Close, but yet so far away...
I am certain that all of you have heard that one before. You get close and then you realize that you were light years away. I was as excited as a kid at Christmas on July 22nd. I was in the Georgia Dome, and had seats four rows from being on the field with Ro-Ro (Ronaldinho), my favorite soccer player of all time! But I was ions from being on the field with him! That's the way I view some many things now. I look at Jesus, and then I look at Judas, and satan. A man that I look up to and respect very dearly told me that we were all closer to Judas in our righteousness than we are to Jesus. Now that's not to say that daily we look to betray Jesus, that's just saying that Jesus alone made the perfect walk. The imperfect Christian knew this already, but needed a refresher. For example we look at a grid that shows a marker on top of the chart, and then in the middle we see another marker, and at the bottom one more. OK we put Christ at the top of the chart, and then we put Moses, Noah, and Paul toward the center. At the bottom goes lets say, Hitler, Bin Laden, and satan. Where do we as individuals go on that list? Well if I am mid way praise the Lord, but reality tells me that even being in the middle is a lot closer to the bottom than it is the top! Christ is up there by Himself. First He had the disciples asking, "who is the greatest Lord, who is closest to you?" Then He has people today ignoring Him and asking others where they stand in this day and age.
I stopped listening to a few Christian radio stations during the elections of '04. They bad mouthed every candidate accept the one that they chose. Every other candidate was the anti-Christ and the world would come unglued and off of its axis if their candidate did not take office. What did I do? I jumped off of the condemn the Pro-Choice people, and onto the condemn the extremist wagon. I am still in awe as to how people look at one form of murder, and sin, and completely overlook another. What I am saying is that in God's eyes a sin is a sin. To us we still have that justice balance. For example: if I curse you out in private you might get a little upset with me, and in God's eyes that's a sin. If I curse you out in public it's a little worse than the private curinsing, however, if I shoot thru your living room window I have waged a war! That too is a sin regardless, but being a mere mortal I would prefer the cursing. I prefer the cursing daily if need be before someone tried to kill me, or before I had to defend myself to the death.
It feels good to be close, but the imperfect one doesn't want to just get close, he desires to stay close and get involved. Involved in love, and not condemnation! Now I am not saying that I would lay down for just anything, I believe in standing for what's right, but I think the world could use a little more peace, rather than war. Well past my bed time, and the pizza has settled so hopefully I am tired enough to sleep through the night, and not experience too many nightmares. The morning may tell, until then imperfect brothers and sisters... Peace, Blessings, and Joy in Him!!! That real PB&J!!!
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