A blog from an imperfect Christian with an experienced soul. Going from glory to glory and being perfected for the day of eternity.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Even if you feel imperfect and don't feel worthy, remember that being a child of the King, means you, through Christ, are redeemed. Even if you have made mistakes and lived in constant sin, our God is still right there, and is still able to save us all. (John 3:17)
Even if you feel like Judas Iscariot, you can refuse the 30 pieces of silver, and even if you have already accepted them, you can still turn to the cross, rather than the rope. God can and will use you to His glory!
Even if you run like Jonah, or lie (as in lie down for those unaware of the Jez lifestyle) like Jezebel, God can and will use you. Hopefully we choose to be used for the kingdoms advancement through our advancement, rather than our being made an example.
Even if you feel rehab is beyond you, think of Rahab. She was a sporting woman that entertained many men, and God through Joshua used her, and saved her! Amazing how the entire city was destroyed and every wall downed, but Rahab and her house were saved! Yes, even if everyone else looks at you as filthy and worthless, God is able to change and save you, and rehab a Rahab! (Joshua 5&6)
Even if you struggle with sin, don't struggle with the knowledge of the love of God. Know His love, and you won't struggle with no love.
"For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world though Him might be saved!"(John 3:17 KJV)
Even if all hope appears to be gone, don't give in, don't give up, give everything, and give it to HIM, not man! Cross or rope, the choice is yours. The imperfect one prays that we all choose life!
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Church Mother Jab!
Have you ever been to a church or out in public, and have a woman stick and move on you? The exception being that she did the sticking, and your head and neck did the moving?
While in Jamaica, The imperfect Christian developed a stomach disorder. Mama T (the deaconess) chalked it up as running stomach. Her husband, Deacon Thomas, with her diagnosis, anointed the imperfect Christian with oil. He slathered it on the imperfect ones' head, neck, and body. The deacon smacked the imperfect Christians skin like a good corner man does a fighter. The deacon prayed over the imperfect one, that day and gave the instructuon that everyone was to rise each morning at sunrise for Son rise at 5:30am to have devotion. After much prayer, The imperfect one examined Mama T's ingredients, and discovered that Mama T was putting milk (a lot of milk), in his breakfast drink. From then on out, it was only fruits and veg-Jah-tables (veg-Jah-tables="vegetables" in the imperfect ones best Jamaican accent), an "I could've had a sweeter V-8," smack to the forehead, and healed! This was the cause of his running stomach, because the imperfect Christian is lactose intolerant... No more milk, no more running stomach, Go, and be blessed!
One of the imperfect Christians favorite church leaders "Ms. Alice Swepson Ray," once prayed over him after noticing that he was hurting spiritually. Then with a Holy Ghost, pungent swat to the forehead, and a mild case of temporal whiplash, that lasted all of approximately two seconds, he was healed. In fact the imperfect Christian laughed after he realized that she had just knocked some sense into him.
Then there was Mrs. Freeman. Mrs. Freeman used to do the same thing, and tell you that she loved you, but she would tag you with that flat open hand, to the forehead, quicker than a young Ali, and sharper than a seasoned, and oh so, crafty Larry Holmes could have.
The imperfect one loves the late Ms. Marilee, and Ms. Alice, and he loves the Thomas'! Above all the imperfect Cristian loves The Lord, for introducing and allowing him to meet and know such great people.The imperfect one thanks Him, and praises Him for allowing him to go, and be blessed!
Deuteronomy 28:6
Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... That real PB&J
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Justification Through Abdication
How do you justify hurting someone? How do you justify loving someone
that hurts you? Sometimes doing the right thing is like being punched in
the stomach. Remember "Harry and the Hendersons?" Remember the scene
where George Henderson (John Lithgow) punched Harry (the late Kevin
Peter Hall) in the stomach to get him to leave? George didn't want Harry
to go, but he felt it was best for Harry, so even in what seemed like a
putrid act of sheer evil to Harry, it was an act of love on the behalf
of George.
It's like your best friend moving to the beach, you give them a hug because the ask for it, then they come by your house to say good-bye, but you can't muster the strength to go to the door, you just lie in you room on the bed and cry.
It's like the disciples and all of the followers , thinking that Jesus would free them physically, and that the Romans would die, while all along it was Jesus that would die, and go.
Jesus gone? The throne abdicated? Certainly not! But the King did let go. Rather than punch us in the stomach, He took the pain. The He let go of the pain, He released all the sins of man, and cast them into a devil's hell, into a sea of forgetfulness, when we repent. Today perhaps you too, feel like you are living in hell, and don't want to die and go to hell. Call on Jesus (Romans 10:10-13), and He will release your sin as well. Are we sin free from then on? No. So is there a sinner preaching to you? Possibly. Is it a hypocrite preaching at you? Possibly. But what is impossible is saying that God doesn't love you. If He can use a wretch like the imperfect Christian to touch one soul, then imagine what He can do with a loyal soul, that is on fire for Him!
Letting go isn't always easy, not even if it's letting go of something for the right reason. Sometimes we have to let go of things that we love because it's best for the loved one, it may not feel like it's best for you, but it is, and sometimes we have to let go of things that we wish we could, and most likely should do without. At times letting go is necessary. Be blessed and know that He is GOD, and that you are LOVED!
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J
Sunday, May 19, 2013
How Many Times, How Many Ways?
Freedom is a road seldom traveled by the multitude. ~ Frederick Douglass
Most people do not recognize freedom. Even an enslaved soul has certain liberties, however, a self-made slave has none. Free dom, and free dumb. Rid yourself of domination, by freeing yourself from confusion and anxiety. Self inflicted wounds are shackles that confine the mind, the soul, and body.
How many times will you forget to forgive yourself? How many ways will you discover to cast blame on others rather than self?
How many times would your best friend bail you out of a gnarly situation. If the answer is not, "every single time they were truly capable," then odds are, you need a new best friend.
Freedom and friendship are not about how much money someone will lend you, or even give to you. It's not about someone giving you the shirt off of their back. Your best friend give you all of themselves when the money, shirt, and everything else is gone. What greater love has a person, than that a person lay down their life for their friends? (John 15:13) Does this mean that we are to sacrifice to the death? Not necessarily, but the genuine, true best friend, offers (genuinely/truly) to give such (to give all), and make such a sacrifice. If we are a true friend in return, we offer up the same, and we never forget our best friend.
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... That real PB&J!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
You Can Get With This, Or You Can Get With That...
Friday, April 19, 2013
What Have You Done?
API President Obama - not to be duplicated for profit. |
President John F. Kennedy instructed America, "Ask not what what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!"
Well here's a new one for you...
Matthew 6:I
[Do Good to Please God] "Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men (people/mankind), to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in Heaven.
I know you've seen that guy/gal that boasts about what they do, or have done for others right? Or those victims that ask the above, (I've done, or haven't done for you), "But What Have You Done For Me Lately?" You don't deserve any other blessing than you've already received. Take your pat on the back, and move along now. The intentions in your giving are what count, not your inventions and investments (for profit/reward)!
Until the blessing of a new dawn, until the return of Christ Jesus, I wish you and all... Heaven
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Remember WWJD? He Wouldn't Cop Out!
Attention Pastors:
Acts 1:8 New King James Version (NKJV)
"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.""Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me remove the speck that is in your eye,’ when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother’s eye." (Luke 6:42 NKJV)
Isn't it funny how some extremist miss the point? The IMPERFECT Christian was thinking about how some people, especial the extremist (cult) preachers call other people out, yet they themselves can't see the beam in their own eye. What's worse than not seeing the beam in your own eye? Trying to push your brothers beam further into his eye, and ending up losing a brother, or losing yourself.
Worthless preachers, and politicians don't like being out of their comfort zones much. Meaning, a useless pastor is right at home in a church. He avoids taking LOVE to the street, but he'll go preach his (so called) authority in God to the street. A useless politician (like the so called preacher in his church, that should be recognized as Gods' house) is right at home in his/her government office.
The preacher is supposed to reach out to supply his people with the Good News, and help Gods' people. Instead today's iGeneration preacher uses the internet, or the building that he hides in to slander, and hinder Gods' people. The politician is supposed to represent, and invest in his/her people. Instead that politician relishes in the ruin of the other party and intimidates his/her own while doing so. Get on board (let us brainwash you), or be buried in the ruin!
Last time I heard, it was a commandment not to bear false witness against your brother. Isn't that a part of your instruction as a Christian, isn't that a COMMANDMENT if you are a Christian church, or did that change somewhere?
Under-shepherds and politicians are not concerned with their people anymore. They are not concerned with their service anymore. They are all about power in THEIR own name. The preacher masks the contradiction by SAYING it's power in Gods' name, but look and see if God's getting the glory or if love is being given, even if it's a tough love. Is the politician doing the same? Of course, only he/she is hiding behind the word "constitution!" The imperfect Christian dares to say that more than half of the people that stand so strongly over that parchment cannot even tell you what it is, what it says beyond, "We the people," or what it stands for. What would Jesus say about the "CONStitution?" Or better yet, what would He say about the "free" cons in the government offices hiding behind it?
Open your minds, carefully... as to not let your brains fall out, but open your minds. Get it right in self (at home), then take it to the street, then take it to the Oval Office and any other place you choose. Just make sure PREACHER/political LEADER that the beam in your own eye is clear first. Until next time.
Peace, Blessings, & Joy... That real PB&J
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Who Are Your True Friends?
Original first draft of the Emancipation Proclamation |
Your true friends, who are they? The imperfect one says this to himself, and his true friends:
"Understand something please... you are and always will be good enough, regardless to what anyone else ever says."
The imperfect one has been told at least once, well more than that he's pretty certain, that people were doing something for his benefit. The part where your parents tell you that they are grounding you, or going to punish you for your own good, well that part's true. When a person claiming to be your friend tells you that, you know it's time to take cover. What that person is telling you is that you are not worth the effort.
February 13, 2013 marks the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. For the benefit of a people, and a nation, slavery was abolished. Freedom is a wonderful thing isn't it? It is until someone sends a family or another individual out with no food, no funds, and literally no way to survive. That type of freedom is not for their benefit. That type of freedom is not beneficial to anyone.
"I'll be around ain't going nowhere..." |
The INterview |
The imperfect one finds it overly humorous that someone would say that other people don't know when to shut up, or that they totally ruined a good time because of too much talk, then overtly teach someone else how ridiculous it is to make such statements because all they know how to do is run their mouth. Unfortunately it takes someone else to show us that sometimes we are that person to other people. Sometimes to the talker we talk too much, go figure. Is anyone listening yet, or are you waving your hands and talking bad about the IMPERFECT Christian now too? Were we sharing and venting way too much when we should have been caring and circumventing? Sometimes you have to go around the nonsense to get to the heart of the matter. To do that we have to walk in silence and listen. Therefore, today the imperfect one would like to apologize for talking to much, and saying the unnecessary things. Yes, even to the talker, because the imperfect one should have loved you enough to keep his big mouth shut and listen. He will try to do better next time if you will let him.
Guilt should not be confused with hurt. Business as usual, did you have to do that, or did you really hear something tell you how wrong you were this morning? For the good of who? "I'm doing this for the good of you!" Well for the good of you friend, like Jesus I will call you friend and mean it, even if it means the death of me. Jesus went to the cross for all, but only some accepted. So goes life when you give your all to a friend. For some that's still not good enough, but it doesn't mean that you are not good enough. Don't be a doormat, just be a friend. I know how all of those words, and actions have made me feel, and I know what it's like to have someone look you dead in the eye, and more or less tell you with not only words but actions as well, that they do not care if you live or die for another second. Well the imperfect one cares. The imperfect one may not have all the answers, and he is definitely no savior, but he is a friend that will listen. He is having a hard time learning to listen like Jesus though. Listening after betrayal is a tough pill to swallow, but unfortunately the imperfect one knows that it can be done. He knows from Jesus' teaching, and from personal experience.
The imperfect one also knows what it's like for someone to tell him that they are going to do something, and find out that it was only lip service. "Let me come help you!" "I'd do anything for you!" "I'll always be here." The only soul that will guarantee any of those things is God, and a true best friend, if one is fortunate to know either of them. The imperfect one is grateful for the true best friend. If he needed $1,000 there are a few that would give it if they had it to give. There are few that would truly give, but thank God for the few. The few that you would give to someone that they didn't even know. The few that would give to someone after being neglected, abused, betrayed, or misused in the worse way if the need was real. Even if that person wasn't appreciative of the giver! Jesus was that friend.
The imperfect one knows a little something about what Jesus faced in being falsely accused as well. The imperfect one knows what it's like to be rightly and falsely accused. He knows that it's painful to face the music sometimes. He also knows that it's very difficult not to think about revenge when he walks into the concert hall of lies, and anger strikes after the music has been playing out of tune, the lyrics lie, and he can only think about wanting to smash somebodies pipe organ! He understands but wishes that he didn't understand the latter feelings as well as he does.
He knows what it's like to feel less than worthy of someones love, and appreciation. He knows how it feels when a friend says that they never felt good enough. You dear reader may be saying that you have been hurt, and mistreated too, that you are not good enough. Well there are some of us that know those feelings too, you are not alone. Be encouraged however, and know that even when a friendship is on the line, or perhaps even a life is on the line, you have a friend that is right there! The imperfect one wishes that he could be for a lot more of his friends, but he knows that even when he can't cover you, that Jesus has got all of us covered. You dear friend that cared enough to read, were and will be better than just "good enough" to me!
It wasn't about money, or an exchange of favors, in fact it wasn't anything remotely close to that, it was simply about two hearts needing another heart to understand and be there. I want to take time to say thank you for taking time not just to read my "rambling," but to care enough about me to be here for me. So to conclude, if I don't get out and knock on those doors, or have the in person lunches like I would like to, then let me say today, that I love you for being "good enough" to care. That makes you "good enough" in my book for a lifetime.
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J
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