Sunday, March 20, 2011

Deer in the Headlight Look

We may or may not see how we appear to others, but do we think about how we appear to God?

Be honest and ask yourself, before viewing Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ," how many would have seen the Fathers' view of His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON on The Cross. How many would have seen the first rain drop as a compassionate tear from Gods' eye? A tear shed for all humanities sake?

How about the movie "The Acts?" The particular scene that I am referring to is the Emmaus walk. When Jesus sat with Cleopas, and another of the latter disciples for dinner after a seven mile trek on the way to Emmaus. The Bible says, "And it came to pass, as He sat at meat with them, He took bread, blessed it, and brake, and gave to them. And their eyes were opened, and they knew Him; and He vanished out of their sight." (Luke 24:30 & 31 -KJV)

Honestly before that movie did you see what the rest of us saw? I saw the fleshy, carnal side of myself that limits my faith. If you haven't seen that movie you should! I will not ruin the movie for you unless you invite me to. (Smile)

So if you met an angel and knew for a fact that it was an angel would you have that deer in the headlight look? Hopefully you would not have a holier than thou look and try to use the angel like a genie. But what would you do if you had an encounter with an angel. What if Christ came back and dwelled among us for one more season? Now that's not doctrinal or Biblical concerning short term. The next time He returns it will be for the long haul. But just saying as self proclaimed faithful people do we place Christ into every action and conversation? Or do we allow ourselves to be improperly prepared and appear to be as the deer in the headlights?

Peace, Blessings, & Joy... that real PB&J
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Advice. A six letter word for "injustice." To take it from a less than loving person, or to give to a foolish deaf (by choice) ear is an injustice either way.

Which way should I go? Should I do this, or that? You want my advice? Of course you don't, and if you do let me apologize now, because I simply will not have any, for anyone.
The imperfect Christian says, "Take Hwy 128, I always go there when I need to get away." Instead the person seeking advice ends up back in the den of iniquity from which they were trying to escape! Yep they jumped straight into the car of chaos, and drove themselves crazy on Hwy Zero! Why Zero? Because they are incapable of ever learning!

Here's my philosophy, not my advice based on grammatical division:

To give advice is to ad (publicly display/advertise) to the vice (evil scheme/bondage/clamp/grip/stronghold) on an already challenged soul.

I do not believe in adding to a problem, or troubling anyone more so than they are already troubled.

I'll pray that you listen to the Holy One and that when you do, that you take heed to what it is that He is saying to you. Because God knows a simple mind usually doesn't listen at all.

Peace, Blessings, & Joy...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


First Amendment!? It is your right!? Here's another scenario for ya! The imperfect Christian and a few other true compassionate human beings/Christians and any non-believers that will join in, take a petition, and walk through the crowd and get an email address, maybe a phone #, or perhaps even a physical address, then take this list to the killed Marines family. Then as soon as you Mr., Ms., Mrs. Protester have a tragic death in your family I invite the largest battalion in the Corp., along with the Marines family members that choose to participate and march down to your loved ones funeral and protest against hypocrisy and stupidity. Just because it's a (so-called) "right" doesn't make it right! People that call themselves Christians and then do this junk, and say (not in so many words) that they are speaking for God! News Flash! If you fall in that category, then you need to understand, that God doesn't need your voice, because He is GOD all by Himself! For those non-Christians that just need to be heard, voice your opinion to the government, not to this man/woman's hurting loved ones! If his agenda was to seek and destroy as many lives as he could, or to "start" a war all by himself, then I see your need to speak out against "him." But protest a funeral, where a person gave his/her life for your/our First Amendment right!? Come on! Take it to the courthouse not the Lords' House...

"Gods' wrath" the protesters were quoted saying. 911 was an act of God...according to one protester (a pastors -aka holier than thou devils- wife. Hmmm, I disagree, I say no, it was an act of evil, executed by evil men. "Thank God for dead soldiers..." one banner read. Gay or not, uncalled for! Hmm did God call in terrorist at Sodom? Nope. Did Gomorrah go to naught at the hands of protesters? Mmm again, nope. But because of the wickedness, the sodomy, and evil that these men forced on other men, women, and perhaps even children these small cities came to an end, to end all the EVIL therein by the hands of Almighty GOD! Not anyone else. Christians pray, and non-believers, please be peaceful non-believers. God doesn't need our advice, or help. He desires our obedience, and love. Love one another. Peace, blesssings, and joy... that real PB&J

Here are a few links: