The picture says it all! 3:51 am! "What in the world," as my cousin June Bug used to say! One friend recommends Ambien. I tell this friend that I do not think Ambueno will help me. Another friend says that they have some old nursing books that will put me to sleep. Well unless someone is going to crown me over the head with them, I do not think they will work either. I don't need a nurse, and I think that I am even past the doctors help now. I need to find an imperfect Island where people don't drive by and blow there horn at elderly people for turning off of the highway to slow. I need a mountain retreat where tourist are unwilling to travel to. I need a vacant lakeside cabin with an endless supply of fishing gear...oh wait! On the fourth of July you can fish anywhere in the state witout license! Well Mr. Wheat... and Mr. Wheat said, "Es?" What say you to joing me on my first fishing trip in ages? The Wheat could not help but want to go I am certain, and the imperfect Christian is looking for his gear tomorrow, or should I say today?! On to study more, and then who knows...
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