8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
So, is it so that this was the first murder? If so what significance does that have?
(1 John 3:11-15 KJV)
11This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. 12Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother's were righteous. 13Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you. 14We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death. 15Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.
Delphus is the word for brother in the ancient Greek. Delphi, delphia, where we get the name for our great Pennsylvania city "Philadelphia" or also known as "The City of Brotherly Love." If I hate my brother, or wish him away then I am the same as a murderer according to the word right? So who is my brother? Was God really a chauvinist, and a racist? Could God have meant brothers meaning mankind, and include women too!? He did say after all, "ANYONE who does NOT LOVE remains in DEATH." Let's go further even. Did it say just Christians? It's OK to wish away all other people, but not Christians? We are inspectors and not the Righteous Judge! Some say that the Arabs and or Muslims are descendants of Ishmael. The Word of God says that Ishmael was circumcised, and this signified Jewish tradition. However, the Bible also says that Ishmael and his descendants would war against their brothers. Brothers in Christ, or brothers of the womb? In any case God told Abram that would be Abraham that whatever race, ethnicity, or cultures branched from him, he (Ishmael) still had Gods blessing, just not the covenant established through him.
So where am I getting to? Well I am getting to a world view now. Why did we invade Iraq? Do we really view Iraqi's as brother's or just a group that we should hate and war with? Were the Jews all Messianic that we warred for during the Second World War? Was Hitler justifiable in his killing all Jews? Should we have sat by and done nothing? What would happen if we withdrew from Afghanistan? How many children would perish at the hands of the Taliban? What will happen if North Korea builds nuclear weapons? What will happen if Iran arms itself with Nuclear weaponry? What happens if we get more false reports should we rush in and start a war with any nation just because? Are there really more abortions than murders created by war? Famine, disease, and inhumanity, is there really more murder created by abortion? Is that the one reason that allowed me to vote for one man over another? I can say yes to that. Do I agree with recreational abortion? NO. What I mean by recreational abortion is two people fool around, pro-create and then when the female is late two months straight she decides to have an abortion. No I do not agree. However, I do not agree with a man, or a government telling a woman with a second, third, and fourth opinion that says she nor her child will survive should be forced to try.
Murder or self defense? It would be very difficult for any woman to give up a child. Even for adoption it would be hard for a loving soul to turn loose of their own flesh and blood! How many women would try to terminate the pregnancy on their own? How many elected officials would send the homeless back to the streets and turn them away from government assistance. I agree with my boss, and my President, if we had the church doing what it needed to, we would not need as much government assistance. A Christian shouldn't have to ask for government assistance at all if the church is really and truly doing what needs to be done! If we as community leaders educate our children then no need to worry with unwanted pregnancy, so yes to a certain degree I agree. But isn't it impossible to agree with everyone on every subject? If you answered no, please write and correct me, I would love to hear that one! As a Christian we have to accept God's infallible word as true and completely agree, and as a Christian we must agree that there is but one way to eternal life, outside of that, holla at ya boy if you find any two humans totally agree on everything, and I will humble myself and follow you! I can already tell you to save your breathe, keying or any other form of communication to explain yourself, cause it will not happen! I have however, grown more mature over the years and have learned to research and keep an open mind. I do this research as if it were as urgent as a matter in my own personal life. I do not know that I have immediate Jewish descendants, but I know the Abrahamic bloodline is in my blood somewhere along the way. The Holocaust was not a myth. Genocide is not a myth. Warring against powers of the dark is not a myth. These are just a few issues that I ponder over from day to day, as I pray for a safe environment for my children to grow up in. I wonder what issues other folks look at in everyday decision making? Free your mind!
Peace, Blessings, and Joy...
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