As a husband, I have heard what I wanted to hear. As a father, I have heard what I have wanted to hear. As a child, I have heard what I have wanted to hear. I am sooooo thankful that God hears all, and that there is not one place that we can go to hide from His all seeing eye. (Psalm 139:8)
People have asked me to pray for them when I have lived in sin. You know they ask for prayer right after you thought the most horrible things about the driver that just cut you off on the freeway. They ask you to pray when you have been active in sin, willingly lived like a devil! You still believed, and God is always faithful even when I am not, but nonetheless you feel really bad because you feel like a hypocrite saying you'll pray when you should be asking for prayer yourself! Imagine that! I the imperfect Christian believe in Christ, have asked for forgiveness daily, and have been to a place where I have gone back to sin time and time again, and I am thankful, however, that He does not ignore me when I am sincere in my prayer for others. I am thankful that even if I was just doing it outwardly for a show to please others, and I am not, that He does not throw away the fact that we all need a Savior! He hears the cries of the faithful, and the not so faithful. But He blesses with faith, He delights in our delighting in Him. The Word says He inhabits the praises of His people. I am not proud of those moments when I have lived in sin, and having a faithful God does not give me a free ticket to sin, I am just glad that He hears us even when we fall. Pastor Laurie mentions Herod in his devotion, and in my next I will touch on our President. Pastor Laurie says that Herod had everything on his side, with the exception of the secret weapon, prayer! I am so thankful that He hears, that He loves, and that He does.
Until next time...Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J
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