Friday, July 24, 2009

Work It Out!

All eyes on seem to be on Brett Favre in the sports world this week. Packer fans hate him for now... wait until some Packer or Favre tragedy takes place, and most will forget about the happenings of 2008 & 2009...I did say most.

Those that hate the Packers are either ecstatic about his last two seasons, and if the Packers are a bust again this season with Aaron Rogers at the helm then the haters again will have reason to talk and smile among themselves.

The loyal Favre fans, cheer him on wherever he goes, and just wish for one more glorious season and a happy ending for a somewhat brilliant career. My take on this: If he can play I ain't mad at him! Let the Wilf Bros. call me and say, "Hey old man, we hear you still have decent hands, and your speed is not great, but on the other hand your routes are not bad, and you're not slow by any means, just not as fast as you once were, so how about a one year, one point six?"

My reply is: "I need sometime to pray about this Mister's Wilf, OK done God said to ask you where I sign, He already knows but I do not, so where do I sign? and thank you."

I am a Raiders fan, I bleed an imperfect Christian Black and Platinum when I am football cut, but let KC, Denver, San Diego, and all out of conference rivals call me with a contract...chi-ching I'm in! So we can say what we want, and I am certain Mr. Favre listens to some of us, but he has his own decision to make. Speaking on decisions, what if he listened to the media? What would happen? What if we as Christians listened to the media? Well I for one being the imperfect Christian would tell you that the nauseating roller coaster ride would have had more ups and downs than Rush Limbaughs gums... a whole lot of movement and nothing good coming out!
"You are only human," so many say. Matthew 26:41 Jesus said, "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Therefore, the imperfect reminds himself that he is a three part being, spirit, mind, and body. Yes, I occupy a fleshy temple, and the flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing indeed. I just need to keep focused on a cohesiveness with His spirit, to maintain my spirit's willingness. I can't depend on anyone but Him. No need to run to the neighbor, the priest, or my rabbi, He (Christ) is right there/here.
So getting my spirit right is key. How do I learn about getting my spirit right? Through the Holy Spirit, and through His Word. So who do we read our bibles for? The Word says, "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;" (Philippians 2:12) Well Eastside Work It Out, Southside Work It Out, Northside Work It Out, Leftside Work It Out!!! OK to much hip-hop and caffeine!

Some of us (our perfect Christian brothers and sisters) have nothing better to do than to try and work out everybody else's salvation, when we need to be concerned with our own!
Back to football... does it really matter that Favre plays or not? To some a great deal, but who does Brett focus on? Hopefully, God, his wife, and his children! The media haters and everyone else makes little or no difference. He feels that he has some game left. The flesh and some of the Packers staff convinced him that his flesh was not able to play anymore, but his spirit being willing said, "Brett ol' boy (in a Southern drawl that's not as thick as it once was) I think you stil have a few in the tank!" He led the very quiet NY Jets to a somewhat decent season, wasn't stellar, but they weren't the Lions! Sorry Motor City Kitty fans. Then there is Plaxico "You're under-arrest" Burress! Got to give props and thank Heather Marie, for this: He should have shot someone besides himself, it would have been less painful, and he would have probably got less time! The NFL = Lots of $, plenty of fame, and fortune, but "Not For Long." OK enough with the NFL...

The imperfect one asks, do we preach the gospel or the gossip? Do we spread the good news, Christ can save you from sin, or spread the sin news you will not change and you're going to hell? Now bad talking Brett Favre is not going to send you to hell, if it would I would have been struck by lightning every time Sunny and the aunt talked football!

Well every individual is different, as I have said before and will say it again, "in every body there is a different person." The bible is not a legal weapon to be used like a crooked lawyer or a Pharisee would use, it is a love letter, and a guide in the form of the Holy Spirit shows us how to avoid sin in our own lives and pray for others, not condemn others, that is not our place. Nor is it a place that God wants to be in either. If we believe, we are saved. If we do not believe we condemned ourselves according to the Word. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved... John 3:17 We know 16, but how many remember 17?

The Bible is so much better when we read it in love, read all of it, and read it all with His divine guidance!

Peace, Blessings, & Joy...

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Close, but yet so far away...

I am certain that all of you have heard that one before. You get close and then you realize that you were light years away. I was as excited as a kid at Christmas on July 22nd. I was in the Georgia Dome, and had seats four rows from being on the field with Ro-Ro (Ronaldinho), my favorite soccer player of all time! But I was ions from being on the field with him! That's the way I view some many things now. I look at Jesus, and then I look at Judas, and satan. A man that I look up to and respect very dearly told me that we were all closer to Judas in our righteousness than we are to Jesus. Now that's not to say that daily we look to betray Jesus, that's just saying that Jesus alone made the perfect walk. The imperfect Christian knew this already, but needed a refresher. For example we look at a grid that shows a marker on top of the chart, and then in the middle we see another marker, and at the bottom one more. OK we put Christ at the top of the chart, and then we put Moses, Noah, and Paul toward the center. At the bottom goes lets say, Hitler, Bin Laden, and satan. Where do we as individuals go on that list? Well if I am mid way praise the Lord, but reality tells me that even being in the middle is a lot closer to the bottom than it is the top! Christ is up there by Himself. First He had the disciples asking, "who is the greatest Lord, who is closest to you?" Then He has people today ignoring Him and asking others where they stand in this day and age.

I stopped listening to a few Christian radio stations during the elections of '04. They bad mouthed every candidate accept the one that they chose. Every other candidate was the anti-Christ and the world would come unglued and off of its axis if their candidate did not take office. What did I do? I jumped off of the condemn the Pro-Choice people, and onto the condemn the extremist wagon. I am still in awe as to how people look at one form of murder, and sin, and completely overlook another. What I am saying is that in God's eyes a sin is a sin. To us we still have that justice balance. For example: if I curse you out in private you might get a little upset with me, and in God's eyes that's a sin. If I curse you out in public it's a little worse than the private curinsing, however, if I shoot thru your living room window I have waged a war! That too is a sin regardless, but being a mere mortal I would prefer the cursing. I prefer the cursing daily if need be before someone tried to kill me, or before I had to defend myself to the death.

It feels good to be close, but the imperfect one doesn't want to just get close, he desires to stay close and get involved. Involved in love, and not condemnation! Now I am not saying that I would lay down for just anything, I believe in standing for what's right, but I think the world could use a little more peace, rather than war. Well past my bed time, and the pizza has settled so hopefully I am tired enough to sleep through the night, and not experience too many nightmares. The morning may tell, until then imperfect brothers and sisters... Peace, Blessings, and Joy in Him!!! That real PB&J!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Len Coviak, and family, the Taylor Family (baby girl has leukemia), and Steve De Monico. They are all battling different forms of cancer.

Erin W. abuse.

Families facing divorce.

Family members missing loved ones, due to work, war, and death.
This is a simple blog from a simple imperfect Christian, please pray. Thanks and may Christ fill your heart with peace and joy.

Please add anyone that has asked YOU to pray for them specifically. Names or reason not necessary, God knows the need, and has the answer.

Who Works For Who...?

OK I am a servant to Christ, but Christ put it down for me...for those of you that are not privy, that's slang for "He" took care of it!!! He paid the ultimate price, to save a wretch like the Koop a Loop!

I asked my boss to take a picture of me with some folks in Denver and he said wait a minute who works for who here!? Of course you know my answer... he's the boss meign! But he took the pictures cause he loves me, and I am going to flat put it down for the company! : )

Well who works for who in our society, and all of its chaos?

Sunny D was hit from behind and of course the police showed up. What do you find on most squad cars? The words, "Protect and Serve." But in most cases it's "Reject and Swerve!"

Then there's the tow company. Never, and I mean never let a tow company that has a body shop or garage tow your vehicle! Oops you have a broken tie rod ma'am. Did you know that your oil pan was busted? That's funny chunky love, I didn't see any oil underneath this car until yu pulled it up on your truck! Why are people so hungry to steal one more penny from you, then one more C-note from you? Greedy, greedy scoundrels!

I didn't even want to get started on the insurance company, but here foes, I mean goes! I know some people say (I joke about) whats better than a doctor, a lawyer, and a politician cast into the sea with cement shoes? All doctors, liarwyers, and ploiticians cast into the sea with cement shoes! Well I am about to rank insurance folks in the mix with them, if not lower! Not all are bad, and most people do what they are told, but I have changed careers just because of the way businesses treat people. I have worked with the public, I have seen the snarling mom walk into my store with kids in tow, and had to deal with the fire that she breathed! I have had to smile when I really wanted to strangle someone! Over the years, I have laughed out loud at folks just to ease the tension. JG if you read this I know you remember the sister that came into Finish Line that was bigger than her birthday and said, "Oh you got jokes!?" when I asked her if I could help her find a suit. I made a quick recovery by telling her that her nails and hair looked fab, but she was not easy to win over!

Well good people I dealt with a fella named Horton. I like to call this segment for the kiddies sake:"Horton Hears A Koop"

Insurance adjuster Horton started off with the ear ticklers. He told me about all the wonderful things that he was having done to my car, and how much he wanted to help me. Helping me out of a few hundred dollar$, and helping me away from a few peaceful hours, is not the kind of help I desire sir. How bout I help you with prayer and laying on of hands? I didn't think he'd like that question... at any rate instead of getting the car back on time, and saving old Hears A Koop a day in rental money, he opted to give me no choice but leave the car with the body shop and keep the rental van for another day. With his knit picking I decided to knit pick a little myself. He said they would only pay for what damage occurred during the accident, which was all that I asked for, and so I told him that I needed a new tag too, since it was damaged during the accident! So he wound up paying for a new tag as well, that I would have over looked if he had, asked them to fix the car right the first time! The audacity of some folks! Wait a minute aren't you supposed to work for me? Who's paying who to do the job here?

OK Dr. H, Attorney Mac, Mama Nance, and all of my people in politics... I love you, but a certain bunch of your colleagues are smelly!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I have dreamt of sitting and writing from a sylvan location, over looking the beach. Kind of like the view you get from John Muir Cliffs in San Francisco. Cool invigorating, sea breeze, shaded glades, just peaceful and serene! Well I had the Blue Ridge and the Watershed instead, but I'll take it! So what's worth writing about today...? How about differences, and diversity? Yeah that will work.
What would you say about a mother who shipped her child out of the country just to see him have a chance to survive? What would you say about parents that had to flee their homeland and go to another province just to survive? What would you say to a group, or to an individual about the Holocaust, or American slavery?

My cousin told me stories that started in World War II and continued on into the 50's and the Korean War, about when he was stationed in Germany. He said that some of the German woman slept with "Black" American troops just to see if they had tails like monkey's. Why? Because propaganda, and ignorance through fascist Nazi coercion, led these poor naive young women to explore for curiosities sake. They (not all but the naive women of Germany) found out (some to their dismay) that they had been lied to. What other lies seep through the cracks of society? What lies have we helped transude through the cracks of today's society?

Exodus 2&3 tell the story of how Moses was shipped out away from his family in his own personal ark. He as an adult after being raised by an Egyptian Princess fled for his life to a Midian camp (Modern Day Saudi Arabia), took a wife Zipporah (the song bird), and had a child. Then he received his calling from God and went back to the place where it was that he fled from! Wow! How many of us are willing to do that?

Then for my imperfect New Testament buffs... Matthew 2. Joseph took Mary and baby Jesus out of Bethlehem and into Egypt. How was it that Herod killed every male child, and had an army searching, and couldn't find a snow white child among all those dark faces? It's rhetorical for me but if you have to ask, HIS skin probably wasn't lily white. Then Joseph went back to his home land by way of Nazareth, and the prophesy was fulfilled! Diverse culture huh? All this sneaking in and out of the country. How would Joseph get past Homeland security in the good ol' US of A!? "Sir, could you remove your sandals please. Ma'am, what's in the bag?"

Now there is the comparison of ethnicity to preference as well. Michael Jackson chose to straighten his hair, mutilate himself, and totally freak the world out with some rather freakish moves. A man of African descendants with a light skin tone chose to pass as Caucasian, rather than claim his African descendants. But how is it that a man can choose to desire intimacy with another man, or a woman desire the intimacy of another woman? A healthy man or woman has the opportunity to make a healthy choice. However, let me quiz my imperfect Christian brothers ans sisters that are science buffs. If a person is born with both genitalia what do you do? What if as a parent you guess wrong at their birth. What do you do if you are a parent in a country where you do not have the medical facility, insurance, or monetary resources that would allow you the liberty of making that choice? Difference, diversity, where do you draw the line, and when do we learn to stop playing God and just love one another. When do we pray for the betterment of mankind, and stop trying to condemn every man around us, to place us a step closers to superiority? Remember the movie "Juice"? I remember it too well. It brings back memories of being a teenager, that witnessed more death than most morticians! It's not easy trying to understand as a teenager how it is that a dark figure rises up out of the bushes with a bandanna around his/her face, and slits your best friends throat and runs back into the city drains, and cultasac's leaving you to tend to a friend that is bleeding out, and you can't help. All you can do is comfort them for as much as possible, scream for help and cry. You have no clue as to who it was, and the only explanation, is that he/she was hanging with the wrong set! The police treat it as one less for them to deal with because it was a banger that was killed. Well perhaps it was a 13 year old girl that was into trends, but not a banger by any means! To see your friend shot in his car after dropping off his little brother, and crashing his car through the hedges of a well known business and into their wall, while his soul and car simultaneously come to a complete rest. You see the story on the news, and all you can do is shake your head and cry. What's it all for? For "Juice!" Who has the most power, who gets in the last word, who has the final say! Well imperfect brothers and sisters let me just tell you that if you don't know already, God has the final say. Gangster, Gay, or either way, God has the final say. Not me, not Reverend Juice, that needs to leave the reverence to Christ, not anyone but the Righteous One. No I do not condone sin, but I have learned the hard way that life is to short for me to sweat the small stuff, and to short for me to try and fix the world. Life is too precious for me to try to play God and put the weight of the world on my shoulders. I am much more content with praying for the lost, and more so praying for myself, and repenting daily, and letting God decide on which of His own are truly redeemed. The roll of an inspector is hard enough, I leave the righteous judgment to the Righteous Judge!
Peace, Blessings, and Joy...that real PB&J only found in Christ!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

You Can't Unring A Bell...

The imperfect one has said, "What the heck!?" more than once in his life. "You've gotta be kidding me!?" with just the right portion of sarcasm has left his mouth before as well. The imperfect Christian used to quote the lyrics of Luther Campbell and the 2Live Crew! I can't go back and change that. However, what I can do is show people a genuine change from here on out. My good friend, and brother gone on once said, "Does a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?" Out of the same mouth proceeds blessings and curses, and my imperfect brothers and sisters that should not be! My good friend was James the first Pastor to the Hebrew church. James 3:10&11.

There was a group called Depeche Mode, and They sang a song called People are People. The lyrics if I recollect properly went as such: People are people so why can't it be, that you and I can get along so peacefully. Then another portion of that song said: I can't understand what makes a man hate another man (help me understand). I don't want to understand what drives people to hate people.

A young girl has crooked teeth, wishing she had braces or at times just dealing with the insecurity she hears people comment about her teeth. She here's lots of things that might lead her to promiscuity to make her feel wanted. Baby girl you are a star, you are still beautiful to me! You are still beautiful to God! So, fellas does your girl have jacked up Magdelena Hagdelena teeth, and if so, so be it! Is she still fine to you? Is she a little over weight? Does she have the green eyes you long for, or brown? What did you say to her about them, cause you can't unring that bell!!!

Have you said something that you can't take back? Well good people, our God is a redeeming God, not a condemning one. He is a reconciler, and if you have breath in your body there is still time.

I had two young people ride up next to me on 16th St in Denver, CO. They were raving about how they missed the all important International Christian Retail Show/Christian Book Association Show! I said you just missed the show, but there is time for you to find the purpose of the show. The young lady said is there a booth for atheist? I said there is a booth for everyone, yes even you. Her male counterpart said, "Does God still want me even if I am too late." I replied with, do you have breath in your body, you do well then it's not too late. Yes He still loves you, and wants you. They just kind of looked at each other and rode up the street as the light changed and wished me a goodnight, and I in return wished them one.

I can't unring the bell, I can't change the misunderstanding, I can't erase that I said somethings in the wrong way, but what I can do, is make certain that from here on out, that I try, that I make it my endeavor to show you that I love you, and so does God. If my writing offends, I pray that someone would be bold enough to question me out of love, not out of being right to make me wrong, but to bring me to the truth that will glorify God!

Fat chews a long way, but that lean morsel melts, and savors to sheer satisfaction. I pray that your meditation is savoury!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Million Ways, But A Trick Ain't One...

OK the imperfect one had a very adventurous weekend. He got to dance with the devil in the pale moon lite, and spend most of the night out. He was in a borrowed vehicle so he did not drive much just hung out on the Parkway. It was a very lonely night, it was one of the most difficult he has had to deal with. The moon was at three quarters, and the imperfect one was not in the best of spirit. Friday night was one of the worst nights he's had in a long time. He went home Saturday morning, and spent all day wallowing in self pity. Definitely not worth it. After two days of stupidity, and a day of horrible sickness, he determined that it was time to put the fatuity in full repose! Yes imperfect brothers and sisters, it is time to get the poison out of the blood stream.
Well Forrest Gump was a classic movie, and had some great, and unforgettable line in it as well.
Who doesn't know what you're saying when you say, "Run Forrest RUN!"? Who hasn't said to a fool heading in the wrong direction, "Run Forrest RUN!"?
Well good friends the imperfect one has one for you... Life is like a canned jar of Habaneros, you never know which one will burn you most!
You can do a million different things schrimotions, you can grille them, boil 'em, fry 'em, sulk in 'em... all those little emotions!
Well Forrest we knew it was real when you said, "I do love you Jenna," pronounce slowly and with a long "A." We knew it, but it was just to bad that Jenny didn't know it until was a little too late. Forrest spent his whole life waiting and Jenny was a wildflower that just didn't grow in the right gound. In fact she allowed her blossom to be exposed in full but let her blossom get wind blown and destroyed, poor Jenny? Poor Forrest? How many times have we known that there was a love their, a true love and we just ignore it? How many times can we reject the love of God and have Him take us back? Well I know that God is a God of second chances, a reconciling God, and a God that will never leave us nor forsake us no matter how much doltishness we manifest over the years.
Well Bubba, and Forrest here's to you... a team, one that only needed a verbal agreement, not lawyers. Forrest, Jenny here's to you for not needing a law enforcement officer for a second degree trespass, just a sweet goodbye when you realize in the death of it that you wish that you'd said stay. But even as hard as it was for Forrest to be turned away by Jenny he was there. No matter how many times you are turned away imperfect brothers and sisters, no matter how many times you turn from God, He is always there. I just pray that we do not wait until our death beds to see His love. He did love you Jenny, and the imperfect one does love You Jesus.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

911 To Be A Better Dad

Imagine you are a man desiring to be the best father that you can be. You're picking up your cell, dialing a number that you wished you'd never seen. You know on the other end of the line is a woman that hates you to the core. A woman that would stop at nothing to make you miserable! The phone is ringing and you hand it to your 13 year old son. That woman on the other end is his mother. She answers the phone, and begins to talk with her son. Her son that is with his father for the summer that has 3 states separating their states. Five states involved in the travel. Fives states away that she chose, leaving without warning, and not giving the slightest hint to her son's father, and to this day still continues to try and put division between father and son.

The little fella is 13 as I had mentioned before, and as an imperfect Christian I look back to my days at thirteen to try and understand what he's thinking and going through. I grew out of being a mama's boy round about this age. I didn't want my mother knowing what I was into everyday. The little guy is not quite there yet. I was into sports and hanging out with my friends at his age, he is into computer games and confined to an apartment all day. I hit the streets and learned them well. I was getting more interested in the opposite sex and he is now, yikes! I would have my first relationship way too early not long after this stage, and I do not want that for him. I learned about a lot of things at 13 and 15 that were tremendous eye openers! Of course my situation was much different. I was in a single parent home, and in Los Angeles. He is split between being in the rural set, and the burbs.

Meanwhile back at the imperfect Christian Ranch...the little fella saw the police at his dads house, and he has understood the consequences involved when a little boy cries wolf! (see previous blog) Well this young fella knows that he has an imperfect father and a perfect Heavenly Father. His earthly imperfect Christian dad is trying to emphasize the importance of being real, and eliminating the drama. The imperfect Christian broke it down in an imperfect Christian way, but gave him the perfect Word, Gods' Word!

His mother and imperfect Christian dad have the privilege to call three times a week. The imperfect one gets his 3 each week when he is with his mother and vice versa. His mother called on Monday July 6, 2009, and the imperfect one had him call back within the 24 hour time period on Tuesday July 7th round 7:38pm. This takes us back to the phone ringing... Hello says his mother, he replies with a hardy "Hi Mom." Sunny D is in the new rental van out in the drive readying to take the kids (which is Mac Daddied) to Sister Ne`'s house to show the van to Ne`'s family. Sunny calls into the house, "Hey is he coming or what?!" I said yeah just give him a few he's talking with his mother. When I get back into the living room the volume is very loud on the phone. Therefore, the imperfect Christian dad asked if the perfect imperfect Christian son had put it on speaker phone, and imperfect Christian son said no. Just a few seconds after asking him that question, his mother said, did you take your medicine today? Ace our son replies, not yet. She said why not, did your dad remind you to take it? Dad only knows of an inhaler, and nothing else, but will after this call. She asked how his breathing was, and then made a statement that had me shaking my head. "If your father is not taking care of his responsibilities and getting you your medicine then you need to call 911!" I just shook my head and sat down. I got on my laptop, and checked my email preparing for my conference call to better my ministry. Class would for me would follow 5 minutes after Ace's phone call. She let him talk to his sister, and her husband, and then she returned to the phone. He grew a little defensive when she asked him again how he felt. He said I am fine, and was a little stern. She was a little uneasy with that, you could tell she grew angry by the sound of her voice. Before she got off of the phone she said, I love you son, and then stressed again to "call 911" if your father doesn't fullfil his obligations and get you to the emergency room. She asked him if he still had his phone and he lied and said yes ma'am. I can only wonder what will be said, or come about when he tells her that I took his phone upon the night of his texting them and not telling me that he was sick when he seemed to be in fine shape! He had played all day, and was ready to play with Boogman until the Boog said he was showering and getting ready to watch a movie. At that point he began to text how miserable he was and that he day was horrible! Didn't tell me or any of the rest of my family at all, at any point in the day!

So good parents no one thing, he saw the police, he has been told about the importance of urgent care, and when to use 911 (for emergencies!) and he knows that he is loved. He also sees that he does not live with an imperfect Christian that is trying to kill him, and if he would not call 911 without his mothers permission when with her, why would he have to be responsible for doing it when staying with his imperfect Christian dad. If the house is burning down, if he feels like he is going to die (truly die) and not just feel bad, then he needs to call 911.

Love your children, teach them in the way of the Lord, and be there for them. Communicate!

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Holy Matrimony Batman!

I write a blog yesterday about divorce, and lack of communication and then today I read about how low divorce rates are. Guess what gets credit for the low divorce rate? That's right the economy! According to the report on MSN couples that can't stand each other, simply cannot afford to get divorced!

Wow, I'm so poor that I can't afford to pay attention, but everyone that I owe a penny to is not buying that line. In fact no ones buying unless you go to the mall and watch the teenagers and childless middle aged couples shop!
Splitting the house, and the kids, and then waking up with a splitting headache, and perhaps just depending on how mean your spouse is perhaps waking with your head split open! How do the polygamist do it? I mean what if a dude had to divorce five women! I would be like shoot me now, dag it's bad enough to have a disagreement and split with one woman let alone two or three! So how do those cats afford it! Is Barack Obama bailing out the polygamist TOO! What else can we blame on the President and the economy? No the polygamist aren't being bailed out, the polygamist are just smart enough to procreate enough unpaid hands to take care of the farm! Five wives and twenty-five kids, yeah that'll work. I work my four kids for more than a few minutes a day, and DSS would hunt me down and fine me for breaking child labor laws!

Well the rest of the world has a decrease in divorce, while my world is seeing more than ever before, good thing the view of the world isn't based on my view huh? Until next imperfect blog, same imperfect website, same imperfect time. Nanananananananana....Blackman!
Peace, Blessings, and Joy...

I Can't Breathe!

I have heard two people within the last month say, "I can't breathe!" I said it back in January when I had pneumonia. It's like drowning, you want to get to the surface, but the surface seems so far above you. You want to get to the surface, but there is a tremendous weight that is holding you down. Your chest feels heavy, your extremities are weak, you just feel like giving up! The struggle is too great, so what do you do?

Yes we all need our "own" time from time to time. No one likes to be smothered. There are times when I am grateful to have a good looking woman trail me, or have my kids on my heels, and at others, I just need to chill. Let that Ox have a few days off, give him some meadow to roam in as long as he's roaming alone. He can't have calves if you don't make him mad enough to go through the fence, or if you don't open the gate and push him out, give him some room. And again on the other hand, sometimes he needs to be shadowed, makes him feel important. Mama is the same way fellas! When the yoke is on it should be light, not tight! Then the burden will be easy when you work together in the Lord!

Ready for the soap opera? How many husbands put their wives out of their home, and leave them hanging? For those women, I have a little Madea anx built up in me! If you helped turn that house into a home, then you should be entitled to your share. If you deserve to be put out, then he should at least give you ample time, and help you even if you are totally wrong! To each their own, but somethings just do not make sense! People should be more civil.

I have had more friends divorce this year, or speak of divorce, than I have heard of through my entire years as an adult! Why all of a sudden this surge in die-vision? Well it's not all of a sudden, it's just that I am noticing it now, and more people viewed me as good imperfect Christian husband. My wife is saying wow, if you only knew! Well the lack of vision, the lack of appointment, and focus as one have all gone away! If you are married you cannot look at your future, and future agendas with just your eyes, and one set of eyes in mind! You cannot look through the one set of physical eyes, but instead you must look through the spiritual set that is now a trifocaled univision! WHAT? Yes a trifocaled univision...Three sets acting as one! Each spouse must look at the greater vision that God has given them. That vision must connect with your partners vision, to ultimately bring forth the ultimate vision, and that is how to please God as a UNION! You see this Union is not just between you and spouse! You put two pieces of toast together and hold one piece up, what does the other piece do? It falls to the floor or the plate. If you put some adhesive (smooth jelly, or some spicy mustard depending on the sandwich LOL) on them what happens!? They stay together. You are one slice, and he is home slice! God is the adhesive in case some of my imperfect Brothers and Sisters are slower than I am. This is why the Word says to be "equally yoked." You can't go one way, and have your partner going another. When we do this good people we drag or get dragged! So what is your vision?

And it shall come to pass in the last days, God declares, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels] and your young men shall see visions (divinely granted appearances), and your old men shall dream [divinely suggested] dreams.
Yes, and on My menservants also and on My maidservants in those days I will pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels and]predicting future events pertaining especially to God's kingdom]. (Acts 2:16-18 Amplified Version)

God declares that He will pour our His Spirit first of all, so whom is it that we should be waiting for? Our spouse? No, no! You first lady of the house are a prophetess! You young man of the house shall be a visionary, and you aged and experienced shall dream, and see the next generation do greater things, you are the pathfinders, and the trailblazers, the pioneers! Wow, that almost sounded like an ad for a used car lot! At any rate, I ask as the imperfect Christian, why is it that you imperfect brothers and sisters are not moving? You are not moving for fear of failing! You have heard it a million only fail, when you fail to try! But we (conviction poured on the imperfect one first) are afraid of what someone might say, we are afraid of the spouse being displeased, we are afraid of what society will do with us! If you have to separate then do so! How many people have or could do this:

Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband. 11 But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. (1Corinthians 7:10 & 11 NKJV) OK is this the chauvinist God again, or does this apply to men as well? Well in ancient customs the man had to put his wife away, and the woman was not to leave. But again I use an old cliche` "Absence or Distance makes the heart grow fonder..."

Can we seek the civility in Christ and be reconciled to one another just as He reconciled us to God the Father? He redeemed us, but for what? So, we could slap Him in the face and say thanks but no thanks! I don't know what weight you are dealing with, I don't know what sea it is that you are drowning in, but I know the Lifeguard that can save you.

Oh and try some PB&J for that toast up there! Peace, Blessings, and Joy my imperfect brothers and sisters!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Well good people the imperfect one here to speak on Independence! I said that I would with my total being celebrate our independence as a nation truly when America had a person of African descendants as our Commander and Chief. Well on November 4th of 2008 I celebrated independence for all of my ancestry. The Scotsman, the German, the Portuguese, and the Blackfoot and Cherokee celebrated a true melting pot society when President Obama was sworn in! I continued the celebrating on into January and had folks celebrating with me on the 20th of January in 2009!

July 4th of 2009 has passed and I am still celebrating. My taxes have decreased personally, gas prices have lowered, and even most grocery prices seem better. We still have greater freedoms than most countries that I know of. We have a rental truck that everyone seems to enjoy, I got my Tacoma home, and now the Impala is in the shop of our choice! We are free to enjoy insurance that helps get you moving again. We are free to celebrate spending time with family and having prayer with friends and family. We are free to speak our minds and help others. I wish to exercise my freedom tonight! I do not want any father that tries and truly cares for his kids to go through what it is that I have gone through, or will have to go through for a few more years to follow.

I am a man trying to raise his children to be integritous. My endeavor is to raise good imperfect Christians that can think for themselves and celebrate their imperfections independently. I have attempted to raise all of my children to seek after God, and mature into adults that will be people after His own heart! This weekend has been a struggle, but praise God aluta continua... the struggle continues! Some cannot endure the struggle, and to this point I have and I shall!!! Thank you Sister Ne, for making me study my Latin with more fervency.

In this land of Independence, I have had to seek justice in the fine judicial system. I have a court order for partial joint custody of my youngest son. This order says that neither party cannot badmouth one or the other. It doesn't say that I am disallowed to tell the truth. It was amended in 2004, just before we bought our house, because I spanked him. I went from every other week to every second and fourth weekend with visitation. I was disallowed to spank him for lying and being lazy enough to soil his underwear, but his mother's new husband could spank him for critiquing his sister's artwork and saying that it wasn't good. Spanked by a man that teaches him that being smug is a cool thing! During that time period she moved to Illinois and took my youngest over 900 miles away from me. This is the same son that she wanted to keep me from since the very beginning. His mother wanted to keep me from him until that is she had no place to keep him herself. Because we both worked a night shift and her father was retiring and would not allow our son in his house during the day or the night his mother threatened me with a lawsuit. She said that if I didn't provide a sitter she would get an attorney and go to court. I think she was a little bit shocked when I didn't seek a sitter, but instead kept him myself during the daytime hours! I had family keep him during the night while we worked. No help from her, nothing just my watching him from 8am to 4:30pm so she could sleep. The she would then bring him back to me around 9:30pm and I would take him to my mothers house. He would cry at the door when I would leave because he wanted me to stay and play with him more. My mother watched him for the most part and my uncle's wife kept him for awhile as well. But on his mothers side the same pattern continued, and none of her family stepped up. That was then and this is now, but the drama continues.

We went to my Uncle Juan's house yesterday for the traditional BBQ. The kids ate, they swam, they rode dirtbikes and fourwheelers, and everyone was having a great time. The adults sat and held the usual comedic conversations, and laughed hardily. The kids ran like wildfire, and enjoyed one another. No arguments, no malicious acts from jealous siblings, just a great time. We all left from L.A. (Lower Altapass) and headed into metropolis of Scrubville for fireworks. We parked the trucks behind the hospital and watched the red, white, and boom from atop the hospital drive. We had a few brownies left and of course everyone wanted at the very least one more bite, so onto phase 2 of the brownie eating. The fireworks show overall not to shabby, but the grand finale a bit of a let down. Each vehicle gathered their own kids and dispersed.

The imperfect one got home and started to settle in when his phone buzzed. I was headed to the restroom and did not recognize the number so I waited for a voicemail. I walked back into the room, and listened to the voicemail. It was my youngest son's, mother's husband (mouthful huh)? He had left a message telling me that my son had texted them and notified them that he was unable to breathe. Rather than call his trac fone back to listen for signs of his not being able to breathe they texted. His mother's husband instructed me to go immediately to the emergency room! He said that AJ could get breathing treatments there, and they could administer meds to him for allergies as well. He finished his instructional message with a threatening I will be calling back to check on him. I did what I normally do, and I ignored his ignorance like a Rottweiler ignores a toothless Chihuahua. I awaited his call, and never heard from him. Instead I received a call from the Mitchell County Dispatch.

Dispatch called and at first did not identify themselves. The dispatcher said, who am I speaking with. I said you called me who do you want to speak with? He said is this the imperfect Christian? I said it is, who am I speaking with please. At that point he told me his name and said I am Deputy Dawg with the Mitchell County Dispatch, I am calling because your son's mother called and wanted to know how he was, and said that he had texted her and told her that he couldn't breathe. I told him that AJ was fine, and that I was responsible enough to get him medical attention if he needed it. I know how to dial 911, and that I was merely minutes away from Scrubville hospital, or I knew my way to Memorial Mercenary Hospital if he needed serious care. He said may I verify your address so I can formally file the complaint, I gave it to him and asked if he needed me to call the phone number back to him as well. He said no sir you have a goodnight. I said thank you, and you as well, but now that you have called please file in your complaint that my phone works that I know the number for 911, and that I am a grown man able to communicate, therefore capable of being responsible enough to get my son medical attention if he needs it, and that his mother can take care of things with him on her time.

The drama didn't stop there. A Deputy Sheriff named McClinton in all black attire came by and asked me which house was 43. I told him that my house was. Officer McClinton said that he was on a DSS call and needed to check on the minor. I called for AJ, and he got his shoes, and came to the door. I had locked myself out and couldn't get in so I called through the kitchen window. Officer McClinton was a blessing however, he did not lead AJ with a question, but simply just asked him if he was OK. AJ said, "I am good." Officer McClinton said you feeling OK then, and AJ said, "Yes sir." Officer McClinton said that's all I came for. Officer McClinton said, "Ok hoss you have a goodnight, and wished me a goodnight as well. He said if we can do anything for you just call. I said yeah you can have her handle things on her end and let me live my life and take care of things on mine. He looked a little upset with my saying that and stepped back toward me. I told him that I wasn't upset with him, but I was not pleased with the non-sense by any means, I knew that he was just doing his job. Officer McClinton then said, "I only ask one question of each parent, put yourself in their shoes, if it was you wouldn't you want to know?" Quite naturally my answer was, "Of course!" I would want to know for sure but would be more mature and rational with obtaining my information, but now you put my shoes on for a few good people. Would you want your other children freaked out every other day with an officer of the law showing up at your doorstep just because some crack pot accused you of being a bad parent when time and time again you prove that you are not!? Shoe on the other foot would you want your child with the other parent to be scared or brainwashed into believing that he was leaving his real family to go live with people that wanted nothing but bad for him, and were trying to kill him and couldn't take care of him? Would you appreciate a woman that would entice a DSS worker to believe that because your spouse was Caucasian that she didn't care for your Afro (Black) children!? Well that was part of the questioning years ago that might oldest son endured from a DSS worker. DSS workers that admitted to spanking their own children, and doing the exact same thing that I had done, but did not lose time with their children. The same DSS worker was caught in a lie in court and not punished in the least way. Those images have been burned, and have become permanent fixtures in my mind ever since the events took place. Eventually my son will see the truths in this matter but until then I am asking when Lord!?

We have been down this road before, and may have to endure it again, but my endeavor is to see that we not only survive it, but help other true, caring fathers so that this does not happen to them. Better yet so that no child is left in the dark or led into confusion.
Peace, Blessings, and Joy in Christ...the real PB&J

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Doctor said...

Then came the morning. Sunshine was stiff, so I took her to the doctor. I would have rather gone to see Valentino Rossi off of my rear wheel, when saying that I went to see the doctor, but oh well! I would rather anyone mention Vale Rossi when speaking of the doctor...than to say wow he/she was sick, or injured. Well instead of Yamaha Tech Racing calling me to come see the Doctor, it was a visit to take Sunshine. The insurance adjuster called just as I was taking Sunny D from the doctors office, and on our way to get her prescript. Jazzy was the adjusters name and she said that she would call back after the doctors visit. Well that was just the beginning of the smack me naked and call me George Foreman episode. Jazzy the adjuster had to assign another adjuster because she was unable to help on personal injury. So she said that she would pass the case to another adjuster. Well that adjuster never called. I wound up calling the office back at lunch time. They gave me the name and number of my new adjuster. Ed Ricks was one of the coolest insurance claims agent that I had ever spoken with. He told me that he would call me back in 15 minutes, or my new adjuster would contact me in approximately 15 minutes. 30 minutes went by and at that point the coolest agent digressed into an agent that I now labeled as liar #1. I called him back and got no answer. Then I called the Greensboro office to see what was up, and they gave me the number for the new adjuster. Her name was NeCole. She was not the most pleasant of creatures, but I have dealt with a lot worse. When I spoke to Ms. NeCole she said, "I was just looking at your file, and have not had a chance to review it, that's what I was doing before you called me. She said this with attitude. I wanted to give her some back, but there was something that came over me... an unexplained silly just took over my being! Therefore, rather than saying and it takes you, Jazzy, and Ed and how many other Pollock's does it take to get a rental approved for a full sized family car to accommodate a family of six?! I called every Enterprise car rental facility, and none of them had a full size car. However, another lit match in the fumes of the imperfect Christian was the fact that ms. Attitude reviewed my vehicle an Impala, and wanted to give me credit for an Aveo! I had to call her back and knew that the attitude could worsen, so I prepped my heart and lips to ask her to calmite (calm down) so I would not have to ask for the lead and get a nicer adjuster. Is it any one's fault that any business is understaffed, not outside that business no! Is it OK to be a punk to someone just because they are rude no! But I will march in front of your building until people think Dr. King has been resurrected! Don't make me start a boycott! Ms. NeCole after hearing the I'm really trying to be nice in my voice said I have upped your status to a full sized car. I thanked her and called the Morganton and Marion Enterprise offices back. The guys at Morganton told me that they had an Impala, but only a 5 seater. I called Marion, and they had an Aveo, and a Nissan Frontier four door truck. The truck a five seater! The Aveo a five seater if you are a family of clowns or enanos (Little People in Spanish)! Well the guys at Morganton said at first that they had the Impala, then when I called back they said that they had a Mazda MX-6. I asked if they ever had the Impala, and Wan-ye Mr. Enterprise said things re subject to change, and they might get something else in later. He had asked me earlier how soon I needed it, and I told him yesterday. He said well call Marion on your way home and if they don't have what you need come see me. I called Marion and she was super nice. I called Morganton back and got P Dempsey and he said it was the MX-6. The kicker was that P-Disty said just get here by 6pm. I wanted to say you know what, you come pick me up like your policy says you will do! But that feeling hit me again and I just said yeah I'll do that for sure, have a great Fourth. I called Roxanne back, and told her to put on the Red Light and get that Nissan ready. She was a taller woman very pregnant, and had a crazy lazy eye! She was a cutie so no one run to Marion and tell her that she looked like a monster, just that lazy eyes have always tripped me out. She was having a girl, and said she had a dream and was going to name her Carson, because she had a dream that they had a baby and named her Carson. The middle name was going to be Hazel after her grandmother, and hoped that she didn't grow up to hate it. We got the truck and motored back to the higher ground.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Meltdown and the Wreck

The Meltdown...The last couple of days were challenging. The imperfect one had an appointment with the heavy bag, and again didn't wear gloves, or tape his knuckles. So, now they are oozing and bleeding through the scabs. Nothing major, and not like I haven't bloodied them before. They should callouse again and get thicker. After the heavy bag therapy, I took a journey out and drove the Yota about 20 miles from home. I parked and as I had mentioned before and was just about to dose off. Then I heard some noise behind my truck. I got out to investigate, and to my dismay my right rear tire was flat. To complicate matters I did not have the key for the lock on my spare tire! The lock was super rusty, and it was 1am. So what to do? I tip toed my truck back to town, crawling in low four, and just two and a half hours later... voila... I was at Wal Mart, where I would sleep until 6 am that morning.

The Wreck...Sunshine primarily drives the car, and I drive the truck. Well the car that Sunshine drives is now out of commission as well! She was rear ended yesterday, and called me at work and told me that she was in the car and unable to get out. I went after her in the old peeling booger, our faded and peeling sea foam green Ford 150 company truck. The truck looks like it has leprosy! I drove to the scene of her accident, and saw a female police officer, a lady in a brown pant suit, and Sunshine standing along the guard rail. I drove down the ramp, and circled back and went back up the on ramp going south to go check on Sunny D. Times have been tough for Sunny D, and the imperfect one, but you know even if times are tough you have to be there. My hands are calloused, and maybe even my heart has grown slighty calloused, but you just have to do what's right. I drove past the fire crew, and the DMV workers that all looked at me like what is this idiota doing!? I got out motioned to them that I was with Sunshine, and they just gave a nod and kept an eye on traffic. As I approached the three ladies the officer said, "You must be the imperfect one?" I said yes ma'am, but no autographs at this time please. She smiled and told me that the other lady was at fault, and that her insurance would take care of everything, and asked me what I thought about driving the car home. The lady saw me coming and looked at me like oh Lord, here comes one angry brotha!!! We will call the lady Ms. M. I was walking toward Ms. M, and Sunny D, to check on them when before I could say how is everyone doing...Ms. M said, "I'm so sorry! I am really sorry!" I then asked them if they were both OK. They said shakey but OK. both of them wanted to cry again, and from the looks of it, they had both done a little crying before I got there. I told Ms. M that I was just glad that no one was seriously injured, and that there was no one fatally injured. I could live with having to get a car fixed or a new car, but death would have been no bueno! Ms. M was very nice, and like Sunshine very rattled. They were both shaking. The officer was very nice as well. Stereotyping would not have allowed me to see a little woman, like her being a police officer though. I guess dynamite comes in small packages for a reason! She could probably whip a whole club full of rough heads by herself, but looked like she belonged in a much more delicate environment. Again just a discription, so again please do not label me as being stereotypical. I don't look the part of a Southern Gospel Marketer either. I kill the stereotype! LOL I was hoping not to look the part of a rough head, and the officer was super nice to us all, but she took a couple of good looks at my scabbed knuckles. Although the officer took a look at my hands she never said anything. Everyone has looked at my hands for the past couple of days. I have told my kids that I just didn't realize that I was getting blistered that bad. My youngest son said, "Those are blisters, they look raw!?" My middle son said, "Yeah they look bad!" I was waiting for the officer to ask me something similar, like what happened to your hands? We gathered the goods from the car, and I had Kywy's car seat, the DVD player, and a host of other little items in my hands and the officer handed me the business card for the wrecker service to get one more good look at my hands. Just doing her job I guess. I am certain that she new that it was not from beating Sunshine. The old burger clamps are pretty scabby, it would have left some nasty scars or bruises on whatever or whomever I had hit. Therefore, police woman knew that Sunny D wasn't being abused. The officer said, "Oh I'm sorry I guess I could've handed the card to her" (Sunshine). I told police woman that it was all good. I loaded all of our goods into the front seat of the slimmer truck, and we were on our way back to Scrubville. Money is already tight, and just got tighter! New tires for the truck, and down to one vehicle for sure now. So no free time or late night ventures for the imperfect one, no matter how upset or uptight he gets! This imperfect Christian is bound to boundaries that are obtainable by foot only now. My legs still hurt from forcing them to push a fast paced two miler for the first time in ages. It is a good hurt though!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Communication Gap...

Wow, how we often misunderstand one another! Gracie is looking at me in this picture saying,"Whatchu talkin' bout Willis!?"
I sent an email to a fine Christian woman (let's call her "Christi") in a company (let's call it "The Building") that uses the same distribution company as ours. I saw the UPC number on one of my orders and reconginized it as being one that belonged to The Building. Therefore, I made contact with Christi. I sent an email that said:

I recognized this as being your product and since I cannot key it I am sending it to you for confirmation. If this is indeed your product here is his information, DJ Darby's 123 South Main St., Good City, NC 27somethin,' somethin,' or another... He needs 3 copies of The Good Life CD. I used todays date as a purchase order number.

She wrote back and said, "Yes this is our product just have him send it back to the Distributor.."

Wow! Well I wrote back explaining again that this was not a return, but rather a purchase and that Mr. Darby desired to have their product consolidated in shipping with our product. When I send notes of that nature that is usually a given, especially when we did the same thing just a week ago. LOL So, it doesn't take much to confuse others at times. That's why we need to slow down, focus, and help others to relate. How do we do that. Who liberally gives us wisdom? Don't know, well here's what James said in chapter 1 vs 5, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives it generously (liberally, freely) to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." (NIV)

Some frown on anything but the KJV where I live, and I say not to offend, but rather to bless, what was there before the KJV (1611) and did all the folks before that time period go to hell? Remember good reader it's your imperfect Christian brother speaking...
That verse applies to mankind, which includes women for my chauvinist brothers that are not as imperfect as me! LOL

Another miscommunication.

I told my boys to do a few things for me, and they did, but not exactly what I had asked for. My communications transferred in a different way, so how then should I communicate to them? In such a way that says I am your father, who at one time was also 13, 15, and 16, and I am now in a loving lenient way am saying that when I call you home, or say come home before dark that, that means for the rest of the night, not for a few minutes then away we go again. That means that even though school is out, that you still have to call me, and let me know before you leave my house, your Grandmothers house, or your Great-grandmothers house or any premises that you occupy that I have last heard about.
Friends here things the wrong way at times also. Husbands hear what they hear, wives hear what they hear. A fella compliments the smile of a pretty woman, and she says oh that devil is up to no good! When really that fella just thought she had a pretty smile.
Communication is key, and we all need to be understood whether we always agree or not...I've said my piece and counted to three! LOL Peace, Blessings, and Christ The Real PB&J