The imperfect Christian really needs a new camera, but for now the iberry is doing the trick. This shot of the kids playing in the creek reminds the imperfect one of his own childhood. Playing with friends, seeking new frontiers, just enjoying the summer! This blog is about those great childhood memories...
The Banker told me that I should do a blog about a very special lady, and her Blackberry Cobbler! So here it is. The Banker and the imperfect Christian set out one day to have a little fun. We found some snakeberry clusters, and went on a picking frenzy. We had more copperheads, and moccasins back in the day, and one had to be cautious about where he/she placed his/her foot.
The Banker and the imperfect one picked a few and ate a few. For those of you that have never attempted to pick enough to make a pie or a cobbler with it’s less tedious if you just pick and do not eat at the same time. The Banker and the imperfect one gathered these blackberries and took them to the Baker. To call the Baker an extraordinary cook was an understatement! She could with just a smidgen of sugar, milk, and just enough flour make your mouth water like never before! She also made some mean dinner rolls, and homemade jellies. Well with just a few hours of picking, and speaking on my behalf only I did not deserve the goodness that was about to take place! The banker and the imperfect one had a cobbler prepared that was unbelievable! Talk about two fella’s that had it made!
We left from there that afternoon with a sweet goodness that would make a diabetic cringe, and a health food fanatic lose it! Did you say diet, or no sugar intake other than natural fructose, well my friend just to smell what came out of this kitchen would doom you. It didn’t stop there, however. The next stop was up to the tall mans house that lived next door. The Banker called him “Granddaddy,” and the imperfect Christian knew him as “uncle.” The tall man greeted us with compassion as always, and he was a man raised to be hospitable, and gracious. That generations generosity is second to none. He as the two cousins if they were thirsty, and the Banker said, “Yes Granddaddy can I have some juice.” He replied, “Yes son, and see if the imperfect one would like some too.” That day I had my first dose of “Jungle Juice!” Or as Chappelle would call it… Purple Drank. That stuff was liquid gold to two country kids on a hot summer day. Riding bikes with the Banker, Buttermilk Pies from the Bakers, a shot of Jungle Juice from the tall mans, I miss those days. As Stevie Wonder would sing, “I wish those days - could come back once more, Why did those days – ev-er have to go, Cause I miss them so…doo doo doo doo doot doot doot doot doot doo doot doo…”I miss my people by the lake, and all of those that have gone on before us. I know though that what I the imperfect Christian misses most is the generosity, the fun times, the lessons in love that were manifested through those people. They truly lived by the Golden Rule, and treated others the way that they would want to be treated.
Hey Mr. Banker… thanks for making me feel like a kid again, I love ya Cuzz!
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