The imperfect Christian has been to sanctuaries that represent almost every church that you can imagine, in both Protestant and Catholic settings. He has even witnessed a sayonce/seance, use which ever spelling (no pun intended) you prefer? The imperfect Christian has sat, kneeled, and stood in Cathedrals, Synagogues, and Chapels all over North America, and even in some island provinces of Jamaica. He has been to a couple of state penitentiaries, and mentioning ball and chain, he has even done a few weddings (Laughing). The imperfect Christian has partaken in funerals, or as the spiritual churches refer to them, he has been involved in a few Home Going services.
The imperfect Christian spoke at his youngest uncle's funeral, and that was a tough pill to swallow! The imperfect one spoke at his inherited dad's funeral, and that was a tough one too. On the day that his inherited dad went to be with the Lord his dad looked up over his shoulder, and just stopped breathing. He administered CPR, and the whole 9, but as the Skyline Boys would say, "When he saw Jesus it took his breath away." He was glad that he was with him, and was glad that he was there for his mom. That is what family is about. Being there for each other. Which brings us to this story.
The imperfect Christian has had some struggles y'all. Times have been tough for most of America. But you know that a blessed family will tell you that they don't need a lot of money. They don't need to feel like they have a higher status than others, they only need each other. As long as we have each other, we have everything! The glue that keeps us together is the Christ! So on to the Imperfect weekend... the imperfect one had every intention of doing yard work, and wound up getting rained on all night Friday, and most of the early, early morning Saturday, so no mowing with the push mower. The riding mower needs repairing, and he just did not get to the weedeater at all! So what did the imperfect Christian do? He took a Saturday off! He did however, rush to make every attempt to get to a very special ladies birthday party, and then got there 4:30pm CPT 30 minutes late! The host family was waiting as the imperfect Christian and his crew drove in. The host family was there riding the horses by the pond trotting in a single file, and the imperfect one felt a little less than perfect for sure this time! They were waiting on the imperfect Christian and his family so they could trail ride. Both families rode for a little over an hour, and the horses were great! Everyone seemed to have had a blast! The imperfect one got to saddle up with Clyde, and he was a hoot! Clyde was a big caramel colored horse that matched the imperfect one's skin tone (smile and saying in his best Dr. Evil voice "It's twue). Clyde bucked his head a few times chompin' at the bit, but was a pretty gentle horse for the most part. I think both were chomping at that bit because they were both ready for a nice run. Old Clyde was steady and didn't slip much. The crew rode through the mud, and the hills, over some rocky areas, and then through the river, it was a great time. The imperfect Christian even videoed a portion of the ride on his iberry. Well what's next? The video if the imperfect one can get it uploaded here. LOL
The crew finished their ride, and then all went back to the young ladies house where everyone was going to bunk for the night. Well everyone bunked in the house to avoid the lightening and the monsoon! The imperfect one slept between two snoring ladies and woke up due to excesseive snoring like Ulysses "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" McGill, and said, "What!?" I don't think he shook his head or checked his hair though. He could have but don't think so. The younger crowd pulled an all nighter. They slept (made their sleeping quarters) on the carport, after the storm threat lessened, but did not sleep at all!!! One el Tygre fell asleep that morning after staying up all night, and missed all the morning excitement! He had pulled two consecutive all nighters, and was spent! The others got up early and went back at it again! That's when the imperfect one got the text. What happened next, humbled him, and showed him the awesome power of Almighty God!
The text was from a wife that loved her husband, and was trying to help. She was trying to get a better understanding, and also to better love her husband. The text said, "imperfect Christian we need you!" His friends father had been pretty sick for a while, and they needed someone to come with a calm, and high spirit about them. He wondered why she chose him! He wondered why God chose him, the imperfect Jonah! The imperfect Christian that ran from the Call so many times before, and was trying to do so again. The same imperfect one that said he would never preach again, and did not feel that he could please God in any way, received the Call. So why is God calling? Why do we as humans allow are hearts, to get so beat up, and our minds to wander so far!? He called because He does not call the qualified, but qualifies the called.
The imperfect one was tore up, but couldn't say no. His friends needed him. How are you gonna turn your back on your... oh wow thought the imperfect just before completing his sentence with... friends. The imperfect Christian turned his back on his best friend! Turned his back on the One Who said that He would never leave nor forsake us. Well no longer. The imperfect one realized that Christ had called him through earthly friends. That is our commission after all to love one another correct? Therefore the imperfect one informed all in his party that something urgent had come up and that they needed to be ready to leave asap. Man I feel for the pastors wife! Well the imperfect Christian left for Skyland and the Big View. When the imperfect Christian got the place where the land meets the sky he found his dear friend pictured above in the final stage of his physical life. The imperfect one was greeted at the door, by his missus, and by his son, and daughter-in-law. He (Mr. C) was in a coma since early Saturday. He was pretty much on his way to be with our Savior. He was just waiting for the opportune time to be alone, so he could go with Him. As a racer, and a driver Mr. C was now as the Hoppers would sing, "Just Waiting On My Ride." Once his son, and his wife had left the room, and gone outside, Mr. C went on that new first ride with his Savior.
That's when Mr.C's son M.C. came out to inform us that Mr.C took that ultimate ride! The imperfect one had a feeling that they would ask him to conduct the services. He was led to this feeling by an earlier conversation with Mr. C's son and daughter-in-law. The imperfect one was honored that they even considered him. However, he felt really bad honoring such a good man, being so far away from the service of the Lord. He felt horrible about being in the same sanctuary with other good people, and felt like he was letting them down. This family for the most part was Catholic, and they asked a fella that grew up in a Union Church that branched from a Baptist, and Methodist Church to do the services for them. That they saw any good in such a wretch like the imperfect Christian at all that resembled the love of Christ, truly blew him away. Again it was an honor to be considered, but he just felt out of place spiritually. He felt right at home to be among friends, but to be there conduct Mr. C's Home Going made him feel as though he was doing him and his family a huge disservice. He learned during the ceremony however, why it was that he was there. It is not always the messenger that has a lesson to teach when preaching, but oft times it is the messenger that is taught during the lesson.
The imperfect one was greeted by the directors when he first got there. They asked him for an order of service, and he (as he was accustomed to) conducted most everything on the fly. He had been used to doing so ever since he was first Called. He did have plenty notice for this service, which was unusual, he was usually called a day, or a few hours before time for his engagement. Lately he has had plenty of time to prepare, and has taken less and less time to prepare. The imperfect Christian hasn't done things extemporaneously with every occasion, but he has had to make adjustments for sure.
The service was a beautiful service. Family and loved ones gathered one last time to pay honor to Mr. C. Mr. C's son asked the imperfect one to say something for him because he didn't feel like he could hold himself together long enough to make it through what it was that he wanted to say. So with minutes before service they put together some last thoughts. Wow was it a blessing! Three of the four sons spoke, and one did so indirectly through the imperfect one. The other son remained quiet. There was a lot of prayer lifted for the quiet son, and for his family.
Speaking of prayer, the imperfect one went to be alone just before the service and prayed to Almighty God. He met with the director, and was escorted to the alter. The service was opened with the imperfect Christian giving the Invocation. A few words spoken, and an order of service given, then with that Mr. C's younger brother L.C. was called to share and reflect on his most fond memories. L.C. gave a message that the imperfect one called, "The Spearmint Love Message." You know double your pleasure? L.C. said that he remember his big brother taking him places, and telling him at age 14 that that would be the only time in their lives that he would be twice exactly twice L.C.'s age being 28 at the time. He said they spoke on the phone one time, and L.C. told Mr. C that he loved him, and Mr. C said I love you too, double! Henceforth the title above, LOL!!! L.C. shared about a loving brother that he invisioned having a last supper, and being seated in a much higher place now, and being with Christ, and he shared about a man that he looked up to as a youngster, and even as a man. It was a beautiful testimony about a brothers love!
Mr. C's sons spoke of a loving father, and both that spoke on their own did wonderful work. K.C. talked about how Mr. C loved his kids and how he was there for them always, and C.C. mentioned how much Mr. C loved his wife, and he only wished that the family would remain close, and that his brothers would love their wives as much as their father loved their mother.
The imperfect one learned a lesson in love, and learned that no matter how well rounded or how grounded your family is, you can never, ever, never, ever get too much love in, or lovin'! Be blessed good people love one another, and do not sweat the small stuff. The most amazing thing in a lifetime to me is the brevity of it. Love while you can love and live to love for an eternity.
Peace, blessings, and joy... Mr. C and to all of your family!
Love from the imperfect Christian!
Travis, You were meant to be there. Your service was beautiful and it meant alot to me to have someone speak who really knew Len not someone who just a got a few tidbits before as so many preachers do. I'm glad you overcame whatever trepidations you were having and shared your faith and heart with us.