I have heard two people within the last month say, "I can't breathe!" I said it back in January when I had pneumonia. It's like drowning, you want to get to the surface, but the surface seems so far above you. You want to get to the surface, but there is a tremendous weight that is holding you down. Your chest feels heavy, your extremities are weak, you just feel like giving up! The struggle is too great, so what do you do?
Yes we all need our "own" time from time to time. No one likes to be smothered. There are times when I am grateful to have a good looking woman trail me, or have my kids on my heels, and at others, I just need to chill. Let that Ox have a few days off, give him some meadow to roam in as long as he's roaming alone. He can't have calves if you don't make him mad enough to go through the fence, or if you don't open the gate and push him out, give him some room. And again on the other hand, sometimes he needs to be shadowed, makes him feel important. Mama is the same way fellas! When the yoke is on it should be light, not tight! Then the burden will be easy when you work together in the Lord!
Ready for the soap opera? How many husbands put their wives out of their home, and leave them hanging? For those women, I have a little Madea anx built up in me! If you helped turn that house into a home, then you should be entitled to your share. If you deserve to be put out, then he should at least give you ample time, and help you even if you are totally wrong! To each their own, but somethings just do not make sense! People should be more civil.
I have had more friends divorce this year, or speak of divorce, than I have heard of through my entire years as an adult! Why all of a sudden this surge in die-vision? Well it's not all of a sudden, it's just that I am noticing it now, and more people viewed me as good imperfect Christian husband. My wife is saying wow, if you only knew! Well the lack of vision, the lack of appointment, and focus as one have all gone away! If you are married you cannot look at your future, and future agendas with just your eyes, and one set of eyes in mind! You cannot look through the one set of physical eyes, but instead you must look through the spiritual set that is now a trifocaled univision! WHAT? Yes a trifocaled univision...Three sets acting as one! Each spouse must look at the greater vision that God has given them. That vision must connect with your partners vision, to ultimately bring forth the ultimate vision, and that is how to please God as a UNION! You see this Union is not just between you and spouse! You put two pieces of toast together and hold one piece up, what does the other piece do? It falls to the floor or the plate. If you put some adhesive (smooth jelly, or some spicy mustard depending on the sandwich LOL) on them what happens!? They stay together. You are one slice, and he is home slice! God is the adhesive in case some of my imperfect Brothers and Sisters are slower than I am. This is why the Word says to be "equally yoked." You can't go one way, and have your partner going another. When we do this good people we drag or get dragged! So what is your vision?
And it shall come to pass in the last days, God declares, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels] and your young men shall see visions (divinely granted appearances), and your old men shall dream [divinely suggested] dreams.
Yes, and on My menservants also and on My maidservants in those days I will pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels and]predicting future events pertaining especially to God's kingdom]. (Acts 2:16-18 Amplified Version)
Yes, and on My menservants also and on My maidservants in those days I will pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels and]predicting future events pertaining especially to God's kingdom]. (Acts 2:16-18 Amplified Version)
God declares that He will pour our His Spirit first of all, so whom is it that we should be waiting for? Our spouse? No, no! You first lady of the house are a prophetess! You young man of the house shall be a visionary, and you aged and experienced shall dream, and see the next generation do greater things, you are the pathfinders, and the trailblazers, the pioneers! Wow, that almost sounded like an ad for a used car lot! At any rate, I ask as the imperfect Christian, why is it that you imperfect brothers and sisters are not moving? You are not moving for fear of failing! You have heard it a million times...you only fail, when you fail to try! But we (conviction poured on the imperfect one first) are afraid of what someone might say, we are afraid of the spouse being displeased, we are afraid of what society will do with us! If you have to separate then do so! How many people have or could do this:
Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband. 11 But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. (1Corinthians 7:10 & 11 NKJV) OK is this the chauvinist God again, or does this apply to men as well? Well in ancient customs the man had to put his wife away, and the woman was not to leave. But again I use an old cliche` "Absence or Distance makes the heart grow fonder..."
Can we seek the civility in Christ and be reconciled to one another just as He reconciled us to God the Father? He redeemed us, but for what? So, we could slap Him in the face and say thanks but no thanks! I don't know what weight you are dealing with, I don't know what sea it is that you are drowning in, but I know the Lifeguard that can save you.
Oh and try some PB&J for that toast up there! Peace, Blessings, and Joy my imperfect brothers and sisters!
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