Have you ever misplaced something that meant a lot to you? Then realized that you haven't lost anything but your mind! The imperfect Christian gets so frustrated when he rushes, and forgets things! Have you ever watched the TV Reality Show, "Big Brother?" They film everything, yes everything! Showers, sleeping/night time activity, everything! Well in the imperfect Christians head you get the family friendly version, the part that you can watch for free without having part of the screen blurred, or bleeps for foul language. The imperfect Christian has this vision of himself sitting in his office, and preparing to make a call. He reaches for his phone and notices that his wedding band is gone! The initial feeling is a panicked one, you know the one that makes your face feel hot like someone just slapped you as hard as they could on both sides of your face. Yeah that's the feeling the imperfect Christian had! He moved papers and his Bible, among other articles around on his desk, looked underneath his laptop, his phone, then his desk. He went upstairs, out to his car, and did this at least three (3) times before asking around the office for a helping hand. The imperfect Christians immediate super came in and helped look through the office, and in other areas of the building. He even went thru the trash with the imperfect Christian. The imperfect Christian then experienced the next phase of anxiety, he thought about having to tell his bride that he had lost his ring, and it made him sick at his stomach in the worst way. Oh did he have to fight back being sick. It's been a long time since that feeling hit us, but today was a valuable lesson. Do not do things in a rush! On time is being ahead of time! If it's worth your time, take the time to do it right! I work for the best company on the planet, the Creator of the universe, and for the finest family a man could ever have. Now it is past due that I show them all how awesome they all are! Oh yeah, I had left my mind in call me back land and my ring on top of my candle. The label on the lid camouflaged the ring and made a blend just right to leave the imperfect Christian unnerved and blind. So to the greatest boss lady in the land, thank you for dropping by to help me look for my ring. Good eye! She found it while getting a Tootsie Roll out of the imperfect candy basket. She has always been invited to drop by and get candy, but now the imperfect Christian owes her big time! So the next time you get in a rush mister, remember this day!
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Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8
Its not the ring that makes us thank goodness...but I am glad you found it. ;-) Love you!