Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What Is Love: Stormy Weather & Brighter Days

Tropical Storm Lee hits Louisiana coast | Reuters

A.B.C.D E F.G... H. Irene! First Irene, then the letter "J," JustA (Tropical Storm), then "K," Katia, and then in comes "L," with Lee... Well good people the imperfect Christian had some crazy dreams during the night when Irene came to visit his humble mountain abode. Oh top of that the imperfect one awakened his wife with his tossing and turning and in turn his wife woke him up, to check on him. The imperfect Christian is not a storm chaser, but has grown to enjoy them in some cases, not all. The storms seem to remind the imperfect Christian of Gods' glory when he finds himself in the midst of one. As Kirk Franklin would say, "The storm don't last no way." The imperfect one can hear Jesus saying to the storm for him, "Peace be still." The imperfect Christian has learned some valuable life lessons after the natural, and supernatural storms in his life.

The storm was amazing! Like a scene right out of a movie... the sound of the pines cracking in the pitch dark as the wind roared. The imperfect curtains rushing away from the window seals, and racing to the ceiling, like banners on stubborn flagpoles, ready to see their cohorts ripped away, rather than bend. Then a change of direction in the wind vacuums the drapes back in against the screen tightly, until the wind calms, and they fall back into place. This reminds the imperfect one of the crucifixion. Rather than be bent, or show any signs of flexibility, compromise, or just plainly admit that they were wrong, the disciples stayed firm in their thinking. Peter didn't think he would deny Christ, but he did, and did so three times. (Matthew 26:35) Then Judas Iscariot after asking whether it would be him that would betray Christ, led the soldiers straight to Him. Jesus called Judas friend, moments before the soldiers whisked him away! (Matthew 26:50) Thomas continued to doubt, until Christ showed up passing through a locked door drawing close to each one of them as they were in a panic, fearing that they like Jesus would also be crucified. Jesus calmed that storm to, and after the veil was rent into, there was a settling that had to take place, and then with understanding there was peace.

Some will say that God tempted the disciples, or that God tempted Pharaoh. That it was their destiny which was predestined by God, Himself... The Word says: "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts He any man: (James 1:13-14 AKJV)

So although, you have a storm that you are having to endure, understand that sunny days always seem much brighter after a storm has passed.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J!

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