Wow, how we often misunderstand one another! Gracie is looking at me in this picture saying,"Whatchu talkin' bout Willis!?"
I sent an email to a fine Christian woman (let's call her "Christi") in a company (let's call it "The Building") that uses the same distribution company as ours. I saw the UPC number on one of my orders and reconginized it as being one that belonged to The Building. Therefore, I made contact with Christi. I sent an email that said:
I recognized this as being your product and since I cannot key it I am sending it to you for confirmation. If this is indeed your product here is his information, DJ Darby's 123 South Main St., Good City, NC 27somethin,' somethin,' or another... He needs 3 copies of The Good Life CD. I used todays date as a purchase order number.
She wrote back and said, "Yes this is our product just have him send it back to the Distributor.."
Wow! Well I wrote back explaining again that this was not a return, but rather a purchase and that Mr. Darby desired to have their product consolidated in shipping with our product. When I send notes of that nature that is usually a given, especially when we did the same thing just a week ago. LOL So, it doesn't take much to confuse others at times. That's why we need to slow down, focus, and help others to relate. How do we do that. Who liberally gives us wisdom? Don't know, well here's what James said in chapter 1 vs 5, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives it generously (liberally, freely) to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." (NIV)
Some frown on anything but the KJV where I live, and I say not to offend, but rather to bless, what was there before the KJV (1611) and did all the folks before that time period go to hell? Remember good reader it's your imperfect Christian brother speaking...
That verse applies to mankind, which includes women for my chauvinist brothers that are not as imperfect as me! LOL
I recognized this as being your product and since I cannot key it I am sending it to you for confirmation. If this is indeed your product here is his information, DJ Darby's 123 South Main St., Good City, NC 27somethin,' somethin,' or another... He needs 3 copies of The Good Life CD. I used todays date as a purchase order number.
She wrote back and said, "Yes this is our product just have him send it back to the Distributor.."
Wow! Well I wrote back explaining again that this was not a return, but rather a purchase and that Mr. Darby desired to have their product consolidated in shipping with our product. When I send notes of that nature that is usually a given, especially when we did the same thing just a week ago. LOL So, it doesn't take much to confuse others at times. That's why we need to slow down, focus, and help others to relate. How do we do that. Who liberally gives us wisdom? Don't know, well here's what James said in chapter 1 vs 5, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives it generously (liberally, freely) to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." (NIV)
Some frown on anything but the KJV where I live, and I say not to offend, but rather to bless, what was there before the KJV (1611) and did all the folks before that time period go to hell? Remember good reader it's your imperfect Christian brother speaking...
That verse applies to mankind, which includes women for my chauvinist brothers that are not as imperfect as me! LOL
Another miscommunication.
I told my boys to do a few things for me, and they did, but not exactly what I had asked for. My communications transferred in a different way, so how then should I communicate to them? In such a way that says I am your father, who at one time was also 13, 15, and 16, and I am now in a loving lenient way am saying that when I call you home, or say come home before dark that, that means for the rest of the night, not for a few minutes then away we go again. That means that even though school is out, that you still have to call me, and let me know before you leave my house, your Grandmothers house, or your Great-grandmothers house or any premises that you occupy that I have last heard about.
Friends here things the wrong way at times also. Husbands hear what they hear, wives hear what they hear. A fella compliments the smile of a pretty woman, and she says oh that devil is up to no good! When really that fella just thought she had a pretty smile.
Communication is key, and we all need to be understood whether we always agree or not...I've said my piece and counted to three! LOL Peace, Blessings, and Joy...in Christ The Real PB&J
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