Monday, February 1, 2010

Mauled at the Mall!!!

OK according to the reports, and Wiki a youth pastor was mauled at the mall in Roseville, CA. The pastor was placed under citizens arrest after witnessing to two mall goers. The report says the pastor offered to leave, but was not given an opportunity. No reports state that the man was obnoxious, or refused to leave and then changed his actions after being warned.
Roseville is a part of the Sacramento Metropolitan Area (SMA). This mall (again according to the report), has a ban on anything religious. The ban includes t-shirts with religious themes, anyone talking about religion, anything religious period! Now you want the amazing contradiction in this story? Take a look at the list of retailers at the bottom of the Wiki link... They have a Thomas Kinkade store in there mall... hmmmm

See the "Controversy" section on Wiki for the full reading of the mauling at the mall. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and you will find the retailer list that includes a business that for the most part is a Christian retail chain, "Thomas Kinkade." Most of his paintings, I am going to say roughly two-thirds, are Christian based paintings if not all of them. Go figure...

If this story holds true, and the pastor did nothing but witness to two willing strangers, and offered to leave with no problems, then it sounds a bit harsh, and unjust. However, in all honesty it is still nothing compared to those who fear for their lives daily for the sake of the ministry. The possiblity of being persecuted is haunting. This pastor was fortunately only held in confinement. Stephen a (biblical martyr - Acts 7:54-60) was stoned to death. There are many more Stephens around the world even today, and perhaps even a few here in the US, but not actively sought after like those in communist or third world nations. Count your blessings America! Oh yeah does the First Amendment, and freedom of speech work for all American citizens, or just non-Christians? We all know how it should work...

Peace, Blessings, and Joy, in Him (That real PB&J!)

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