I thought about my freedom, and what it meant to me. I thought you know even if I were physically held captive I am still a free man! My soul is free, my spirit is free, so why am I so worked up? I thought about how people read their Bibles, and I got totally fired up! People read every book with a different view. I love John Grisham novels and the partner is my all time favorites. I loved the action, and have looked for a sequel! I want to play the roll of Danilo Silva! I also want the sequel having Silva finding the things that he missed in the first novel/movie. That would mean a two movie deal for me. : ) I have the look Mr. Grisham, and I am more than available! I can assure you that there is someone else out there that has a similar view, but not an exact one. We are all individuals that have our own minds, even if some unfortunately have been brainwashed!
Brainwashing troubles me. We go to school, or to church, and there is someone there in that prestigious institution with what they feel is the only way. Every facility has a person in that frame of mind, and more and more institutions are geared to make their establishment a cult rather than a free thinking tribe. Well good people the only time I can say for certain that there is only one way, is when we talk about salvation. I am a firm believer as an "imperfect Christian" that Christ is the "only way" to eternal life. With that said please allow me to get onto my political soapbox for just a moment. No I dare not mix politics and religion, because I am a spiritual man not a religious one. Religion is man made, and us men folk have a way of slap messin' things up! And Politics please! Tim Lovelace sums it up best with a saying that was passed down to him...Poly means many, and Ticks are little blood sucking creatures! So, how is it that I could vote for a man like President Obama, or for that matter in the past a man like George W. Bush? Let me just tell you how. I was raised in a home that was built by "imperfect Christians." I went to a Union Church, and a public school. I am a part of the Bible Belt, and a Southern Gentleman for the most part. So, I know a little about brainwashing! Not that the South is bad, or public school, or my little imperfect Union church is bad. But you will see more and more that no matter where you go, there is a brainwasher in your community, or one trying to move into it. I was brainwashed at one time myself. I thought for myself, but only after listening to the brainwashers, and being exposed to some truths that hit directly to home! I decided that I would research and do as Paul had instructed the Bereans. I didn't just take anyone's word on anything, but placed my trust in Christ. (Psalm 118:8)
I voted for former President Bush because of one issue... abortion! Both candidates claimed to be Christians, but Bush was said to be Pro-Life. I went with Mr. Bush based on one issue. I thought he did an excellent job when dealing with 9-11 right after it occurred, however, I witnessed things go down hill from there.
I loved Bill Clinton, although a Monica helped damage his status toward some, and to others well... a hero for all the wrong Larry Flint reasons! Bubba after a very near impeachment sent a flight over to Kosovo that in my opinion was done for all the wrong reasons. It helped spark world attention, but it was intially done to create a distraction. One to take the public and world eye off of him just long enough to get him through his last term. There were no more legal battles, and he has been placed on the political back burner, and is now taking a backseat to the missus. Not much talk about Bill's famous cigar, or Ms. Lewinsky's not so smokin' backside! Sure someone will say something, but it's not of the magnitude that it once was. I do not hear mention of Bush or Clinton when people mention great past U.S. Presidents. Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and hopefully with no mishaps Obama, but no Bush's, and no Clinton just yet... See you in 2016 Hill?
I would like to touch on my humanitarian views on the next blog and use some Old and New Testament survey to bring it home with. See you on the next one.
Peace, Blessings, and Joy...The real PB&J
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