The Meltdown...The last couple of days were challenging. The imperfect one had an appointment with the heavy bag, and again didn't wear gloves, or tape his knuckles. So, now they are oozing and bleeding through the scabs. Nothing major, and not like I haven't bloodied them before. They should callouse again and get thicker. After the heavy bag therapy, I took a journey out and drove the Yota about 20 miles from home. I parked and as I had mentioned before and was just about to dose off. Then I heard some noise behind my truck. I got out to investigate, and to my dismay my right rear tire was flat. To complicate matters I did not have the key for the lock on my spare tire! The lock was super rusty, and it was 1am. So what to do? I tip toed my truck back to town, crawling in low four, and just two and a half hours later... voila... I was at Wal Mart, where I would sleep until 6 am that morning.
The Wreck...Sunshine primarily drives the car, and I drive the truck. Well the car that Sunshine drives is now out of commission as well! She was rear ended yesterday, and called me at work and told me that she was in the car and unable to get out. I went after her in the old peeling booger, our faded and peeling sea foam green Ford 150 company truck. The truck looks like it has leprosy! I drove to the scene of her accident, and saw a female police officer, a lady in a brown pant suit, and Sunshine standing along the guard rail. I drove down the ramp, and circled back and went back up the on ramp going south to go check on Sunny D. Times have been tough for Sunny D, and the imperfect one, but you know even if times are tough you have to be there. My hands are calloused, and maybe even my heart has grown slighty calloused, but you just have to do what's right. I drove past the fire crew, and the DMV workers that all looked at me like what is this idiota doing!? I got out motioned to them that I was with Sunshine, and they just gave a nod and kept an eye on traffic. As I approached the three ladies the officer said, "You must be the imperfect one?" I said yes ma'am, but no autographs at this time please. She smiled and told me that the other lady was at fault, and that her insurance would take care of everything, and asked me what I thought about driving the car home. The lady saw me coming and looked at me like oh Lord, here comes one angry brotha!!! We will call the lady Ms. M. I was walking toward Ms. M, and Sunny D, to check on them when before I could say how is everyone doing...Ms. M said, "I'm so sorry! I am really sorry!" I then asked them if they were both OK. They said shakey but OK. both of them wanted to cry again, and from the looks of it, they had both done a little crying before I got there. I told Ms. M that I was just glad that no one was seriously injured, and that there was no one fatally injured. I could live with having to get a car fixed or a new car, but death would have been no bueno! Ms. M was very nice, and like Sunshine very rattled. They were both shaking. The officer was very nice as well. Stereotyping would not have allowed me to see a little woman, like her being a police officer though. I guess dynamite comes in small packages for a reason! She could probably whip a whole club full of rough heads by herself, but looked like she belonged in a much more delicate environment. Again just a discription, so again please do not label me as being stereotypical. I don't look the part of a Southern Gospel Marketer either. I kill the stereotype! LOL I was hoping not to look the part of a rough head, and the officer was super nice to us all, but she took a couple of good looks at my scabbed knuckles. Although the officer took a look at my hands she never said anything. Everyone has looked at my hands for the past couple of days. I have told my kids that I just didn't realize that I was getting blistered that bad. My youngest son said, "Those are blisters, they look raw!?" My middle son said, "Yeah they look bad!" I was waiting for the officer to ask me something similar, like what happened to your hands? We gathered the goods from the car, and I had Kywy's car seat, the DVD player, and a host of other little items in my hands and the officer handed me the business card for the wrecker service to get one more good look at my hands. Just doing her job I guess. I am certain that she new that it was not from beating Sunshine. The old burger clamps are pretty scabby, it would have left some nasty scars or bruises on whatever or whomever I had hit. Therefore, police woman knew that Sunny D wasn't being abused. The officer said, "Oh I'm sorry I guess I could've handed the card to her" (Sunshine). I told police woman that it was all good. I loaded all of our goods into the front seat of the slimmer truck, and we were on our way back to Scrubville. Money is already tight, and just got tighter! New tires for the truck, and down to one vehicle for sure now. So no free time or late night ventures for the imperfect one, no matter how upset or uptight he gets! This imperfect Christian is bound to boundaries that are obtainable by foot only now. My legs still hurt from forcing them to push a fast paced two miler for the first time in ages. It is a good hurt though!!!
The Wreck...Sunshine primarily drives the car, and I drive the truck. Well the car that Sunshine drives is now out of commission as well! She was rear ended yesterday, and called me at work and told me that she was in the car and unable to get out. I went after her in the old peeling booger, our faded and peeling sea foam green Ford 150 company truck. The truck looks like it has leprosy! I drove to the scene of her accident, and saw a female police officer, a lady in a brown pant suit, and Sunshine standing along the guard rail. I drove down the ramp, and circled back and went back up the on ramp going south to go check on Sunny D. Times have been tough for Sunny D, and the imperfect one, but you know even if times are tough you have to be there. My hands are calloused, and maybe even my heart has grown slighty calloused, but you just have to do what's right. I drove past the fire crew, and the DMV workers that all looked at me like what is this idiota doing!? I got out motioned to them that I was with Sunshine, and they just gave a nod and kept an eye on traffic. As I approached the three ladies the officer said, "You must be the imperfect one?" I said yes ma'am, but no autographs at this time please. She smiled and told me that the other lady was at fault, and that her insurance would take care of everything, and asked me what I thought about driving the car home. The lady saw me coming and looked at me like oh Lord, here comes one angry brotha!!! We will call the lady Ms. M. I was walking toward Ms. M, and Sunny D, to check on them when before I could say how is everyone doing...Ms. M said, "I'm so sorry! I am really sorry!" I then asked them if they were both OK. They said shakey but OK. both of them wanted to cry again, and from the looks of it, they had both done a little crying before I got there. I told Ms. M that I was just glad that no one was seriously injured, and that there was no one fatally injured. I could live with having to get a car fixed or a new car, but death would have been no bueno! Ms. M was very nice, and like Sunshine very rattled. They were both shaking. The officer was very nice as well. Stereotyping would not have allowed me to see a little woman, like her being a police officer though. I guess dynamite comes in small packages for a reason! She could probably whip a whole club full of rough heads by herself, but looked like she belonged in a much more delicate environment. Again just a discription, so again please do not label me as being stereotypical. I don't look the part of a Southern Gospel Marketer either. I kill the stereotype! LOL I was hoping not to look the part of a rough head, and the officer was super nice to us all, but she took a couple of good looks at my scabbed knuckles. Although the officer took a look at my hands she never said anything. Everyone has looked at my hands for the past couple of days. I have told my kids that I just didn't realize that I was getting blistered that bad. My youngest son said, "Those are blisters, they look raw!?" My middle son said, "Yeah they look bad!" I was waiting for the officer to ask me something similar, like what happened to your hands? We gathered the goods from the car, and I had Kywy's car seat, the DVD player, and a host of other little items in my hands and the officer handed me the business card for the wrecker service to get one more good look at my hands. Just doing her job I guess. I am certain that she new that it was not from beating Sunshine. The old burger clamps are pretty scabby, it would have left some nasty scars or bruises on whatever or whomever I had hit. Therefore, police woman knew that Sunny D wasn't being abused. The officer said, "Oh I'm sorry I guess I could've handed the card to her" (Sunshine). I told police woman that it was all good. I loaded all of our goods into the front seat of the slimmer truck, and we were on our way back to Scrubville. Money is already tight, and just got tighter! New tires for the truck, and down to one vehicle for sure now. So no free time or late night ventures for the imperfect one, no matter how upset or uptight he gets! This imperfect Christian is bound to boundaries that are obtainable by foot only now. My legs still hurt from forcing them to push a fast paced two miler for the first time in ages. It is a good hurt though!!!
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