Communication is a must in any relationship. From the beginning of time communication has been make or break for every culture, and home!
Compromise is also a key factor! Without
rational compromise your relationship cannot survive!
Yes you are talking to a man that knows from experience! Let's look Biblically at Communication, and compromise. Start from the beginning: Adam.
Genesis 2:21 - 25 (First break down in communication)
Adam communicated with God and prioritized right up until the time God blessed him with Eve. What did Adam do first thing? That's right he put God on the back burner! How did I come to that conclusion? Let's look at Adam's actions. God used a spiritual anesthetic on him and put him to sleep. Urban dictionary please..."Now that's DOPE!" When Adam awoke he truly acted as if he were on (Grannies dictionary please) "the DOPE!" What did he do and what did he (Adam) not do? Adam was blessed by God to feel no physical pain, and from Adam a rib was taken. Ladies men gave birth first, and it was pain free, one more reason to hate men besides being able to stand for potty, and leave the seat up, or not lift it at all. Yeah I know...eeewwwww!!! I try to never let the ladies down by leaving the seat down when it's supposed to be up but onto the point at hand. Adam was blessed with a pain free birth, and birthing. Adam was given the perfect mate, and what did he do? He more or less said, "OK Lord I can take it from here. You will be flesh of my flesh, and bone of my bones." Of course that is not a Biblical quote by my paraphrasing in case a baby "imperfect Christian" should stumble upon this one. He took it into his own hands, that's what Adam did do! What didn't Adam do? He didn't take time to bless God! Adam has never, ever, never, ever, never, ever, never been quoted to say, "Thank you." He did just like the rest of us goofy men, and said, "Wow what a hottie! Yeah I think she needs to spend the rest of her life with me!" Adam had a communication break down first of all with God.
Gensis 3 (The Second break down in communication)
Eve with a sparkle in her pretty hazel eyes (not a Biblical fact just one revealed to me... don't hate lol) said, "Adam sweetheart do you know how bad I want that passion fruit? I can taste the juicy succulent flavor in it now!" Then she starts feeling weird like she's now on the dope! Adam the original dope is standing there like wow isn't she amazing! Eve calls out to him, her head spinning like she's drunk on cheap wine, and says, "Taste it baby." Then the goof ball, "Mr. Not-over-the-anesthesia-yet" snaps out of his Lalaville experience and comes to. "Uh... didn't God tell us not to eat the fruit off of that tree?" Eve responds with "Mr. Lowwalker here says that we won't die it's ok, I actually feel really good!" So, rather than thinking rationally what does poor old Adam do? He takes the bite! Secondly Adam allowed miscommunication with his missus.
Does this sound like your house? How have we bitten into the old passion fruit of life and death, and of good and evil, and of knowledge?
Honey I want that new SUV that BMW has! Baby we just talked to God about finances, and you know we can't afford that. But snookems I really like it! She drives to the dealership, and you stand from a distance looking over other things rather than
communicating, and the sales guy "Mr. Lowcrawler" hands her the keys. She drives over and says get in, and rather than your show disapproval what do you do? You get in! Now you like it too, and the paper work is done, financing available, and sign your clothes away! We're naked, we've sinned, and it's time away from God. You can't pay your tithes, you can't pay your mortgage, your bills, and you are exposed to your irrational behavior and your marriage is struggling!
Compromise is not throwing a justification at her, by saying, "Yes the Beemer would make a fine addition, and the family would be very comfy in it, but we would save much more on fuel if you would commute with me on this new R1.
Compromise says, lets pray, and wait for God to reveal in HIS perfect time, just what it is we should do, and how to save for the things we want. After all the Psalmist says it best, "The Lord is my Shepherd, and I shall not want." Stay tuned for a Genesis survey kiddies after another word from our sponsors...