A man calls himself a pastor, and preaches hate, death, and destruction because he doesn't agree with policy. Let me rephrase that, he preaches hate because he misinterprets scripture, and another mans words!
Does it not say that vengeance belongs to God? In that same verse does it not say, recompense evil not with evil? The New King James Versions reads:
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
Romans 12:20 & 21
That doesn't mean to play Gritball with them like Madea would have you do, and dump a real bucket of coals on their head. But some will interpret it just that way! Hello remember that Romans 12:18 & 19 says to live peaceably with all mankind, and to give place to wrath and not avenge yourself, for "vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord."
The only difference here is that no one has done this man wrong, he is just upset because he opposes abortion, and feels it's OK to threaten the lives of all those starting with the President who oppose him. As an imperfect Christian I do not support abortion. But I do support choice. I do support freedom of speech, and I do support the right to agree to disagree. Not to disagree because we like to argue, but because even if you do not agree with me or anyone else, that's your choice! We all have decisions to make, and there are consequences that come with the choices, but we have the right to make them on our own. If you want me to pray then know I pray for HIS (Almighty Gods) will and not mine or anyone else (especially a false teachers), but for Gods' perfect will. Vanity of all vanities, let our prayers ask for nothing, but rather give thanks with every breath we take.
That doesn't mean to play Gritball with them like Madea would have you do, and dump a real bucket of coals on their head. But some will interpret it just that way! Hello remember that Romans 12:18 & 19 says to live peaceably with all mankind, and to give place to wrath and not avenge yourself, for "vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord."
The only difference here is that no one has done this man wrong, he is just upset because he opposes abortion, and feels it's OK to threaten the lives of all those starting with the President who oppose him. As an imperfect Christian I do not support abortion. But I do support choice. I do support freedom of speech, and I do support the right to agree to disagree. Not to disagree because we like to argue, but because even if you do not agree with me or anyone else, that's your choice! We all have decisions to make, and there are consequences that come with the choices, but we have the right to make them on our own. If you want me to pray then know I pray for HIS (Almighty Gods) will and not mine or anyone else (especially a false teachers), but for Gods' perfect will. Vanity of all vanities, let our prayers ask for nothing, but rather give thanks with every breath we take.
I am praying for Steve Anderson to have a true loving walk with Christ, and I am praying for another Dr. King. A peaceful humanitarian, and a peaceful, humble protester to rise up, and make the next step toward change... A man or woman of integrity and of any ethnicity...Lord let that prayer start in me.
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