Today is the USMC's Birthday. So let me begin with saying thanks be to God for all of the courageous men and women that serve their country well. To my uncle's, and my Papa T who served proudly, to my family that is serving now, and to all of the other men and women, who stand for something bigger than themselves. Thank you for making the stand and for turning away the evils of this world that try and make the world a bad place, thank you. OOrah! Speaking of evil and turning away let me move forward.
It was also brought to the imperfect Christians attention just today that the first thing Christ mentioned in His adult public ministry that was recorded was "Repentance."
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." (Matthew 4:17)
It was also brought to the imperfect Christians attention just today that the first thing Christ mentioned in His adult public ministry that was recorded was "Repentance."
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." (Matthew 4:17)
My wife once asked me, "Can you truly be forgiven if you continue to sin?" You can't live in righteousness if you live in sin. Therefore, the imperfect one had to say no. So, how then can we live in sin, and be forgiven? We must turn from the sin (180 turn not 360 turn) and walk away. We do not always have to turn away from the sinner, because hopefully one day that sinner will come to a better understanding of Christ love through us if we continue to communicate in Christian love. However, there are those times when we have to wash our hands of a situation, and realize that we have a Savior that is able, and know that we in ourselves cannot save the world, or for that matter not even save a single soul. We can be witnesses, but not saviors.
Today is a day that John Allen Muhammad (The DC Sniper) will wish that he had repented.
Today is a day that John Allen Muhammad (The DC Sniper) will wish that he had repented.
Above is a clip from Bob Meyers a brother to one of the victims that speaks out on why he is attending each portion of the slayers trial and execution. Meyers said out of respect for all the others he would be at every session. He also spoke about forgiveness, and what it means to him to forgive being a Christian.
Against Thee and Thee only have I sinned, Lord. David knew that he had hurt several people. He had broken up a family by means of adultry, and murder. He had wronged his country, with shameless acts of mild tyranny, but most of all he had sinned against God. God Almighty who had delivered him so many times before.
Father I pray that for my senseless actions, and my sins against You, that You would find forgiveness in Your heart toward me again. Not because I have been caught in a crime by any person, not because I have done wrong to the entire world, but because You know, and because the sins were committed against You. You placed Your name on every sin, for every person, and took my place, our place (mankind), when it should have been me on that Cross, when it should have been me to feel the heat of a devil's hell, You took my place, when You did not have to. You went to hell and back and for that I really am thankful. Renew in me a right spirit Lord God, and let today be a new beginning for me and others that have felt the pain of sin.
The imperfect Christian
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