Saturday, August 6, 2011

What's Todays Top News?

Top news internationally...
BBC News - US helicopter 'shot down' by Taliban in Afghanistan

MSN...BC another reporting of the fatal crash in Afghanistan.
31 US troops killed as helicopter goes down - Afghanistan

The LA Times included the Afghan fatalities in the title of their article...

CNN again with the crash...

This link (below) was actually the top headline on the VZW! Way to go WI! Lol!
Security upped after violence at Wisconsin State Fair | Reuters

ESPN's top story involved Tiger Woods faltering in the most recent round at the "Who Cares" Tournament, however, the imperfect Christian couldn't pass up a story involving Sir Charles and Eldridge Woods 2.
ESPN Charles Barkley irked by Tiger Woods

Then in the Big Apple money rules...

Fox like the NY Times reports on the US credit rating.
FOX News - Top Stories - U.S. Credit Rating GetsDemoted From AAA

Yahoo has the most interesting headline yet... I fought hard not to put the Pee Wee Herman visits the Cowboys Training Camp article up!

The grand finale... drumroll please... The ETrade Baby is lounging w/ the Wassup Guys.

The moral of this story is: Most people in todays society will not take responsibility for anything and blame government, and anyone else they can for everything!

Well good people the imperfect Christian says; if the ETrade Baby hasn't given up on the Wassup Gang, then the imperfect Christian won't give up on self. Head down, motor turning, getcha game on!

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