Monday, June 19, 2017

How Do You Treat Them? 
(Photo by GoTravvy)

The imperfect one was listening to Jesse DuPlantis one day, and he hit his heart with God's love in a big, big way. The Pentecostal and evangelical DuPlantis spoke about how we as Christians mistreat one another, but especially pastors and it really taught the imperfect one as much as it touched him. It's bad enough to face discrimination, but most of us (including imperfect one from times in his past, but hopefully not in his future), also sport the title of hypocrite, and not just discriminator. We talk about discrimination when race is involved, then quickly forget that discrimination is not limited to just race. We have gender discrimination in the church, and we have denominational discrimination, but it's not limited to just those two, there is a wide variety of discrimination to choose from. Some folks are nasty to the Jehovah's Witnesses. The imperfect Christian's house is a whole lot of Heaven help him, and in need of a lot of attention, and the Jehovah'sWitnesses still leave literature on his door when he is gone, anyway. When they catch the imperfect one at home, however, let a brotha just tell you the imperfect one invites them back for coffee or tea with David B (a 120 lb Rottweiler), and they usually send a new squad out, or they stay gone for a long while. When they do the imperfect one leaves them literature inviting them back for coffee or tea. They must feel like Dave B has thumbs, can open doors, and has a hankering for making snacks out of strangers, because the note (along with their last literature) is still stuck in the imperfect door where they left their last pamphlet. The imperfect ones offer still stands, they are welcome at his home and/or church so long as it's a peaceful conversation, and both sides get to share in their faith with the appropriate time on the latter.

Back to Evangelist DuPlantis. He said that he had a dream about thousands of people walking and some got tired and fell, and those that were more physically able trampled the lesser able. They trampled them into a bloody heap, blood covered their feet ankle deep. Jesse said that Jesus stopped them, then he said Jesus asked him as He wiped his feet off with a bowl full of His tears, "You see these people you're trampling? They're all pastors, and they're all my children, and you don't walk on my children!" Lesson learned! So what then is the imperfect one to do, Lord? He said to the imperfect heart, "Read John 13:34."

Some Christians don't care for Pastor Joel Osteen's ministry because he emphasizes about our best days being ahead of us, and he doesn't preach daily about the hell behind us, and the demons around us. Well with that said sometimes one has to read or listen with a bit of inference. If you know that there's a God, and that He is loving, just, and almighty, then you have to know that there is an evil one that is none of that, and doesn't want you to know to look forward to Jesus for heaven's rewards. Oh, and why not enjoy the earthly blessings along the way?

Benny Hinn is another... How many of you, like the imperfect one has said, "If he can miraculously heal those people in stadiums, and in mega facilities, then how come he can't go to a hospital and heal all those precious NICU patients, or heal all those with pediatric cancer to those elderly dealing with cancer or dementia? How bout this, read Acts 5:38 & 39, then go help the cause of those you desire to see helped. Get involved in more than being just a critic, stop talkin' and get in the game playa! The imperfect one had to preach at self on this one before too, and he moved on it, and is still moving. You can call him out, but be careful he'll put you on blast and ask you to participate with him, or send a donation to the cause.

Lastly, how about the non-Baptist and non-Pentecostals picking on the Baptist, and Pentecostals? "That preacher is just too loud, why is he screaming at me?" Then the inverted version of that with the calmer denominations... "That one is not excitable!" "That church is dead!" The list goes on and on... So let the imperfect one ask you a question now. When's the last time you talked with Jesus, then patiently listened for Him, and not been quick to run with the Gossip Times? Satan has enough paper boys, he doesn't need you too. He's even on social media now, don't believe it, peep your Facebook. News flash, the Jew's that are Messianic are not our enemies, and neither are the Jehovah's Witnesses. Pastor Osteen, Benny Hinn, those loud pastors in your community, and those quiet, laid back, relaxed pastors, yeah... not your enemy either. The imperfect Christian isn't your enemy either, but what he knows is this, the word of God says, "When a man's ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." (Proverbs 16:7) He may not make them to love you, be they'll leave you be when God says that they have to. Trust in the Lord, and not the latest bashing trend, and it'll be alright. Until next time, or until heaven... Peace, blessings, and joy... that real PB&J