The imperfect Christian loved the Chevy Chase movie Fletch. The imperfect Christian thinks about one line in particular that Chevy uses in that movie. He said he was 6'3" normally, but 6'9" with an afro. Well looking at the imperfect Christian's ministry, and how it is shared with others, I am normally 5'11", but desiring to be 6'5" if not taller. So where do we measure up as ministers? We talk to people, and mention our spirituality, and some people cringe, but say nothing. Others share their faith in return, and some, well they just tell you that they are not religious at all, and that they do not want to talk about it period.
The imperfect Chrsitian spoke to a single parent one day, that said their son was in a group home. As a minister I have visited group homes before, and it is not a bad gig, and it beats prison like a drum, but it's still not home! The imperfect one said, "Well things have a way of coming out in the wash." The concerned parent asked what I meant. The reply that the imperfect one gave was something like this:
Time has a way of healing things if we let it, and if we have the right source. Upon getting a little deeper, the imperfect one explained that he believed that Christ can wash all sin away, and that in time, He heals all wounds. This parent asked, and the imperfect one told. However, even with telling the concerned parent that the imperfect one didn't attempt to force his faith on anyone, and believed that all had the choice to make for themselves, the concerned parent went from grateful, to offended. The words were, "I am not in the mood to talk religion right now." The imperfect Christian in love, said, "I gave you my heart because you asked, and I would rather offend you with non-religious spirituality, than to lie to you, or sugarcoat anything, but again I do not force my faith on anyone."
We can go to most communities and talk about politics, sex, and various other worldly issues and argue, or talk all day, but mention Christ, or your spiritual joy in Him to the wrong person, and you've either lost a friend, or started a riot.

So let's take a little off the top now shall we. The imperfect one didn't kick this person, or their feelings to the curb, but instead listened to their hurt, and pain without suffering any set backs that would cause a deeper pain for the single parent, and waited patiently. The imperfect one and the single parent talked about things working out, and the imperfect one even used scripture, but because the single parent is not a devout Christian, they only heard friendly words. "A person who has friends, must show themselves friendly..." Anyone know where that is in the Bible? It's not an exact quote from your 1611 KJV Authorized, or even an NIV direct quoted verse, but it is the Word, and close to being quoted. So I made myself friendly, then followed rule #1, and remembered that I have two ears, and one mouth. The imperfect Christian listened well, and then prayed silently, to prepare [hymnself] and this person for the love that only God can give. I am not sneaking around my faith, I am just not offending a friend, and I am giving them the Word, without talking about something that they are not in the mood for.
Most people that do not know God, or know Him as well as they should will eventually say, "You always know what to say," or "Where do you get that from?" Then bam, lookout for the seed, "It was God... He gave that to me through His Word." "Yeah I read that in the Bible." You get the picture. They may run again, and then again they may reject it totally, or they may feel the Spirit, and be moved. I am not forcing this blog on a soul, but I am telling you the reader, that I love you, and more so I am telling you that there is a God that loves you more.
Until the next time:
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J
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