It is unheard of anymore that someone would express their faith openly on a major network. Express their faith and not catch grief over it anyway! David Kim did not just hang a Cross over his car mirror, or smack on a fish emblem on trunk of his car, he prayed on National TV in a church, and dig this... he also prayed with an employee on the sidewalk during the filming of "Undercover Boss!" The imperfect Christian has to give credit where credit is due: With Chick-fil-A, Mr. Kim's company "Baja Fresh," ranks up there in the upper eschalon. Infact the imperfect Christian gives them a (Marine Corp based/themed) Imperfect Christian "The Few, The Proud & The Blessed Award!"
Mr. Kim, to this point, has been one of the most generous CEO's on the CBS hit show "Undercover Boss." David Kim gave a franchise to, the now, youngest owner in the Baja Fresh community. Yes, you read correctly, the imperfect Christian said, "gave."
He is not afraid to help others, and not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ! David Kim is more than just OK in the imperfect Christians' book.
Study to show thyself approved, a workman need not be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of God...
The imperfect Christian is now a huge fan of Baja Fresh and Mr. Kim, and is blessed to call him a brother!
Mr. Kim

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Total awesomeness...let us all be so open with our faith and not be ashamed to share it openly, everywhere!