Black Friday, Cyber Monday... what's next VLOG Vednesday? Yes that's it... Linky On-Line (LOL), LIVE Newscast! Wednesday nights after church! Stay tuned!
A blog from an imperfect Christian with an experienced soul. Going from glory to glory and being perfected for the day of eternity.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Black Friday!

Doom and gloom... Black Sunday... The Raiders bring the bad boy image to the Super Bowl. Black Sabbath, Ozzy and crew bring the bad boy image to music, and become pioneers in the Medal Age. Now in retail it's, "Black Friday!" A time for people to elbow each other at 4:30am and bring the bad boy image to retail! People lifting stuff from each others carts, and some going as far as pulling a gun on someone! As Brian Fellows would say, "That's just crazy!"
Well if you have read the imperfect Christians blogs before, then you know that perfect I am not, however, what the imperfect Christian is; he is smart enough not to get involved in the retail scam of shopping during sleeping hours just so he could say he was saving a few bucks just to drive himself deeper toward insanity! No indeed, the imperfect Christian had sitting/sleeping duties. He stayed at home with the most darling little girl in the world! She is the imperfect Christians favorite subject, especially when he catches her off guard and gets her to giggle hysterically like in the picture!
Peace, Blessings, & Joy...that real PB&J!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thanks Is Giving...

Every now and then we need a helping hand. We are overrun with burdens, and have to have someone help us out. As Christians we at times get caught up in the it's gonna be OK stage. Then when it is self that has gone from that jelly into a jam we seem to forget about the sermon we have preached to the hurting soul that we told to get over it.
I do not boast of helping others, but I take great joy in being blessed to give a helping hand. If I may help someone with funds, or just give them an encouraging word, then it is a great feeling.
There are times when I do not hear God and He speaks through others. I am thankful for a God that loves me enough to bless me with love. If all He did was bear the cross that was love enough. But He has surrounded me with love, and renews it daily! For that I am thankful!
There are still good people in the world! There is a woman that is fasting on Thanksgiving, and giving the funds that she would have spent on a feast for herself to someone less fortunate. A man gave another man money when he barely had any to give. A young man stopped to help an elderly woman change a flat tire in the rain, because he has the love of Christ in his heart and not lust of satan in his heart.
Thanksgiving is bigger than self...
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
So Todays Your Birthday, (Born Again?)

Today is the USMC's Birthday. So let me begin with saying thanks be to God for all of the courageous men and women that serve their country well. To my uncle's, and my Papa T who served proudly, to my family that is serving now, and to all of the other men and women, who stand for something bigger than themselves. Thank you for making the stand and for turning away the evils of this world that try and make the world a bad place, thank you. OOrah! Speaking of evil and turning away let me move forward.
It was also brought to the imperfect Christians attention just today that the first thing Christ mentioned in His adult public ministry that was recorded was "Repentance."
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." (Matthew 4:17)
It was also brought to the imperfect Christians attention just today that the first thing Christ mentioned in His adult public ministry that was recorded was "Repentance."
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." (Matthew 4:17)
My wife once asked me, "Can you truly be forgiven if you continue to sin?" You can't live in righteousness if you live in sin. Therefore, the imperfect one had to say no. So, how then can we live in sin, and be forgiven? We must turn from the sin (180 turn not 360 turn) and walk away. We do not always have to turn away from the sinner, because hopefully one day that sinner will come to a better understanding of Christ love through us if we continue to communicate in Christian love. However, there are those times when we have to wash our hands of a situation, and realize that we have a Savior that is able, and know that we in ourselves cannot save the world, or for that matter not even save a single soul. We can be witnesses, but not saviors.
Today is a day that John Allen Muhammad (The DC Sniper) will wish that he had repented.
Today is a day that John Allen Muhammad (The DC Sniper) will wish that he had repented.
Above is a clip from Bob Meyers a brother to one of the victims that speaks out on why he is attending each portion of the slayers trial and execution. Meyers said out of respect for all the others he would be at every session. He also spoke about forgiveness, and what it means to him to forgive being a Christian.
Against Thee and Thee only have I sinned, Lord. David knew that he had hurt several people. He had broken up a family by means of adultry, and murder. He had wronged his country, with shameless acts of mild tyranny, but most of all he had sinned against God. God Almighty who had delivered him so many times before.
Father I pray that for my senseless actions, and my sins against You, that You would find forgiveness in Your heart toward me again. Not because I have been caught in a crime by any person, not because I have done wrong to the entire world, but because You know, and because the sins were committed against You. You placed Your name on every sin, for every person, and took my place, our place (mankind), when it should have been me on that Cross, when it should have been me to feel the heat of a devil's hell, You took my place, when You did not have to. You went to hell and back and for that I really am thankful. Renew in me a right spirit Lord God, and let today be a new beginning for me and others that have felt the pain of sin.
The imperfect Christian
Marine Corp.,
Monday, November 9, 2009
Just Thankful HE Does...

As a husband, I have heard what I wanted to hear. As a father, I have heard what I have wanted to hear. As a child, I have heard what I have wanted to hear. I am sooooo thankful that God hears all, and that there is not one place that we can go to hide from His all seeing eye. (Psalm 139:8)
People have asked me to pray for them when I have lived in sin. You know they ask for prayer right after you thought the most horrible things about the driver that just cut you off on the freeway. They ask you to pray when you have been active in sin, willingly lived like a devil! You still believed, and God is always faithful even when I am not, but nonetheless you feel really bad because you feel like a hypocrite saying you'll pray when you should be asking for prayer yourself! Imagine that! I the imperfect Christian believe in Christ, have asked for forgiveness daily, and have been to a place where I have gone back to sin time and time again, and I am thankful, however, that He does not ignore me when I am sincere in my prayer for others. I am thankful that even if I was just doing it outwardly for a show to please others, and I am not, that He does not throw away the fact that we all need a Savior! He hears the cries of the faithful, and the not so faithful. But He blesses with faith, He delights in our delighting in Him. The Word says He inhabits the praises of His people. I am not proud of those moments when I have lived in sin, and having a faithful God does not give me a free ticket to sin, I am just glad that He hears us even when we fall. Pastor Laurie mentions Herod in his devotion, and in my next I will touch on our President. Pastor Laurie says that Herod had everything on his side, with the exception of the secret weapon, prayer! I am so thankful that He hears, that He loves, and that He does.
Until next time...Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Hot or Just Right?

The imperfect Christian version of Boldy Locks and the 3 Squares! A blog based on a homeboys view of Goldy Locks and the Three Bears.
There was a bold little girl with beautiful hair that went out to find some fun. We'll call her Boldy Locks. Boldy trapesed through the woods near by her hood one day until she came upon a huge techno cottage, and like the Jehovah's witnesses she cruised right to the door. She tapped on the door, but no one answered. This little girl was as dumb as she was bold so she checked to see if the door was unlocked, and low and be bold - I mean behold- it was! She called out in a whisper, (like a certain nosey old gal that we want mention any names about) would do, and walked deeper into the bowels of the techno cottage... she tipped into the kitchen and found some hot lip soup waiting on her. She tried on the first lips, and pow! Too hot!!! Had some pig lips and forked tongue in it.
Boldy looked at the second serving, and thought she would try it out. Whew, big thick and too cold like Mick Jagger, or Steven Tyler winter lips!
Then she saw the third serving, and tried it! Oooh this lip soup is just right!!! Well it took this poor dumb, but bold little girl three times to notice that there was no steam, or frost coming from the third serving. You know Smokey's mama told him he'd better shop around, but at what expense?
Well she got her feel for lip soup, so she thought she would sit a spell like she did at the store in Plum City, and watch the Bold and Pitiful. She sat in the first Square chair, but it was too big!
So she went to the second Square chair, and it was too still just a little too big.
On to the third Square chair and that jo(i)nt was just right! So she peeped the most boring Soap Box Opera in the land until she nearly fell asleep, she fell back and broke the little Squares chair.
She then decided that she needed to take a nap! Boldy ventured through the house and saw the Squares sleeping quarters, so she went in. She tried the first bed, but it was too soft! Boldy a creature of habit followed her same pattern and went up scale to Thug Squares bed, and it was too hard!
Then onto the third bed, and wouldn't you know it was just a notch below the imperfect! So she crashed out in it.
Well the Squares came home and found things a little out of place, you know the routine...
When they found Boldy Locks snoring her hinny off upstairs they wanted to call the police, but Boldy Locks heard them, awakened and bargained. Boldy had a one up on 'em! She said my daddy is an attorney, and we have already sued McDeezy's for hot coffee, and I am willing not to sue y'all for reckless endangerment by leaving the door open on such a rickety jo(i)nt like this!
The Squares were poor not stupid so they told her they would spare her the beat down, and Jr. Square was underage and would beat the rap, so they would settle out of court for a smooth grand...
The moral of this story... Don't try and hustle a hustler, especially when you are a rap rookie playa... and this is the story of the Streetwise bears... That's how Chicago got their football and baseball mascots! LOL
There was a bold little girl with beautiful hair that went out to find some fun. We'll call her Boldy Locks. Boldy trapesed through the woods near by her hood one day until she came upon a huge techno cottage, and like the Jehovah's witnesses she cruised right to the door. She tapped on the door, but no one answered. This little girl was as dumb as she was bold so she checked to see if the door was unlocked, and low and be bold - I mean behold- it was! She called out in a whisper, (like a certain nosey old gal that we want mention any names about) would do, and walked deeper into the bowels of the techno cottage... she tipped into the kitchen and found some hot lip soup waiting on her. She tried on the first lips, and pow! Too hot!!! Had some pig lips and forked tongue in it.
Boldy looked at the second serving, and thought she would try it out. Whew, big thick and too cold like Mick Jagger, or Steven Tyler winter lips!
Then she saw the third serving, and tried it! Oooh this lip soup is just right!!! Well it took this poor dumb, but bold little girl three times to notice that there was no steam, or frost coming from the third serving. You know Smokey's mama told him he'd better shop around, but at what expense?
Well she got her feel for lip soup, so she thought she would sit a spell like she did at the store in Plum City, and watch the Bold and Pitiful. She sat in the first Square chair, but it was too big!
So she went to the second Square chair, and it was too still just a little too big.
On to the third Square chair and that jo(i)nt was just right! So she peeped the most boring Soap Box Opera in the land until she nearly fell asleep, she fell back and broke the little Squares chair.
She then decided that she needed to take a nap! Boldy ventured through the house and saw the Squares sleeping quarters, so she went in. She tried the first bed, but it was too soft! Boldy a creature of habit followed her same pattern and went up scale to Thug Squares bed, and it was too hard!
Then onto the third bed, and wouldn't you know it was just a notch below the imperfect! So she crashed out in it.
Well the Squares came home and found things a little out of place, you know the routine...
When they found Boldy Locks snoring her hinny off upstairs they wanted to call the police, but Boldy Locks heard them, awakened and bargained. Boldy had a one up on 'em! She said my daddy is an attorney, and we have already sued McDeezy's for hot coffee, and I am willing not to sue y'all for reckless endangerment by leaving the door open on such a rickety jo(i)nt like this!
The Squares were poor not stupid so they told her they would spare her the beat down, and Jr. Square was underage and would beat the rap, so they would settle out of court for a smooth grand...
The moral of this story... Don't try and hustle a hustler, especially when you are a rap rookie playa... and this is the story of the Streetwise bears... That's how Chicago got their football and baseball mascots! LOL
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Good-bye Microwave Society, Hello iGeneration

Well good people the time has come to say good-bye to another generation. Look over our past. Some ate raw veggies, and raw meat. Minds straight please. Then there was the open pit, and open flame. On to the woodstove, and then to electric, and gas stoves. However, there came a time when not even those were sufficient, and not speedy enough! So, then came the microwave! "We've got to move these microwave ovens!" Well how much has the custom delivery changed that Mr. Sumner, and Mr. Knopfler spoke of?
The day of the microwave and waiting has changed from waiting on the nuke to get it ready to already "hot and ready." Drive up get it, and get out!
You do not have to go to a store to get music, or video, it is digitally at your finger tips! My little girl at 4 years of age thought that LP's were big CD's! Too funny...
You Tube makes an instant celebrity out of your kid, or perhaps out of you, once your kid tapes you with his/her new cell phone and the latest right now technology. Yes we are coming to an age where your word is not your bond, but your You Tube is!
Until the next time... Love, Peace, and Hair Grease... do something with those waves, and curls!
You Tube makes an instant celebrity out of your kid, or perhaps out of you, once your kid tapes you with his/her new cell phone and the latest right now technology. Yes we are coming to an age where your word is not your bond, but your You Tube is!
Until the next time... Love, Peace, and Hair Grease... do something with those waves, and curls!
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