A few more shots from Air Wiscansin... In reverse order here we go...
Aerial shots of the arenas. I was not too far from the St. Louis Rams home, the Edward Jones Dome.
I was even closer to Busch Stadium, home of the St. Louis Cardinals, which at one time was also the name of the football team, that moved to Arizona, and was replaced by the Rams formerly of Los Angeles.
The last window shot is the first shot that I took of the Mississippi River. You really get a greater appreciation for how big it is from he ground, but it is jaw dropping from 5,000 feet as well.
To wrap up. Even the smaller planes have WiFi, and all the luxuries now! My flight lasted long enough for me to boot up my laptop, and then have to shut it down again. Would you like a drink with that? Oh and the airlines should get their peanuts at Target, I think they could save their clientele a bundle! I think people would be much happier to have the $4 price of the peanuts hidden in the ticket price. From the most financially favored, to those less favored, everyone loves to hear the words, "free," or "complimentary." Would you fly for peanuts, will the airlines work for peanuts? Probably not, but would you listen when someone says, "free?" I know you would...
Grrr @ the misspelled WiscOnsin!!! lol