A Few Good Men?
You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!"
An infamous line made more than famous by Jack Nicholson in the movie "A Few Good Men."
Well here's a simple truth about the imperfect Christian that he can handle, and wishes he didn't have to. He needs to be more industrious in his bid to serve the Lord.
The picture above is what the imperfect Christian's BDU's should look like. BDU meaning; "basic dress uniform." His reasoning for saying this is because the imperfect Christian was once a diligent student of the Word, a soldier in the Army of the Lord. He's working hard to get back in the spiritual shape that justifies his status as such a (life long) student.
We all go through ups and downs, and have to find a turning point. The imperfect one is no different, he had to find his turning point in more than one occasion. The imperfect Christian once wrote Skip Heitzig (pastor at The Calvary Church in Albuquerque) and told him that his heroes "were," Magic Johnson, Dr. J (Julius Irving), Ozzie Smith, and a running back from USC (The University of Southern California, as well as former Bill and Niner), that his fans called Juice, that now resides in the DOC (Department of Corrections), and is called an OPUS # by officers and other DPS (Department of Public Safety) officials.
The imperfect one told Pastor Skip that his new heroes were the pastors like Dr. Billy Graham, and himself. The imperfect Christian told Pastor Skip that he listened to and learned from the Greg Laurie's, the Tony Evans,' Charles Stanley's, and Jeremy Troxler's of the ministry world.
The imperfect Christian explained that he was in a church every time the doors were open. He was tuned into WMIT every time he listened to his car radio. He was in the Word whenever he had a break.
Pastor Heitzig to a break from a very hectic schedule and replied by sending the imperfect Christian a signed book on his Revelation series. Talk about a game changer!
So how does the imperfect Christian help change the game even more? He encourages himself and others to be selfless and listen to the outpouring of a needy heart, then respond in a Christ-like, loving way. You never know what life you might impact in a very positive way.
Will you join the cause as Christ looks for a few good men? I'm praying that you will.
Until next time... until the blessing of a new dawn... until the return of Christ Jesus... I wish you and all Heaven!!!