Imagine a bright sunny day, on a small town street. You're sitting in front of the bank with your windows down, a slight summer breeze eases through, and gently caresses your face. You can hear the river flowing just above a whisper off of the bank below, but you can hear the playing children clear as a bell. You can hear their enthusiasm as they are running about, laughing, and playing at the park on the other side of the river. Ahhh... the sound of small town laughter to remind you of your own youth. It's invigorating isn't it?! That's good medicine no matter who you are, however, abruptly out of the Carolina Blue, that joyful memory stroll is interrupted by a horn toot and flashing lights just down the street. Your perfect get-away sabotaged by noise pollution! In the country you can't say a block down, because this small town street is more like the one traffic light town. This town in particular has only a few shops left on it's main strip. It's a small town where pretty much everyone knows each other.
In this one particular case, however, it was the first time that the imperfect Christian had ever witnessed this person. She was petite, but looked a tad bit feisty! She appeared to be rushed on this beautiful sun filled day, and somewhat aggravated about it. She stormed out of her building, hands full, arms loaded, and now trying to get into a station wagon parked directly in front of her buildings doorway. She tugged at the handle, and for the life of herself, could not get the door to budge. She sat her coffee mug on top of the car, and now tugs even harder, and still no go. She tries the key fob again, and again a toot, and more flashing lights as she stands next to the drivers door.
At this time the imperfect Christian is almost in tears and trying to stay out of sight until he can regain his composure. He notices her reaching for the lock on the door with the key. At this point the imperfect Christian thinks about how bad he would feel if someone would have to have a lock replaced, or if they would have to have repairs made to their vehicle because he sat back and did nothing. Sure it made for a good laugh, but now the laugh was done, and it was time to assist and do the right thing. So the imperfect Christian opens the door of his church van, that is now a makeshift delivery van, and yells down the street to her, "Ma'am, their is a car just like the one you're attempting to get into, with the lights flashing right behind you." She throws her hands up, and says, "How dumb was that!?" She waves to thank me, walks back to the other car (hers) embarrassed, and still talking to herself while opening car door. It was too funny!
Then there was a time when the imperfect Christian was standing with a friend in the bank parking lot talking. We had just left the building, and were reminiscing over the past, when a man walked out of the bank, rudely said, "Excuse me," split between my friend and I, and got into the car we were standing next to. He fumbled around in his pocket, took one more hateful look at us, and then grabbed his keys, paused and looked around the car, and then slipped out a wirty dord...
My friend amazed said, "He just got into my car!" I asked if she knew the man, and she replied, "NO!" I turned back to look at him, and he got out of the car, and said, "I can't believe I got in the wrong .... car!" My friend said, "It's OK." I laughed and thought yeah we couldn't believe that either, I won't ask how you feel right about now, cause it shows all over your face! Classic small town duh... I left my brain inside moments.
Last but not least, on my way back home, I witness another station wagon funny. A man walks out of the gas station and tries to open the back gate on a Post Mortem Transport'em. It's locked, and the man shows his disgust. So he walks to the back passenger door, and gives the handle a tug, which results in an even more frustrated look. With one last attempt, he goes to the front passenger door, and is hot enougn to spit fire at this point. He goes back to the rear of the little station wagon, and take a glimpse to his left. What does he see? A car that is exactly like the one he's trying to break into! Again hilarious! The owner walks out with the lady that is accompanying the man, and imperfect Christian number two in the back seat rolls his window down to hear the man get cursed out. Instead the woman (owner of the car) starts laughing about it, puts her beer in the front seat, and the man and his family laugh back to their car, and he comes back, they talk more, and laugh a little more, and he says, "Well at least no one else saw, me and you didn't come out here mad and all." Then he looked to his right, and there we are the two imperfect Christians with grins from ear to ear! This happens way to often when I am around, but by the grace of GOD has yet to happen to me. Thank You GOD! (Smile)
Yeah the devil unloads some crazy things on us. We lose our focus, we believe the lies, and we have to snap out of it, and get on back on board. It's a lot easier, however, if we allow Jesus to see us back on board, and into the peaceful shore. Peter could have attempted to swim back to the boat, and climb aboard, but instead, Peter had to snap out of it, regain focus, and call on the Lord. Jesus not only took Peter to shore safely, but got all of the disciples back to shore safely. If you've lost focus today, I would like to pray for you. As a born again Christian, I will ask those born again to pray for me as well. Please leave your request at the site: http://sites.google.com/site/gotravvy
If you wish you may leave your name, or an alias, and please know that all requests are confidential. So please leave us your email information, and requests and if you desire we will get in touch with you as soon as we possibly can. Thank you and God bless.
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... (That real PB&J)
In this one particular case, however, it was the first time that the imperfect Christian had ever witnessed this person. She was petite, but looked a tad bit feisty! She appeared to be rushed on this beautiful sun filled day, and somewhat aggravated about it. She stormed out of her building, hands full, arms loaded, and now trying to get into a station wagon parked directly in front of her buildings doorway. She tugged at the handle, and for the life of herself, could not get the door to budge. She sat her coffee mug on top of the car, and now tugs even harder, and still no go. She tries the key fob again, and again a toot, and more flashing lights as she stands next to the drivers door.
At this time the imperfect Christian is almost in tears and trying to stay out of sight until he can regain his composure. He notices her reaching for the lock on the door with the key. At this point the imperfect Christian thinks about how bad he would feel if someone would have to have a lock replaced, or if they would have to have repairs made to their vehicle because he sat back and did nothing. Sure it made for a good laugh, but now the laugh was done, and it was time to assist and do the right thing. So the imperfect Christian opens the door of his church van, that is now a makeshift delivery van, and yells down the street to her, "Ma'am, their is a car just like the one you're attempting to get into, with the lights flashing right behind you." She throws her hands up, and says, "How dumb was that!?" She waves to thank me, walks back to the other car (hers) embarrassed, and still talking to herself while opening car door. It was too funny!
Then there was a time when the imperfect Christian was standing with a friend in the bank parking lot talking. We had just left the building, and were reminiscing over the past, when a man walked out of the bank, rudely said, "Excuse me," split between my friend and I, and got into the car we were standing next to. He fumbled around in his pocket, took one more hateful look at us, and then grabbed his keys, paused and looked around the car, and then slipped out a wirty dord...
My friend amazed said, "He just got into my car!" I asked if she knew the man, and she replied, "NO!" I turned back to look at him, and he got out of the car, and said, "I can't believe I got in the wrong .... car!" My friend said, "It's OK." I laughed and thought yeah we couldn't believe that either, I won't ask how you feel right about now, cause it shows all over your face! Classic small town duh... I left my brain inside moments.
Last but not least, on my way back home, I witness another station wagon funny. A man walks out of the gas station and tries to open the back gate on a Post Mortem Transport'em. It's locked, and the man shows his disgust. So he walks to the back passenger door, and gives the handle a tug, which results in an even more frustrated look. With one last attempt, he goes to the front passenger door, and is hot enougn to spit fire at this point. He goes back to the rear of the little station wagon, and take a glimpse to his left. What does he see? A car that is exactly like the one he's trying to break into! Again hilarious! The owner walks out with the lady that is accompanying the man, and imperfect Christian number two in the back seat rolls his window down to hear the man get cursed out. Instead the woman (owner of the car) starts laughing about it, puts her beer in the front seat, and the man and his family laugh back to their car, and he comes back, they talk more, and laugh a little more, and he says, "Well at least no one else saw, me and you didn't come out here mad and all." Then he looked to his right, and there we are the two imperfect Christians with grins from ear to ear! This happens way to often when I am around, but by the grace of GOD has yet to happen to me. Thank You GOD! (Smile)
Yeah the devil unloads some crazy things on us. We lose our focus, we believe the lies, and we have to snap out of it, and get on back on board. It's a lot easier, however, if we allow Jesus to see us back on board, and into the peaceful shore. Peter could have attempted to swim back to the boat, and climb aboard, but instead, Peter had to snap out of it, regain focus, and call on the Lord. Jesus not only took Peter to shore safely, but got all of the disciples back to shore safely. If you've lost focus today, I would like to pray for you. As a born again Christian, I will ask those born again to pray for me as well. Please leave your request at the site: http://sites.google.com/site/gotravvy
If you wish you may leave your name, or an alias, and please know that all requests are confidential. So please leave us your email information, and requests and if you desire we will get in touch with you as soon as we possibly can. Thank you and God bless.
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... (That real PB&J)