Remember that slogan from the Arid deodorant ads?
They would say, "Get a little closer, now don't be shy..."
I have to wonder sometimes if people don't get a little too close. You know? You tell someone something and you think to yourself, what was I thinking in telling him/her that!?
Ms. Joyce a wonderful minister used to say, "I don't keep secrets, if you tell me something I will tell everybody I know about it!" She did this because she didn't want to lose a friend over being wrongly accused. The Dean of Academics at my Bible College would say, "I keep things in confidence, but I do not keep secrets." His reasoning was that if you asked him to pray for you, that he might ask others to pray also, but not reveal who you were. In any case, God knows the need.
I saw families break up, and friendships end over the 2008 Presidential Elections. I have witnessed people make requests, not necessarily tell someone a secret, but just ask someone to pray, and miscommunication would lead to a break. What caused the miscommunication? In the majority if not all cases, haste! We are a rushed and hurried society. Time is money! Just what you want to hear right? I grew up in the microwave society, and now I am raising my kids in the igeneration. Instant, immediately, anyway how, me, mine, do it now! Does this sound familiar?
"Hey pal we've been friends since grade school can I burden you with something?"
"Sure thing, but it will cost you..." "I don't have much time, so..." (deaf ear turned)
Wow, thank you! Everything comes at a price now. What are you willing to pay, or sacrifice?
Pastor doesn't have time to listen, your best friend doesn't have time to listen, no one has time to listen, or talk until their spouse passes away, or a divorce takes place, then who needs an ear? Is that you? I don't want it to be me!
Christ already felt all of the pain, and anxiety. He knows how it feels, He took it all in one day, on one Cross, for one people, His people, all of humanity! Do you have favor, sure as a Christian you have favor, but God is no respecter of persons. God loves us all, even the sinner who chooses to turn his back on Him.
So if you are looking to draw closer to your spouse, your friends, or even that stranger, then don't be shy. If you draw closer to God, He will draw closer to you, and those that are closer to Him "truly closer" will also be closer to you! Don't force a closeness. Jordan would say, don't force the game, let the game come to you. You don't force closeness to friends, family, or a total stranger, you just get that closeness when you allow God to sovereignly arrange those steps. Prayer for today based on James 4:8
The devils roam is only for a season, don't let it ruin one of yours!
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J
They would say, "Get a little closer, now don't be shy..."
I have to wonder sometimes if people don't get a little too close. You know? You tell someone something and you think to yourself, what was I thinking in telling him/her that!?
Ms. Joyce a wonderful minister used to say, "I don't keep secrets, if you tell me something I will tell everybody I know about it!" She did this because she didn't want to lose a friend over being wrongly accused. The Dean of Academics at my Bible College would say, "I keep things in confidence, but I do not keep secrets." His reasoning was that if you asked him to pray for you, that he might ask others to pray also, but not reveal who you were. In any case, God knows the need.
I saw families break up, and friendships end over the 2008 Presidential Elections. I have witnessed people make requests, not necessarily tell someone a secret, but just ask someone to pray, and miscommunication would lead to a break. What caused the miscommunication? In the majority if not all cases, haste! We are a rushed and hurried society. Time is money! Just what you want to hear right? I grew up in the microwave society, and now I am raising my kids in the igeneration. Instant, immediately, anyway how, me, mine, do it now! Does this sound familiar?
"Hey pal we've been friends since grade school can I burden you with something?"
"Sure thing, but it will cost you..." "I don't have much time, so..." (deaf ear turned)
Wow, thank you! Everything comes at a price now. What are you willing to pay, or sacrifice?
Pastor doesn't have time to listen, your best friend doesn't have time to listen, no one has time to listen, or talk until their spouse passes away, or a divorce takes place, then who needs an ear? Is that you? I don't want it to be me!
Christ already felt all of the pain, and anxiety. He knows how it feels, He took it all in one day, on one Cross, for one people, His people, all of humanity! Do you have favor, sure as a Christian you have favor, but God is no respecter of persons. God loves us all, even the sinner who chooses to turn his back on Him.
So if you are looking to draw closer to your spouse, your friends, or even that stranger, then don't be shy. If you draw closer to God, He will draw closer to you, and those that are closer to Him "truly closer" will also be closer to you! Don't force a closeness. Jordan would say, don't force the game, let the game come to you. You don't force closeness to friends, family, or a total stranger, you just get that closeness when you allow God to sovereignly arrange those steps. Prayer for today based on James 4:8
The devils roam is only for a season, don't let it ruin one of yours!
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J
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