Imagine you are a man desiring to be the best father that you can be. You're picking up your cell, dialing a number that you wished you'd never seen. You know on the other end of the line is a woman that hates you to the core. A woman that would stop at nothing to make you miserable! The phone is ringing and you hand it to your 13 year old son. That woman on the other end is his mother. She answers the phone, and begins to talk with her son. Her son that is with his father for the summer that has 3 states separating their states. Five states involved in the travel. Fives states away that she chose, leaving without warning, and not giving the slightest hint to her son's father, and to this day still continues to try and put division between father and son.
The little fella is 13 as I had mentioned before, and as an imperfect Christian I look back to my days at thirteen to try and understand what he's thinking and going through. I grew out of being a mama's boy round about this age. I didn't want my mother knowing what I was into everyday. The little guy is not quite there yet. I was into sports and hanging out with my friends at his age, he is into computer games and confined to an apartment all day. I hit the streets and learned them well. I was getting more interested in the opposite sex and he is now, yikes! I would have my first relationship way too early not long after this stage, and I do not want that for him. I learned about a lot of things at 13 and 15 that were tremendous eye openers! Of course my situation was much different. I was in a single parent home, and in Los Angeles. He is split between being in the rural set, and the burbs.
Meanwhile back at the imperfect Christian Ranch...the little fella saw the police at his dads house, and he has understood the consequences involved when a little boy cries wolf! (see previous blog) Well this young fella knows that he has an imperfect father and a perfect Heavenly Father. His earthly imperfect Christian dad is trying to emphasize the importance of being real, and eliminating the drama. The imperfect Christian broke it down in an imperfect Christian way, but gave him the perfect Word, Gods' Word!
His mother and imperfect Christian dad have the privilege to call three times a week. The imperfect one gets his 3 each week when he is with his mother and vice versa. His mother called on Monday July 6, 2009, and the imperfect one had him call back within the 24 hour time period on Tuesday July 7th round 7:38pm. This takes us back to the phone ringing... Hello says his mother, he replies with a hardy "Hi Mom." Sunny D is in the new rental van out in the drive readying to take the kids (which is Mac Daddied) to Sister Ne`'s house to show the van to Ne`'s family. Sunny calls into the house, "Hey is he coming or what?!" I said yeah just give him a few he's talking with his mother. When I get back into the living room the volume is very loud on the phone. Therefore, the imperfect Christian dad asked if the perfect imperfect Christian son had put it on speaker phone, and imperfect Christian son said no. Just a few seconds after asking him that question, his mother said, did you take your medicine today? Ace our son replies, not yet. She said why not, did your dad remind you to take it? Dad only knows of an inhaler, and nothing else, but will after this call. She asked how his breathing was, and then made a statement that had me shaking my head. "If your father is not taking care of his responsibilities and getting you your medicine then you need to call 911!" I just shook my head and sat down. I got on my laptop, and checked my email preparing for my conference call to better my ministry. Class would for me would follow 5 minutes after Ace's phone call. She let him talk to his sister, and her husband, and then she returned to the phone. He grew a little defensive when she asked him again how he felt. He said I am fine, and was a little stern. She was a little uneasy with that, you could tell she grew angry by the sound of her voice. Before she got off of the phone she said, I love you son, and then stressed again to "call 911" if your father doesn't fullfil his obligations and get you to the emergency room. She asked him if he still had his phone and he lied and said yes ma'am. I can only wonder what will be said, or come about when he tells her that I took his phone upon the night of his texting them and not telling me that he was sick when he seemed to be in fine shape! He had played all day, and was ready to play with Boogman until the Boog said he was showering and getting ready to watch a movie. At that point he began to text how miserable he was and that he day was horrible! Didn't tell me or any of the rest of my family at all, at any point in the day!
So good parents no one thing, he saw the police, he has been told about the importance of urgent care, and when to use 911 (for emergencies!) and he knows that he is loved. He also sees that he does not live with an imperfect Christian that is trying to kill him, and if he would not call 911 without his mothers permission when with her, why would he have to be responsible for doing it when staying with his imperfect Christian dad. If the house is burning down, if he feels like he is going to die (truly die) and not just feel bad, then he needs to call 911.
Love your children, teach them in the way of the Lord, and be there for them. Communicate!
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J!!!
The little fella is 13 as I had mentioned before, and as an imperfect Christian I look back to my days at thirteen to try and understand what he's thinking and going through. I grew out of being a mama's boy round about this age. I didn't want my mother knowing what I was into everyday. The little guy is not quite there yet. I was into sports and hanging out with my friends at his age, he is into computer games and confined to an apartment all day. I hit the streets and learned them well. I was getting more interested in the opposite sex and he is now, yikes! I would have my first relationship way too early not long after this stage, and I do not want that for him. I learned about a lot of things at 13 and 15 that were tremendous eye openers! Of course my situation was much different. I was in a single parent home, and in Los Angeles. He is split between being in the rural set, and the burbs.
Meanwhile back at the imperfect Christian Ranch...the little fella saw the police at his dads house, and he has understood the consequences involved when a little boy cries wolf! (see previous blog) Well this young fella knows that he has an imperfect father and a perfect Heavenly Father. His earthly imperfect Christian dad is trying to emphasize the importance of being real, and eliminating the drama. The imperfect Christian broke it down in an imperfect Christian way, but gave him the perfect Word, Gods' Word!
His mother and imperfect Christian dad have the privilege to call three times a week. The imperfect one gets his 3 each week when he is with his mother and vice versa. His mother called on Monday July 6, 2009, and the imperfect one had him call back within the 24 hour time period on Tuesday July 7th round 7:38pm. This takes us back to the phone ringing... Hello says his mother, he replies with a hardy "Hi Mom." Sunny D is in the new rental van out in the drive readying to take the kids (which is Mac Daddied) to Sister Ne`'s house to show the van to Ne`'s family. Sunny calls into the house, "Hey is he coming or what?!" I said yeah just give him a few he's talking with his mother. When I get back into the living room the volume is very loud on the phone. Therefore, the imperfect Christian dad asked if the perfect imperfect Christian son had put it on speaker phone, and imperfect Christian son said no. Just a few seconds after asking him that question, his mother said, did you take your medicine today? Ace our son replies, not yet. She said why not, did your dad remind you to take it? Dad only knows of an inhaler, and nothing else, but will after this call. She asked how his breathing was, and then made a statement that had me shaking my head. "If your father is not taking care of his responsibilities and getting you your medicine then you need to call 911!" I just shook my head and sat down. I got on my laptop, and checked my email preparing for my conference call to better my ministry. Class would for me would follow 5 minutes after Ace's phone call. She let him talk to his sister, and her husband, and then she returned to the phone. He grew a little defensive when she asked him again how he felt. He said I am fine, and was a little stern. She was a little uneasy with that, you could tell she grew angry by the sound of her voice. Before she got off of the phone she said, I love you son, and then stressed again to "call 911" if your father doesn't fullfil his obligations and get you to the emergency room. She asked him if he still had his phone and he lied and said yes ma'am. I can only wonder what will be said, or come about when he tells her that I took his phone upon the night of his texting them and not telling me that he was sick when he seemed to be in fine shape! He had played all day, and was ready to play with Boogman until the Boog said he was showering and getting ready to watch a movie. At that point he began to text how miserable he was and that he day was horrible! Didn't tell me or any of the rest of my family at all, at any point in the day!
So good parents no one thing, he saw the police, he has been told about the importance of urgent care, and when to use 911 (for emergencies!) and he knows that he is loved. He also sees that he does not live with an imperfect Christian that is trying to kill him, and if he would not call 911 without his mothers permission when with her, why would he have to be responsible for doing it when staying with his imperfect Christian dad. If the house is burning down, if he feels like he is going to die (truly die) and not just feel bad, then he needs to call 911.
Love your children, teach them in the way of the Lord, and be there for them. Communicate!
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J!!!
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