To and fro, there the hair goes. I have a big event coming up pretty soon, and I want to be stylin' when I go. So today the fro had to go. It was like parting with an old friend. A gray strand here, a gray strand there, Lord just don't let me lose all of my hair. I had to throw that rhyme in there. Well Dawn bought some clippers and gave her first haircut today. She actually did a great job! Got a pretty smooth fade out of the deal that will make my Grandmama happy. She doesn't like it when I shave my head, so today was for her. We are coming up on the 8th Anniversary of my Uncle Flips death, and each year at this time my grandmother feels a renewed pain. You would think that time eventually heals it all, but not all. You just have to figure out a new way to deal with what's hurting. Well the imperfect Christian is one of the Last Fro-hicans branchin' out from the Blackfoot, Cherokee, and Afro tribes. I will have to see how the smooth fade goes tomorrow. Going to a little ladies pool party!
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