Doom and gloom... Black Sunday... The Raiders bring the bad boy image to the Super Bowl. Black Sabbath, Ozzy and crew bring the bad boy image to music, and become pioneers in the Medal Age. Now in retail it's, "Black Friday!" A time for people to elbow each other at 4:30am and bring the bad boy image to retail! People lifting stuff from each others carts, and some going as far as pulling a gun on someone! As Brian Fellows would say, "That's just crazy!"
Well if you have read the imperfect Christians blogs before, then you know that perfect I am not, however, what the imperfect Christian is; he is smart enough not to get involved in the retail scam of shopping during sleeping hours just so he could say he was saving a few bucks just to drive himself deeper toward insanity! No indeed, the imperfect Christian had sitting/sleeping duties. He stayed at home with the most darling little girl in the world! She is the imperfect Christians favorite subject, especially when he catches her off guard and gets her to giggle hysterically like in the picture!
Peace, Blessings, & Joy...that real PB&J!
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