Friday, November 11, 2011


On Eleven-Eleven not so long ago,
was born a baby girl w/ eyes all aglow.
The angels rejoiced as God planned,
Knowing God blessed us creating you with His hands.

The "Fingerprints of God" are all over you.
To know that is to understand DW.
So on your big day, I wish you heaven,
Here's to your day 11/11/11

A prize like you should not be ignored,
To precious to be put away, hidden, or stored.
Not to be kept like a trophy left sitting on a shelf,
I am so thankful God did not keep you to Himself!

Happy Birthday DW

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When Is Your Due Season?

Is there a time and place for every season...

According to the Bible there is.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" Ecclesiastes III:1 (KJV)

Author of best selling literature, pastor of Saddleback Church, and multi talented Rick Warren says that we are here with a purpose driven life on this earth.

We go thru seasons, good ones, and bad ones. How can we determine how to make those transitions work in our favor? How do the good ones glorify God, and how can we find a way to glorify God in good and the bad?