Jesus said to the Scribes, and Pharisee's when they were prepared to stone an adulterous woman to death, "He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone." (John 8:3)
Then there was the Samaritan woman that John spoke of in chapter 4... Jesus asked her for water, and she questioned Him relentlessly about her relationship to Him (Her being recognized as a Samaritan, and Jesus being recognized as a Jew). She brought up the point that Jews and Samaritans did not associate with one another. He explained Himself, and told her of the "Living Water," and how anyone that would partake in it, would never being thirsty again. Then Jesus instructed the woman to get her husband. She said that she did not have a husband. Amazing as to how we try to lie our way out of things huh? Even more amazing as to how we react when we get caught in a lie! In case you are wondering I am not throwing any rocks! Jesus said to her that she was true in saying that she did not have "a" husband, because she had taken five, and that the one that she was staying with at that time was not her husband. She then saw Jesus as a prophet, and not as God in the flesh, and He had to reveal the truth to her, so even a five year old could understand it.
I have looked at those who chose to be victims, and I did not see my own choosing. I have looked at those addicted, and did not see my own addiction. I have been truly sorry, and then again I have been sorry only to get caught. Which woman was worse, the woman that had five husbands, and was staying with a sixth man (not a husband), or the one that they caught with only one? Before you answer that ask yourself in a serious sense, "What would Jesus (say) Do?" Do you have an addiction? Is it alcohol, drugs, sex, or something else? Why do you serve the addiction, and not Christ? Let's go even deeper, let's say you don't know Christ yet like you should. Why do you serve the addiction, the sin, instead of your family? Oh you're single, so why serve the addiction and the sin, rather than serve yourself? Why is the sin good to you? I can't answer for anyone else, but for me, to escape reality for a milli-second, and to feel like I was free, seemed to make things better. It's easy to be a Barney Christian! "Let's pretend that immorality is OK for a day boys and girls!" Sorry I couldn't stand that purple dinosaur! I had to come to realize that the truth is, the further you allow yourself to be swept into the fantasy world, the further away you fall from the real world. From true life, from eternal life.
Don't dream of a happy family, don't say one day my house will be a home, create it now! Drop your rocks, and stand on The ROCK!
Father God in the name of Jesus, forgive me as I look down my nose at others. Forgive me as I wallow in self pity. Forgive me for the times that I do not put You first. Lord let me focus on You, and not the crimes of others, nor the sins in my own house, that they would over shadow Your mercy and grace in my life. Let me pray in thanksgiving, giving You all the glory. Thank You Lord, for loving me. Amen.
Prayer requests, comments, discussions can be made here, or on the website in the upmost of confidence:
Or you can just ask Christ into your heart right now, and give Him everything. If you listen for His call in your life, get into a good Bible based church, and surround yourself with loving brother's and sister's I can assure you of three things:
1.) You will still be imperfect, however, 2.) Your life will be better, because you will see the perfection of Christ through the imperfections of self, and others. 3.) He will see you through! No matter what the situation, He can handle it, when we can't, He will deliver you!
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J
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