Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Reading Old Love Letters

Photo Courtesy of Israels DSS Collections

"Now about the middle of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught. And the Jews marveled, saying, 'How does this Man know letters, having never studied?'" John 7:14&15 (NKJV)

Sometimes you just have to R.O.L.L. (read old love letters) with it. What if... someone had read or written a copy of the ultimate love letter to Curt Cobain? Would Courtney Love Cobain be a widow right now? 

What if an authoritative figure had read the love letter himself, would he have been so compassionless to have said, I won't lose sleep over them, I'd tell them to go ahead, I mean if someone's going to truly kill themselves you can't stop them, they'll eventually find a way.

What if that's his child one day? Does that restless night come then?

Curt was sincere, and Curt found a way. 

I don't ever want pretend to care or just say that I do. I want to be blessed to help, or blessed to never cause anyone else pain.

Lord let me be sincere, before someone else is sincere in showing that they realize that others were not. Amen. 

Love is just a word until someone shows up and gives it meaning. ~Paulo Coelho 

Missing a spirit of compassion may cost you dearly one day. Don't forget to be kind, loving, and understanding. It may help save a loved one, one day. Something's are worth missing a few hours sleep over. 

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... One last real PB&J.   

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Statistically Speaking

Photo courtesy Apple Inc.

Statistically Speaking:

What if you could bet your life on something? What would it take to make you wager? What would be a great enough gain to make you take the bet? If you're smart you don't gamble, but you especially don't gamble when it comes down to your life. So let's look at the compliment of that. Let's say that there is only one way to preserve your life, and that is to take the wager. Would you be more apt to bet if that was the circumstance?

The imperfect one likes to consider himself a critical thinker, but he also enjoys simplifying. So in simple, but critical thinking, here's my conclusion on believing in something greater than myself.

If the imperfect Christian doesn't believe in God, and there wasn't a God then he's ok.
If the imperfect Christian doesn't believe in God, and there is a God, then he's not ok.

If the imperfect Christian believes in God, and there was no God, he's still ok. (Even lived a good life helping others).
If the imperfect Christian believes in God, and GOD is, then he's more than ok!

Therefore, 3 outta 4, or 75% (that's really 100%), are odds that the imperfect Christian will put his money/life on. The imperfect Christian is not the greatest statistician in the land, but he is smart enough to take the better odds, and 75-100% out class 25-0% any day.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J.