finals All-Time winningest coaches list. Stay tuned, and watch it come to pass!

OK the above was wishful thinking and not a divine revelation, but don't tell anyone that doesn't scroll down OK? It can be our little secret. GO LAKERS!!! : )

Saturday, June 13, 2009

How You Say Thank You

Why does God put such a competitive spirit in some of us? I love sports, and competition! I don't usually turn down a good home cooked meal, a Holy Ghost moved church service, or a friendly game of whatever between whomever!

I was invited to a basketball game last fall by a dear family friend, and I just couldn't say no. Great energy, and free admission, heck yeah, I'm in! Well our friends daughter played a great game, and we had a blast watching! Makes me want to get back out there myself sometimes, but other than that, a really good time. Well after the game and the congratulatories this young ladies mother said, "Tell him thank you for coming!"

It is always a blessing to get an invitation from people you care about, and even better to know that you received the invitation because they cared for you in the first place. So, after the basketball season was over, I received yet another invitation. This time it was to go hang out and just have a good time. Then this year an invitation to go on a picnic, where we started with a beautiful sunny day, and wound up with winter in May! Our dogs didn't exactly get along so things heated up for them, but as for the up right two legged gang we built a massive fire, and the smoke was horrible! 6,000 plus feet above sea level, and went from mid 70's to mid 50's in what felt like just a few clouds and even less minutes!

You've seen the commercials:

6,684 above sea level on a beautiful scenic mountain top:
Fleece pull over: $10 (great gift from an even better friend and on sale at Old Navy 9 years ago!)
Couple of pounds of hamburger meat: $5
Pack of hotdogs: $3
Ingridients to make smores: $3
Friends that will share all this with you while sporting snotty noses and smiles on their faces: Priceless!

I was invited to watch the baseball games, and was the biggest mouth in the stands! Yet she kept asking me to come back! Really... to have someone think enough of you to ask you to come to something that means something to them, well that is a top notch honor in my book!

Today the same young lady and her mother asked my family to join them on another trip. Today we went to the water park. What a blast! It started out super hot, and the water freezing! I let my hair down and hit it! The water was so cold it made my curls stand! Kids running everywhere and adults chasing them. What a great sight. I ran into more old friends, and made new ones. It was a fabulous day!

There was a scare, but it was just a scare, and we managed it with care, and things were fine. The young lady that had been inviting me to her games dove off of the spring board, and did a back flop. Everyone anywhere near heard the smack. She came up slow, and said, "I can't breathe help me." But she never paniced! Tough as nails and twice as pretty! I jumped in and grabbed her, rolled her onto my hip, put my hand under her under arm, and used a side stroke to get her back to shore. She stood up, and had a ginormous red splotch on her entire back! We were blessed that she seemed to only have a slight scare from the pain, and from getting the wind knocked out of her. She rested a bit, and we made our way home a several minutes later. We will now make an attempt to church together in the morning, so I had better shut down.

To conclude I can only say that the invitations are how you say thank you.

When you, and I brother/sister imperfect Christian, but being perfected in and by Christ daily, mature, and pray and invite Him (Christ) into our hearts, and we get that warm fuzzy feelin' inside that's Jesus saying, "thanks for the invitation here's an eternal one in return, and oh yeah you're welcome!"

Friday, June 12, 2009


I love teenagers. Teenagers give me a reason to smile and not feel so bad about messing up. Sure I was a teenager myself not so long ago, OK maybe it has been a good bit ago, but nevertheless I was once a teen myself. I am no longer a teen in age, nor in body. It takes me a little longer to heal, but in mind I can run with the best of them, and do not do so bad in the body department either. The one thing that I have learned since my teen days have passed, however, is to never give away my game plan, and never celebrate too early. You know what I am saying right? You play one of your kids, or a nephew/niece, and they have you down 8 to 1 in a back yard pick up game to 11. They talk trash and say there is no way you can come back and you go on a 9 - 0 run! They get frustrated and try the hard foul, and you score anyway, and they come up with collegiate rules, and say it was on the floor! You say something like we're not in school anymore, this is the NBA and we would use the continuation, but it was in the act of shooting, and school is no longer in session. Just to be a good sport you grant them their wish and play one more possession, where you hit a 26 footer to make it clear there was no foul, no traveling, and no violations whatsoever, and you walk away the victor by a score of 11 - 8!

How's this one for you:

Teenager says:
I have the munchies, and I would love something sweet to eat.

Adult says nothing and makes his/her way to the kitchen.

Teenager says:
Hey! what are you doing?

You the adult say:
Gettng the last ice-cream sandwich from the cooler.

Having a teenager around is not so bad. You pray a little harder. You pray when they go out with friends, when they take the car out alone for the first time, but you realize that you can't take care of everything all the time. You are not omniscient, ominpotent, nor are you omnipresent, although with our kids we would like to be sometimes. I emphatically say, "sometimes!"

So, God I am praying now in thanksgiving for teenagers, and praying that you keep them safe when their parents realize that they have no choice but to put them in your hands. I also thank You for blessing me with that quick first step! If we would have had to race a mile for that ice-cream, I would have been out of breath, thirsty, lost the ice-cream, and the last drink of lemonade too!

Oh By The Way...

It is hard to find someone asking seriously how it is that someone else is doing. Well if you were wondering I genuinely, sincerely do care, and would love to know how blessed you are. I am praying that if you tell me that things are tough, that we can invite the Holy Spirit to invigorate you, and give you a new start, and that boost you desire.

I read blogs and status updates with wording like: Haters (bleep)... and Why are people so ....

Well dear blogger/updater, they are so... imperfect, and work with finite minds that they do not see that they Someone with infinite wisdom, and a worker of perfection in their lives, they need Jesus.

Is it really that simple? It really can be, and yes even us Jesus Freaks (True imperfect Christians) have a ton of fun!

I am having fun watching my friends backing Orlando squirm right now. Go Lakers!

Oh by the way one last word to my Florida friends (Magic supporters), and Laker haters... if they do not pull off the miracle comeback and the Lakers win Sunday, you probably will not want to look at my Facebook update! Oh and by the way loser or not, God loves you and so do I. : )

Thursday, June 11, 2009

How Do You Eat That Stuff?

Some people like Italian, some enjoy Mexican, some Asian, and some Soul food. I myself, enjoy them all. Sushi, brussel sprouts, beets, and a few other items have to be prepared in such a way that no one could pass them up, or find me starving before I can partake in them. But the groups listed above I am all about! My fav however, would have to be the Soul food. I can eat Ribs, Greens of any style, and yes Gospel Fowl! I love myself some chicken y'all!

I would have to say though that my favorite time to eat, and my favorite meal would be one that is prepared in a different way. Soul food from Soul people that get their soul from the Ultimate Soul Saving Man.

I have a friend that is brilliant, and just happens to be one of the strongest people I know, tell me that it was pity party time! This friend also asked me to do something that I am totally incapable of doing, and that request was that I not respond and attempt to be uplifting. Actually think the wording was, "No need to respond," well to me and my limited vocabulary, and hillbillese, it said, "Don't bother!" OK time with the Holy One allows us to heal, but if you are going to have a party, don't tell a party animal like myself about it and not invite me! As Kirk Franklin would say, "Ain't no party like a Holy Ghost party, cause a Holy Ghost party don't stop!" Well the pity party just found me with a kickin' in the door attitude, but the great thing was that Jesus didn't have to kick it in. He was already there, and there is was Upper Room Event taking place in my friends heart, yes right now even! It is fantastic! Oh I have not been to see my friend yet, nor have I spoken with this friend, but I know Jesus is there, His Word has told me so.

When this friend made the request that I not send a letter of encouragement with words that would be uplifting, I obliged. What I did instead was feed off of this friends strength. The strength that says do not worry about me, in time God will fix it. A friend that knows that they do not have to stand alone when they have friends that love them surrounding them, and a friend that is very in touch with the Great Physician that heals all both temporal, and eternal. Yes it sounds contradictary but even in moments of self pity, the strength of a saint can been seen by another child of the King.

So, satan and all of his little emps and demons say how can you eat that stuff? It's bitter, it's vile, and I have tried to put my hands all over it! Your friend has lost focus, and when you eat this, so will you! Well mr. booger man (as my Granny used to call him) I did not eat what it was that you or your demons were serving, but instead I ate from a meal that has been prepared not by human hands, nor can the meal be tainted, although you (satan) made a valid attempt.

Jesus allows me to feed on the norishing words that are spoken, and unspoken. You see my friend didn't realize that with increasing knowledge comes increasing sorrow. (Ecclesiates 1:18) The more we are fed the good, the more we see that others are still looking for the bad! We see how much we indulged into it ourselves, and we no that there are some now that need to go on a spiritual diet. Fed more, more knowledge, more aware of good and evil, Adam and Eve experience! So, put down that jelly roll for breakfast, and pick up some Holy Ghost oats! Put down that Bologna sandwich, and pick up some Holy Ghost Swiss (Holy cheese) and Gospel fowl deli cut sandwich with the leafy greens! You see where I am going. Don't eat it because it has the look, or the temporal fix you need, eat what is nourishing, and will help you for the long haul. One day we will no longer thirst, nor will we be hungered and God shall wipe away every tear! (Revelations 7:16 & 17) Peace, Blessings, and Joy... real PB&J from your imperfect brother eat up!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What's In Your Wallet?

People will steal anything! If they feel it has any value whatsoever they will lift it!

Kids are the worlds greatest, and most innoncent thieves. I worked for an athletic retailer, and a baby took some shoes off of our displays on the back wall. He quietly placed them in the cargo net beneath his stroller, and felt like it was all good. He saw mom and dad to it all the time. He was probably 18 or 19 months old, it was hilarious!

Then one day while I was playing basketball at the park, a little fella walked over and picked up my keys. He was about the same age but was Hispanic, so I said "Como esta usted?" For my non-Spanish speaking friends I asked him how he was doing. He just grinned from ear to ear, and continued to walk away with my keys. His dad said in Spanish that he was sorry, and I told him that it was no problem.

No theft has been more adored than when my daughter gets me though! She is learning from the master - her mother! I know what's mine is her's and what's her's is her's, but come on now! A brother has to have a little pocket change. My pop (dad) would say to my daughter, "Hey little girl where's my money?" She didn't know what to say to him at 2, but at 4 she would say, "Oh I got your money!"

Better yet it is even funnier when I pull out my wallet. I lay it down to play ball, or sit it down for whatever reason, and usually get two responses:

1. Man how much money is in there!?
2. That is the thickest wallet that I have ever seen!

For those that see me open it, they just leave it alone. I show everyone that it's a Bible, and no one bothers it. Seriously, I could a couple of C-Notes throughout that little pocket Bible, and leave it on a park bench and a Christian will call out to me, and give it back. I leave it on the same park bench and a non-Christian will either call out and tell me that I have forgotten my little book, or treat it like it's Kryptonite to their Superman!

So when I see the commercials that ask the question, "What's in your wallet?" I can't help but smile! Because without being born-again you have no idea what awesome goodness is truly in my wallet!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Quick But Not In A Hurry

I read The Gospel Greats Weekly Newsletter today and Ms. Shelia's article was a blessing to me. It's called "Shelia Shares." Her article this week was titled: Slow Down
You may read the full article on the newsletter or if interested in the weekly newsletter sub, you may sign up at: www.gospelgreats.com

She made mention of her uncle that visited the rest home daily, to visit her now late father. She said there was a gentleman there that could never gather himself quickly enough to say what he would really like to say to her uncle. So, finally coming to realize that the gentleman in the rest home desired to converse with him, he (Ms. Shelia's uncle) slowed his pace, and took time to have a wonderfully blessed conversation!

You know we all need to slow down a bit. Coach Wooden (whom I will quote for a lifetime) said, "Be quick, but don't hurry." Sound advice from the coach that holds the record for college basketball Division 1 titles, he was the coach at UCLA, and won a mere 10 NCAA Men's Basketball Championships. Quickness is a gift, but a only a fool rushes in!

Bill Walton spoke of Coach Wooden and said that Coach Wooden had told him to shave before a practice, and Bill refused. Bill asked well if I don't practice how will I know what plays to run? Coach Wooden told him that he wouldn't have to worry about the game, because if he refused to practice then Coach Wooden would refuse to let him play. Bill's response was a tad hasty, and he found himself back in the locker room shaving before practice, so he could earn his spot back.

29 "He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly. Proverbs 14:29 (KJV)

How many can admit to being that "imperfect Christian" that has to pray over road rage? That has to pray for overcoming a short fuse that sees you being short with your wife, or with your children? I like how the New Living Translation breaks down Proverbs 14:29:
"People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness."

How many times do you see someone get upset, or lose it just before they realize how huge their mistake was/is? Pray for those that are not convicted to see it, or even care. Until next time imperfect saints...

Imperfectly Thinking Out Loud About Differences...

Unfortunate as it is misunderstandings happen daily. The need to be correct destroys a ton of relationships! You say something, and someone else disagrees, then when you disagree in return, you are the bad guy! State the facts, and agree to disagree. Healthy discussions are great! War is never good! War presents fatalities. Whilst intelligent conversation edifies!
The Ecclesiast Solomon wrote there is a time and a purpose for every season under the sun. A time to love and a time to hate. (Ecclesiates 3) It was written that Abraham Lincoln hated slavery so much that he risked his political career, and ultimatey his life to abolish slavery. But in the same instance I believe that he grew to overcome hate, by loving the man that he said was inferior to his own race.
I pray that we would embrace the differences of culture. That the world and every nation in it, could see and understand that different is not always bad. Different doesn't mean that we have to change our faith, just that we have to understand that not everyone's faith, doctrine, or belief will be the same as our own. I don't hate you because you believe differently. I hate the fact that some hate others because they do. I hate the fact that rather than communicating in love, we belittle or make an attempt to belittle others and their ways of thinking.
Paul wrote to the church at Corinth and said, "But by the grace of God I am what I am" (1 Corinthians 15:10) I know people that believe in almost anything, some that believe in nothing at all, and some that do not know what to believe. Some Republican, some Democrat, and some that don't vote at all. How do I love them? Hopefully like I am supposed to..."and if there be any other commandment, it is summed up in this word, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." (Romans 13:9b)
If we acknowledged God, and loved Him with all of our heart, soul, and strength, and we loved our neighbors as much as we loved ourselves, we would not have to worry about trying to follow 10 commandments. Rather we would see that Jesus made the most complex issues so simple. Turned 10 into two. No mention of Polytheism, idolatry, swearing, braking of the Sabbath, murder, adultery, theft, bearing false witness, or coveting in John's qouting our Savior in his writing...Why? because if we placed God first and foremost, and loved Him above all else, with our entire being, and we loved each other just as Christ loved us, then we would not have any need or worry about what wrong anyone would try to bestow upon us!
If you disagree then that's cool, I agree to disagree. But to jump on a bandwagon just because your friend (including me) said that it was good, is not my thing. Try it for yourself, and if it doesn't work at least you can say that you tried. Make sure you make some effort however, because my endeavor is not to help send you on an impossible quest. But rather to simplify your journey. Peace to all in whatever language you speak...

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Primere of A Life In The Day of the Imperfect Christian

Woke up groggy, after sleeping off a nasty headache. I was just thankful to wake up and realize that I was blessed with another day. You know you go to sleep thinking what side of Heaven will I wake up on? Then you say, "OK I am squinting because of the morning sun, eyes that are deteriorating with each minute, and because you are groggy from sleeping way too many hours, OK definitely not the top side of Heaven!"

So, how does the imperfect Christian start off his day? This one started by thinking please tell me that this is a bad dream that will be over soon, that it's really only 5 a.m. and that I can sleep for just a little while longer! I have never had an easy time with getting out of a warm bed. Even as a kid at Christmas I fought with getting out of a warm bed, but on the other hand I also fought with getting into a cold bed the night before! OK get up Preach you need to get a move on! Find your clothes, take a shower, if you have time grab a bite before you run...wait I forgot to pray! Did I mention that this is a day in the life of an "imperfect Christian?" The perfect Christian already has that covered and is giving me the blues for not doing so. Well I the "imperfect" Christian will pray now, not only for myself, but for my brother with the not imperfect Christian attitude also. I am not hating, I am praying y'all. I am praying for my family, my friends, my county, my state, my nation, and remembering my President. Ooops! Did I say that I was praying for the President that was labeled a non-Christian when he first ran for office? As a matter of fact I did!

The imperfect Christian prays for his President to heal, and to have the Holy Spirit convict his heart on issues that are not pleasing to the Lord. My brother the Extremist Perfect Christian (EPC) prays the Revelations 12:10 prayer for him. What is the Revalations 12:10 prayer? I am glad that you asked. It is the prayer of the Imperfect Christian that thinks he's/she's perfect (The EPC). I apologize y'all, being imperfect I am prone to typos and forgetting to use the he/she at times. I pray that no one thinks that I am a chauvinist, if they do it's OK, really it's fine, because God knows the truth.

Revelations 12:10 says, "Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down." (NKJV)

Based on that pericope the EPC says, "My will be done, until Thy Kingdom comes." The EPC says, "Lord, brother so and so is wrong and I know that I am right, and YOU need to strike him down Lord!"

How did I come up with that conclusion? The Lord blessed me with a cousin that is also a minister. He (my cousin) said how can the accuser go before God day and night falsely accusing the brethren? Doesn't the Word of God say that there is no room for flesh or blood, nor evil-corruption in the Kingdom? (1 Corinthians 15:50) So, how then did the accuser-satan go before Him night and day? The answer: Through our vain prayers! Well imperfect but forgiven brothers and sisters, want you join a brotha that struggles with perfect grammar, perfect prayers, and all things perfect, and pray with me today?

Lord, the prayer that asks for nothing is sacred and holy, that prayer is made in thanksgiving, wanting for nothing. You are the Good Shepherd, and giver of all good things, and today I simply say, "Thank You." In the matchless, and wonderful name of Christ Jesus I pray. So be it.