OK the imperfect one had a very adventurous weekend. He got to dance with the devil in the pale moon lite, and spend most of the night out. He was in a borrowed vehicle so he did not drive much just hung out on the Parkway. It was a very lonely night, it was one of the most difficult he has had to deal with. The moon was at three quarters, and the imperfect one was not in the best of spirit. Friday night was one of the worst nights he's had in a long time. He went home Saturday morning, and spent all day wallowing in self pity. Definitely not worth it. After two days of stupidity, and a day of horrible sickness, he determined that it was time to put the fatuity in full repose! Yes imperfect brothers and sisters, it is time to get the poison out of the blood stream.
Well Forrest Gump was a classic movie, and had some great, and unforgettable line in it as well.
Who doesn't know what you're saying when you say, "Run Forrest RUN!"? Who hasn't said to a fool heading in the wrong direction, "Run Forrest RUN!"?
Who doesn't know what you're saying when you say, "Run Forrest RUN!"? Who hasn't said to a fool heading in the wrong direction, "Run Forrest RUN!"?
Well good friends the imperfect one has one for you... Life is like a canned jar of Habaneros, you never know which one will burn you most!
You can do a million different things schrimotions, you can grille them, boil 'em, fry 'em, sulk in 'em... all those little emotions!
Well Forrest we knew it was real when you said, "I do love you Jenna," pronounce slowly and with a long "A." We knew it, but it was just to bad that Jenny didn't know it until was a little too late. Forrest spent his whole life waiting and Jenny was a wildflower that just didn't grow in the right gound. In fact she allowed her blossom to be exposed in full but let her blossom get wind blown and destroyed, poor Jenny? Poor Forrest? How many times have we known that there was a love their, a true love and we just ignore it? How many times can we reject the love of God and have Him take us back? Well I know that God is a God of second chances, a reconciling God, and a God that will never leave us nor forsake us no matter how much doltishness we manifest over the years.
Well Bubba, and Forrest here's to you... a team, one that only needed a verbal agreement, not lawyers. Forrest, Jenny here's to you for not needing a law enforcement officer for a second degree trespass, just a sweet goodbye when you realize in the death of it that you wish that you'd said stay. But even as hard as it was for Forrest to be turned away by Jenny he was there. No matter how many times you are turned away imperfect brothers and sisters, no matter how many times you turn from God, He is always there. I just pray that we do not wait until our death beds to see His love. He did love you Jenny, and the imperfect one does love You Jesus.
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