Then came the morning. Sunshine was stiff, so I took her to the doctor. I would have rather gone to see Valentino Rossi off of my rear wheel, when saying that I went to see the doctor, but oh well! I would rather anyone mention Vale Rossi when speaking of the doctor...than to say wow he/she was sick, or injured. Well instead of Yamaha Tech Racing calling me to come see the Doctor, it was a visit to take Sunshine. The insurance adjuster called just as I was taking Sunny D from the doctors office, and on our way to get her prescript. Jazzy was the adjusters name and she said that she would call back after the doctors visit. Well that was just the beginning of the smack me naked and call me George Foreman episode. Jazzy the adjuster had to assign another adjuster because she was unable to help on personal injury. So she said that she would pass the case to another adjuster. Well that adjuster never called. I wound up calling the office back at lunch time. They gave me the name and number of my new adjuster. Ed Ricks was one of the coolest insurance claims agent that I had ever spoken with. He told me that he would call me back in 15 minutes, or my new adjuster would contact me in approximately 15 minutes. 30 minutes went by and at that point the coolest agent digressed into an agent that I now labeled as liar #1. I called him back and got no answer. Then I called the Greensboro office to see what was up, and they gave me the number for the new adjuster. Her name was NeCole. She was not the most pleasant of creatures, but I have dealt with a lot worse. When I spoke to Ms. NeCole she said, "I was just looking at your file, and have not had a chance to review it, that's what I was doing before you called me. She said this with attitude. I wanted to give her some back, but there was something that came over me... an unexplained silly just took over my being! Therefore, rather than saying and it takes you, Jazzy, and Ed and how many other Pollock's does it take to get a rental approved for a full sized family car to accommodate a family of six?! I called every Enterprise car rental facility, and none of them had a full size car. However, another lit match in the fumes of the imperfect Christian was the fact that ms. Attitude reviewed my vehicle an Impala, and wanted to give me credit for an Aveo! I had to call her back and knew that the attitude could worsen, so I prepped my heart and lips to ask her to calmite (calm down) so I would not have to ask for the lead and get a nicer adjuster. Is it any one's fault that any business is understaffed, not outside that business no! Is it OK to be a punk to someone just because they are rude no! But I will march in front of your building until people think Dr. King has been resurrected! Don't make me start a boycott! Ms. NeCole after hearing the I'm really trying to be nice in my voice said I have upped your status to a full sized car. I thanked her and called the Morganton and Marion Enterprise offices back. The guys at Morganton told me that they had an Impala, but only a 5 seater. I called Marion, and they had an Aveo, and a Nissan Frontier four door truck. The truck a five seater! The Aveo a five seater if you are a family of clowns or enanos (Little People in Spanish)! Well the guys at Morganton said at first that they had the Impala, then when I called back they said that they had a Mazda MX-6. I asked if they ever had the Impala, and Wan-ye Mr. Enterprise said things re subject to change, and they might get something else in later. He had asked me earlier how soon I needed it, and I told him yesterday. He said well call Marion on your way home and if they don't have what you need come see me. I called Marion and she was super nice. I called Morganton back and got P Dempsey and he said it was the MX-6. The kicker was that P-Disty said just get here by 6pm. I wanted to say you know what, you come pick me up like your policy says you will do! But that feeling hit me again and I just said yeah I'll do that for sure, have a great Fourth. I called Roxanne back, and told her to put on the Red Light and get that Nissan ready. She was a taller woman very pregnant, and had a crazy lazy eye! She was a cutie so no one run to Marion and tell her that she looked like a monster, just that lazy eyes have always tripped me out. She was having a girl, and said she had a dream and was going to name her Carson, because she had a dream that they had a baby and named her Carson. The middle name was going to be Hazel after her grandmother, and hoped that she didn't grow up to hate it. We got the truck and motored back to the higher ground.
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