My kids are very compassionate, and all of them have big hearts. If someone is feeling down, or under the weather, my kids will do what they can to help lift their spirits and perk them up. Well on Monday night Smiley was sitting in front of the TV messing with some Legos or something, just hanging out. He and his brother had played Need For Speed Go Fast, Crash, and Somethin' or Nother Edition, and at this point it was just time to unwind before bed. We had a big road trip that Tuesday, and he was just chillaxin.' I went into the bedroom put on my long Black silky shorts to get comfy, then went to the bathroom, and said with no hesitation, "Hey the right one came out pretty easy." I had struggled with my contacts for a couple of days at that point, and was getting more frustrated with each day.
Smiley amazed said, "You got it out already dad?"
It had taken me about 3 days to get them out with the last attempt.
I paused for a second and then belted out a grunt from the center of my belly, and then literally screamed! My son just looked up with a deep look of concern. I stumbled out of the bathroom with eyes wide open, and feeling threw the air like I had lost my way...
Smiley sat with his mouth gaping open, and his eyes fixed on my left eye, that had no pupil, just a red spot running from where it used to be. He was frozen in fear. He was truly paralyzed and just sat there! I fell through the kitchen laughing and he finally got up caught his breath and said, while gently placing his hand on my shoulder, "Dad please don't ever do that to me again, I almost wet myself." He was smiling at the time, but his heart was really racing, it was priceless!
OK anyone else with great stories on what pranks they've pulled on their kids are welcomed to comment. Or even better, if you had one of your parents pull one over on you, please share...
Peace and I'm out... Tomorrow at 1pm starts my 3 day extravaganza!
and the sad part is....this is just the tip of the ice berg of things you have done and have yet to do to them...Bless their hearts! hehe :-)