OK I am a servant to Christ, but Christ put it down for me...for those of you that are not privy, that's slang for "He" took care of it!!! He paid the ultimate price, to save a wretch like the Koop a Loop!
I asked my boss to take a picture of me with some folks in Denver and he said wait a minute who works for who here!? Of course you know my answer... he's the boss meign! But he took the pictures cause he loves me, and I am going to flat put it down for the company! : )
Well who works for who in our society, and all of its chaos?
Sunny D was hit from behind and of course the police showed up. What do you find on most squad cars? The words, "Protect and Serve." But in most cases it's "Reject and Swerve!"
Then there's the tow company. Never, and I mean never let a tow company that has a body shop or garage tow your vehicle! Oops you have a broken tie rod ma'am. Did you know that your oil pan was busted? That's funny chunky love, I didn't see any oil underneath this car until yu pulled it up on your truck! Why are people so hungry to steal one more penny from you, then one more C-note from you? Greedy, greedy scoundrels!
I didn't even want to get started on the insurance company, but here foes, I mean goes! I know some people say (I joke about) whats better than a doctor, a lawyer, and a politician cast into the sea with cement shoes? All doctors, liarwyers, and ploiticians cast into the sea with cement shoes! Well I am about to rank insurance folks in the mix with them, if not lower! Not all are bad, and most people do what they are told, but I have changed careers just because of the way businesses treat people. I have worked with the public, I have seen the snarling mom walk into my store with kids in tow, and had to deal with the fire that she breathed! I have had to smile when I really wanted to strangle someone! Over the years, I have laughed out loud at folks just to ease the tension. JG if you read this I know you remember the sister that came into Finish Line that was bigger than her birthday and said, "Oh you got jokes!?" when I asked her if I could help her find a suit. I made a quick recovery by telling her that her nails and hair looked fab, but she was not easy to win over!
Well good people I dealt with a fella named Horton. I like to call this segment for the kiddies sake:"Horton Hears A Koop"
Insurance adjuster Horton started off with the ear ticklers. He told me about all the wonderful things that he was having done to my car, and how much he wanted to help me. Helping me out of a few hundred dollar$, and helping me away from a few peaceful hours, is not the kind of help I desire sir. How bout I help you with prayer and laying on of hands? I didn't think he'd like that question... at any rate instead of getting the car back on time, and saving old Hears A Koop a day in rental money, he opted to give me no choice but leave the car with the body shop and keep the rental van for another day. With his knit picking I decided to knit pick a little myself. He said they would only pay for what damage occurred during the accident, which was all that I asked for, and so I told him that I needed a new tag too, since it was damaged during the accident! So he wound up paying for a new tag as well, that I would have over looked if he had, asked them to fix the car right the first time! The audacity of some folks! Wait a minute aren't you supposed to work for me? Who's paying who to do the job here?
I asked my boss to take a picture of me with some folks in Denver and he said wait a minute who works for who here!? Of course you know my answer... he's the boss meign! But he took the pictures cause he loves me, and I am going to flat put it down for the company! : )
Well who works for who in our society, and all of its chaos?
Sunny D was hit from behind and of course the police showed up. What do you find on most squad cars? The words, "Protect and Serve." But in most cases it's "Reject and Swerve!"
Then there's the tow company. Never, and I mean never let a tow company that has a body shop or garage tow your vehicle! Oops you have a broken tie rod ma'am. Did you know that your oil pan was busted? That's funny chunky love, I didn't see any oil underneath this car until yu pulled it up on your truck! Why are people so hungry to steal one more penny from you, then one more C-note from you? Greedy, greedy scoundrels!
I didn't even want to get started on the insurance company, but here foes, I mean goes! I know some people say (I joke about) whats better than a doctor, a lawyer, and a politician cast into the sea with cement shoes? All doctors, liarwyers, and ploiticians cast into the sea with cement shoes! Well I am about to rank insurance folks in the mix with them, if not lower! Not all are bad, and most people do what they are told, but I have changed careers just because of the way businesses treat people. I have worked with the public, I have seen the snarling mom walk into my store with kids in tow, and had to deal with the fire that she breathed! I have had to smile when I really wanted to strangle someone! Over the years, I have laughed out loud at folks just to ease the tension. JG if you read this I know you remember the sister that came into Finish Line that was bigger than her birthday and said, "Oh you got jokes!?" when I asked her if I could help her find a suit. I made a quick recovery by telling her that her nails and hair looked fab, but she was not easy to win over!
Well good people I dealt with a fella named Horton. I like to call this segment for the kiddies sake:"Horton Hears A Koop"
Insurance adjuster Horton started off with the ear ticklers. He told me about all the wonderful things that he was having done to my car, and how much he wanted to help me. Helping me out of a few hundred dollar$, and helping me away from a few peaceful hours, is not the kind of help I desire sir. How bout I help you with prayer and laying on of hands? I didn't think he'd like that question... at any rate instead of getting the car back on time, and saving old Hears A Koop a day in rental money, he opted to give me no choice but leave the car with the body shop and keep the rental van for another day. With his knit picking I decided to knit pick a little myself. He said they would only pay for what damage occurred during the accident, which was all that I asked for, and so I told him that I needed a new tag too, since it was damaged during the accident! So he wound up paying for a new tag as well, that I would have over looked if he had, asked them to fix the car right the first time! The audacity of some folks! Wait a minute aren't you supposed to work for me? Who's paying who to do the job here?
OK Dr. H, Attorney Mac, Mama Nance, and all of my people in politics... I love you, but a certain bunch of your colleagues are smelly!
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