Monday, July 19, 2010

NCIS of Christian Retail ICRS

The imperfect Christian took to the streets upon his arrival in St. Louis. The imperfect Christian witnessed very few folks that appeared to be homeless, and the streets were much cleaner than my last visit. Now he didn't hit the hood, just the immediate downtown area, but still nowhere near the depression that he had experienced in Denver last year at ICRS. The imperfect one would have to say that St. Louis was not as active as most major cities, but all and all, the culture was somewhat diverse, and the people not too bad either. Not an abundance of people begging, not a sleeping bottle clinger at every corner, but one man that was pleading to the open air for some clean water. The imperfect Christian didn't encounter the comedic, or hostile non-believer this year either. Overall the streets of St. Louie, not too bad. Not as lively as he had anticipated, and oh man, did he just walked 10 blocks in the wrong direction!? Where can a body find a quick, yet tasty meal, that won't break the bank...? Ummmm nowhere after 7pm in St. Louis on Sunday night, hey wait a second is that a Hardee's? Yes, praise the Lord it is, and a woman waiting at the door for donations for homeless children. OK slide her some funds, and walk briskly back to that room with the help you stay awake drink maker sitting by the idiot box that puts you to sleep!

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