Monday, February 13, 2012

When You Really Matter...

One tends to think of themselves when someone mentions time. To be selfish, and say, "When will he/she make time for me!?" You want alone time, and can't seem to get it. They want to go party, and you just ain't wit' it... That's the theme song for an "opposites attract" couple-especially those with children.

Or for those of you on the dating scene... I'm going out with the guys this weekend, or it's girls night out... Yeah but what about ME!? They always make time for others, but never you. Yeah those words and actions are more likely than not, mood killers and ofttimes relationship destroyers.

The imperfect one has a Baby Girl that always asks for time, and you know... she's worth every second of it. There is a time however, when the demand is too great to fill. You can't raise a child to believe that anyone (no, not even daddy) can drop everything, every time, and attend to every request. It is foolish to raise, teach, make anyone to feel or believe that. How many times have you ever heard a mother from the hood say, "What's wrong with you!? Can't you see grown folks talkin'!?" The mothers in the hood will tell their spouses that, let alone their kids, get outta line she dares you!

Then there is the classic non-hood approach, where you ignore them until they tug your pants leg, use a louder voice, and force you to say, "You're being ignored for a reason."

There are those times when there are interruptions that do not get turned away, however. Therefore, in those occasions (children or peers) you have to be the bigger person, and just walk away. For sanity's sake, and for demonstration of what worth is all about, you just have to SHOW all parties involved that your time and effort are of worth.

The world would be more impressed by a demonstration of our faith than by a description of it! ~ via Zig Ziglar Daily Devo

How many people do you see post about faith in a social network, then turn around and brag about things that not only God has deemed inappropriate, but you as a parent would? Come on you know where this is going...

"I love the Lord, Jesus is so good to me!" in one post, then the next post is a picture of a nude, or might as well be nude woman on his/her page. Yes his/hers... Not to mention what the captions might say. Then there are those of us (Christians) that really show our hypocritical sides and paint a prettier (nastier, more evil) picture with words alone. But we are still Christians right? Imperfect or not we say that we believe... but what do we believe, and for how long?

I have witnessed lots of things via the bigger social networks, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. A young lady that I have had the privilege of coaching, and getting to know over the years posted on her wall for all to see, "Hopefully one day your life will be as cool as you make it appear on Facebook."

The imperfect one will play like the BASF of bloggers and be innovative with her quote... Hopefully one day your life will be as true, complete, and honorable as you ATTEMPT to make it in your stories, and on Facebook.

Do you really love that man/woman, do you really love yourself? Do you? Stop lying to yourself, and know that you can't lie to the One that always makes time for you, never lies to you, never makes excuses, and never breaks any promises. The imperfect one doesn't make promises anymore, and he also knows that there is only One that is capable of upholding such a standard and His name is Jesus.

Lord I don't want to be wrong. I don't want to think or hurt, or think of being hurt, but I know that only You can be that One...

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J

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