Some people go to therapist to sort out their problems. Some have good pastors and good friends that will listen and give sound advice. Well good people I used to talk to Nikki. Nikki would speak to me, and ask me to touch her and reach deep to feel myself in her. Each tone would ring out, and I would feel as though with her potential I had let her down. Nikki is my escape. She is beautiful, natural, and created wonderfully! She was born in Scottsdale and I met her in 1995. She came to my house, and I knew instantly that I was not good enough for her. How could a man with $25 fingers deserve a $2500 guitar? Yes Nikki is my Custom Shop '54 reissue Fender Stratocaster. I still do not do her justice, but look to get more time in with her, so that she can teach me to love again, and to learn to express myself when nobody cares, and when nobody else is listening. BB had Lucille, Stevie had Lenny, and if I can ever perform well enough to turn loose in public, you good people can say that the imperfect Christian had Nikki! Just another drop in the bucket from your imperfect Brother.
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... The real PB&J
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